The BEST interface for votekicking would be this:
1. A player writes votekick or !votekick in the text chat and hit ENTER.
2. He then will be given a list of players. 1-7 would be player names. 8 would be BACK and 9 for NEXT list of players.3. After the player chooses, the other players will be given a choice of voting. F1 for YES or F2 for NO.
4. When the correct amount is reached, the cheater will be KICKED.
Simple, right?
It's faster to use tilde, type 3 first letter of player name hit TAB hit Enter
The only thing which this vote-kick really need is GUI which will popup when some1 start voting, and GUI will display in bottom/middle part of screen simple but visible and clear message
"Press "key" to vote YES / Press "key" to vote NO" and thats all what is needed.