Vote PRO mode back on PS3!!

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:09 am

Hi everyone!

I′v been ranking up on this game and been loving it and really looking forward for the PRO mode because I always play hardcoe in every game I play because for me it′s more "real" and more fun.

And when I find out that some people have voted the PRO mode to be taken off, and it′s gone now, I just can′t believe it. Why don′t people want to play hardcoe?
Crisis 2 is awesome but would be even more with the PRO. In PRO you really have to use your equipment as your supposed too. You don′t have to empty your whole clip before the player dies.
You really have to use tactics and play together with your team to win the game.

Just because some people didn′t want PRO dosen′t mean that everyone thinks it′s not needed.
I payed for my game with the knowledge of a PRO mode and I want it BACK!

Come on ppl! VOTE IT BACK!
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Vera Maslar
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:22 pm

I actually very much agree with you, i have been a long time CoD fan maybe not since their first but starting with modern warfare, i recently got really sick of playing them and decided to start playing crysis 2 multiplayer and really enjoyed it. Looking at your post and finding out that classic and pro mode have been taken out pisses me off, because i for one enjoy them thouroughly, to me it makes a game feel more realistic and immersive, i can't believe that there aren't other people that share our love for multiple game modes and not only standard.(anywayz to make my long story short i vote to bring them back i'm already getting tired of wasting a whole clip in someone for him to turn around shoot me and i die.) I also unfortunately have super slow internet though cricket broadband FTL (can't currently get anything better here.)

EDIT: oh and to add to this, the fact that they took away classic and pro to add other playlists that people still don't play shows me that they (sarcasm starts here) really wanted this game to have a long lasting life (sarcasm ends here). If they kept classic and pro but also added the other playlists that would atleast give us variety to choose from and make the game have a longer lasting life, but thats just my two cents because to me taking away playlists to add others just so you don't have a lot of playlists is dumb, why can't they have classic and pro with the others? (because that adds two more modes to each playlist and thats just not allowed?) whatever, i'm guna suggest something you make like it, you may not i don't really care either way but maybe if you make your lists like this (see below) then it wouldn't seem like a huge a** mess.

Team instant action(click) then comes up your modes (new recruits) (standard) (classic) (pro)

Instant action(click) samething as above

Crash site(click) above^

Onslaught(click) above ^

Retaliation DLC(click) then here you would have (Team instant action) (instant action) (crash site) (Onslaught)(click on either of those) and then you get (New recruits) (Standard) (classic) (Pro)

Decimation DLC(click) and again look at retaliation DLC.

EDIT:EDIT:Sorry by now you probably are thinking i'm acting like i think i know all that there is to know about making a game better, but i'm simply just putting out my opinions, (you don't have to like them nor do they have to use them) but in addition to what i've said above if CRYTEK implemented the DLC maps into the normal rotation it would make it a lot easier for people that want to play the new maps they downloaded. For example if CRYTEK made it so that if the map came up in the map selection, that the people that don't have the map were redirected to the multiplayer menu then they could easily click on the preffered mode they like and get right back into playing online. (and to those of you people that may say "but then that makes me have to spend another few seconds to find a match.") so what? It's a few seconds to click on the mode you like to play find a match and get back to playing. As it stands right now i feel my idea is better then the one they are using. A ton of people i'm sure have bought the map, but when you can barely get into a match because a lot of the people that did buy it aren't on at that time, because it won't connect you to those other people because your connection to them is crap, or just because a lot of those guys that bought it just preffer clicking on team instant action what are the paid DLC customers that do click on the DLC maps trying to find a game but can't suppose to do? Nothing. There's nothing they can do, they can't make the system find a game for them. (AGAIN THESE ARE ALL JUST MY OPINIONS/IDEAS ON WHAT CRYTEK COULD DO TO MAYBE IMPROVE THE LIFE OF THE GAME) (MAYBE)
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jessica breen
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Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 5:05 am

Onslaught? IA? Pro and classic are fairly popular on PC its surprising they removed them from PS3
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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 9:23 pm

You can still play pro and classic in private matches.
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Kate Schofield
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:25 pm

hmm there u need friends to play it
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Jesus Sanchez
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 7:59 pm

I tried several times to get in pro matches... stuck alone in a lobby for 5 minutes dident feel so much "pro" as i thought it should be.
This game are more for mainstream masses and cod crybabies.. not hardcoe players.
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Rebecca Clare Smith
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