1.) Please put a small prompt to let people know they can press F1 to vote yes on vote kicking the person being kicked, press F2(or do nothing) to decline the vote. Something like
Vote to kick PlayerXYZ?
F1 - Yes
F2 - No
2.) Please prompt for reason when a vote kick is initiated. That way the person initiating the vote kick can explain the reason for the kick. I have to ask this question almost every time a kick is initiated
3.) Please make it so that the automated tools hackers are using to lock other users out of being able to vote kick them can be overcome. As it stands currently hackers can use automated tools to lockout a vote kick, by initiating a vote kick themselves. One hacker is bad enough with these tools let alone when more than one joins the server. The cool off period is three minutes...more than enough time for a hacker to run rampant on the server and ruin a round at a time. I would suggest something like if 1/3 of the server population(if 1/3 is greater than 1) or 2 or more players attempt to initiate a vote kick against a player even during a cool off period that player is kicked.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and good luck, have fun:)