"votekick askjh12kjh3hkh"

Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 3:39 am

Dear Crytek,

you gave us a votekick possibility, thank you.
But after reading this letters do u remember the username I wrote in the Subject line ?

Are you able to copy it from yore mind ?

So we the users have the same problem.
Cheater are not idiots, and they already react to the votekick option.
Even in using names that noone can remember.

Anyways if Im able to remeber the username most of the players are not proficient in using the voting system.
There should be :

1st a simple way to call out a votekick (maybe using rightclick on the name using TAB)
2nd a F1 option to vote to kick for all other users.

So plz Crytek can you tell me if you are working on it ?

"Deutsche Wertarbeit" sah mal anders aus !
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 4:30 am

AFAIK you can enter the first few letters of the name and then press tab to auto-complete.

But yeah the implementation of the votekick system could be a lot better. It needs a proper integrated UI.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:43 am

The tab option does not work for me. Ive tried countless times.
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sally coker
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 9:46 pm

There should be ID, like in SAMP(San Andreas Multiplayer) were you write "kick 10". 10 is the ID from the player... It's simplier and faster...
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Clea Jamerson
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:08 pm

2. leer
Be happy!
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:18 am

The tab work absolutely fine. Not even once I have problem getting their name. Unlike Call of Duty 4 where you have to get a list of all players then look for the name then look for the index of the player to kick.

Crytek made selecting the name easy.
1. Type "votekick "
2. Type first few letters of the name and hit TAB.
3. There you have the full name and so hit "ENTER".

So making the name harder to remember has no effect on Crytek's votekick system. For this example, all I have to do is type "votekick askj" and hit tab then ENTER.

If you fail to get the name, try
1. Type more letters of the cheater's name.
2. Make sure you spell votekick properly. :D

TSAndrey... ID? Crytek's way is way better than "votekick ID" in which you don't even need to find what's the ID of the cheater.
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Sammie LM
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:25 am

I got it figured out. I fell so stupid! See you all in the game.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:58 am

As long as it's voting by name and not ID - it would be a blast if one would not have to enter the full name... seriously, some hackers have names so long that I die 3 times just typing all the special characters.
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Sophie Payne
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:25 am

The simplest solution would be to store data on server and not local and to disallow name changes.

That would sort a number of problems.
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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:55 am

well... storing critical data locally is kind of a crytek policy i think :D
that's where moster cheaters come from in the first place.
and since crysis 2 - the awful awful hitdetection xD
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Mike Plumley
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 2:17 pm

I got it figured out. I fell so stupid! See you all in the game.
You shouldn't feel like that because Crytek should instead. Crytek should have precisely described vote-kicking system if they're not able to solve the cheaters problem by themselves. Who are we (regular/average players) to know all those software commands? Programmers, hackers?!
Crytek, you are so stupid!
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Post » Thu Dec 30, 2010 10:39 pm

The vote kick option is really quite useless.

Nobody knows/bothers with it when there's a hacker present. Which is why I leave the game each and every time, and that's worked better than this stupid option so far. In fact, funny thing is, that's what I've been doing even before they implemented a vote kick system, which is quite ironic. Cause that means this system never helped 5h1t. The problem isn't just with the weird mechanics of how the votekick works, votekick is almost never good. It's going to be abused 99% of the time.

I've seen more people who got good scores the legit way getting kicked more than hackers.

Not to mention now you see a bunch of butt buddies all boosting in a Capture the Relay server, and vote kicking anyone that is killing, the people who actually want to play. Great job, Crytek. You didn't even try to come up with a solution to boosting... Not only that, now you came up with this to encourage boosting. That's brilliant, simply genius.

Several people have foreseen this, myself included... Seriously, if you're the one who went through with this vote kick idea, whoever you are, stop reproducing now. I wouldn't think too highly of the community that suggested this idea either. If you're dumb enough to not be able to even think about what problems a votekick system can create, please use condems. Humanity would benefit if we stopped giving birth to stupid people.
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Jennifer Rose
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:11 am

I've seen more people who got good scores the legit way getting kicked more than hackers.

People fail to understand that certain perk combinations with specials called in can lead to really big killing streaks - and of course it leads to people being called cheaters.

I play CS most of my time and for pretty much every map, I have a different class setup. Let's take for example Evac / Statue. Retriever 3 in combination with Feline does wonders. You can get to Ceph Gunship (and rare people shoot it down) really fast which means you will rack insane number of kills because your Disruptor will be close to new Alien pod. If you get to second ship - scores of 30+ kills are totally possible.

City hall? C4 is king there, especially if you know how to throw it with power jump.

The game doesn't need votekick system, it needs a proper anti cheat like Punkbuster.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:41 am

Not to mention now you see a bunch of butt buddies all boosting in a Capture the Relay server, and vote kicking anyone that is killing, the people who actually want to play. Great job, Crytek. You didn't even try to come up with a solution to boosting... Not only that, now you came up with this to encourage boosting. That's brilliant, simply genius.

How many boosters can you kill before being votekicked?
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Laura Hicks
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:57 am

can someone tell me why that loser BOOMJUSTSHOTYOU is still able to play online and not getting votekicked?
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 10:49 am

can someone tell me why that loser BOOMJUSTSHOTYOU is still able to play online and not getting votekicked?

I have no idea. I would think that the guy making youtube videos of himself hacking the game then posting it on the developers forum would have some consequence. I guess it doesn't.
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:06 am

Not to mention now you see a bunch of butt buddies all boosting in a Capture the Relay server, and vote kicking anyone that is killing, the people who actually want to play. Great job, Crytek. You didn't even try to come up with a solution to boosting... Not only that, now you came up with this to encourage boosting. That's brilliant, simply genius.

How many boosters can you kill before being votekicked?

Haha yeah.
That's what I do, booster justice. Really, it's the only thing we can do for now. If people are so pathetic that they can't level up normally, gotta make their KDR suffer a bit before you go. I doubt anyone cares about KDR, but it frustrates them nonetheless. =P
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Post » Fri Dec 31, 2010 5:15 am

ah ok will try that TAB thing next time.
But anyways I have to tell all other players on a server how to use the voting system.

They scream and shout "Cheater" but they have no idea what to do....
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