Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:22 am

NO VOTEKICK PLEASE !!!! NOOBS SPOTTING "CHEATERS" EVERY TIME THEY DYE !!!!!!!!!!!! there are so much cheaters that people actually can′t see who is cheater and who is pro .


Actually I was kicked by a noob admin that couldn′t stand I was too much better than him !!!! that result in noobs kickabusing better players everytime !!!

Instead of that just let STEAM protect us from cheaters !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Robert Devlin
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:30 am

I hope you're aware that this isn't a Steam exclusive game. You don't need steam to play. I myself have gotten a retail version of the game.
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kyle pinchen
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 8:22 pm

lol dont be too pro then ;)
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SWagg KId
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:41 am

I hope you're aware that this isn't a Steam exclusive game. You don't need steam to play. I myself have gotten a retail version of the game.

I mean Crytek′s anticheatprotection is an EPIC FAIL !!!!
I want STEAM just to get the CHEATERS out of the servers intead of NOOBs ramdonly voteckicking every player who is much better than they never will be!!!!!!!!!!
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:52 pm

lol dont be too pro then ;)

U don′t spend your time playing if u are a noob then
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RAww DInsaww
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:39 am

I hope you're aware that this isn't a Steam exclusive game. You don't need steam to play. I myself have gotten a retail version of the game.

I mean Crytek′s anticheatprotection is an EPIC FAIL !!!!
I want STEAM just to get the CHEATERS out of the servers intead of NOOBs ramdonly voteckicking every player who is much better than they never will be!!!!!!!!!!

As I've stated, it's impossible. Not every C2 player uses steam. It's NOT a STEAM EXCLUSIVE GAME.

I hope you understand.
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Kaylee Campbell
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:24 am

I hope you're aware that this isn't a Steam exclusive game. You don't need steam to play. I myself have gotten a retail version of the game.

I mean Crytek′s anticheatprotection is an EPIC FAIL !!!!
I want STEAM just to get the CHEATERS out of the servers intead of NOOBs ramdonly voteckicking every player who is much better than they never will be!!!!!!!!!!

As I've stated, it's impossible. Not every C2 player uses steam. It's NOT a STEAM EXCLUSIVE GAME.

I hope you understand.

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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 12:32 am

Op, please stop posting. Thanks.
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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:27 am

Wrong. Vote kick would not be abused as you describe.

Make it so it requires 75% of all people in game for the vote to pass (ie: require votes from BOTH teams). Also have a 'reason' textbox for the person casting the vote so people know why. The way chat works in the game now, its so hard to notice chat, so they need a better system for votes.

Nobody wants a hacker on their team, why? because the server will be empty in a matter of minutes then NOBODY gets to play.

If a player is just playing well, they arnt going to get kicked because even if all the 'noobs' gang up, the players who are good will know better, thus they wont get 75% of the votes required to pass.

Besides, even if the rare time a good player is kicked, its still best for everyone. So 1 person has to join a new server rather than every single person in a game. I think if i was kicked because i was owning, i would be ticked off but then again i would understand and just join another server. Id rather have that then leave a game 50% of the time cuz some dude is hacking.
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 7:52 pm

"If a user connects to a VAC-Secured server from a computer with identifiable cheats installed, the VAC system will ban the user from playing on VAC-Secured servers in the future.
While server admins may choose to ban specific players, server admins cannot VAC ban players. The VAC system is automated - contacting Steam Support to report cheaters is not necessary, nor will Steam Support act on any information provided."

Errrr... that's all the Steam anti-cheat thing is, and it would be unbelivably easy to set up, but it'd ban a **** of people because of how the current cheats work, how the VAC system works, and how edditing certain files might get you banned even though you're not cheating.

VAC is a VERY dumb anti cheat system, it can't distinguish between a cheat, graphics change or any other type of modding.
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:11 am

out of a 16 player IA - 6 players left after 2 matches with me accusing me of aimbotting and crying to turn it off. i went 25-0 and 25-2 back to back.
I did not lose another IA for 18 games to come. My streak ended when i decided beating up on noobs gets boring sometimes -__-

i am against votekick also - as it will help to boot cheaters - good players will suffer noob's wrath too
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GabiiE Liiziiouz
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 5:07 am

yeah i get accused atleast 3-4 times a night i seem to be good at spotting cloaked people with some help from visor enhance and nano.
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:25 am

What a mess is written here? What is more important, ban all cheaters or noobhunting. An admin can spectate the one who is voted to kick out if he is not sure. It is easy to see, if someone is cheating. You can see it even through the deathcam easily.
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 7:29 am

I agree with the no Vote Kick. In l4d2 I would get kicked for no reason and also for trying to help the team and give advice. People just don't like to be receiving advice.
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 6:21 pm

I used to disable voting on my CoD server. At first I thought it would be good so people can change maps if I wasn't around. But there was a few occasions when I saw a group of people playing on my server and I'd join in to have a game with them but then get vote kicked off my own server. So I disabled it. So to be honest I would much rather have the ability to kick and ban myself and leave it to admins. I know some admins can be immature but unfortunately that's life. And I have the retail version of the game and want nothing to do with Steam, in fact I only go with Steam if I have to or if a game is a real bargain.
So yea I'm all for no vote kicking but it would be possible to not allow it anyway. There are plenty of admins that are not noobs lol, so don't worry about it.
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:46 pm

Wrong. Vote kick would not be abused as you describe.

Make it so it requires 75% of all people in game for the vote to pass (ie: require votes from BOTH teams). Also have a 'reason' textbox for the person casting the vote so people know why. The way chat works in the game now, its so hard to notice chat, so they need a better system for votes.

Nobody wants a hacker on their team, why? because the server will be empty in a matter of minutes then NOBODY gets to play.

If a player is just playing well, they arnt going to get kicked because even if all the 'noobs' gang up, the players who are good will know better, thus they wont get 75% of the votes required to pass.

Besides, even if the rare time a good player is kicked, its still best for everyone. So 1 person has to join a new server rather than every single person in a game. I think if i was kicked because i was owning, i would be ticked off but then again i would understand and just join another server. Id rather have that then leave a game 50% of the time cuz some dude is hacking.

Ur comments do assure me that if wont be overused.....I am not a good fps player but last night I got a genocide dog tag for demolishing the whole team. Basically the opposing team was too stupid to realize that I had armor and I can detect cloak with Nano vision, and they all ganged together and came one after the other without cover.
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Stephy Beck
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:47 am


Thought I haven't played this games multiplayer, I have expericened what you say in another game. Very annoying. Not just noobs, but even moderators that don't do their job well and kick you because they "consider" that your performance is only achievable with a cheat
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Silvia Gil
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 8:09 am

I know its annoying but its their server and they pay for it. Better to find an official server
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Tom Flanagan
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:35 pm

I agree with the no Vote Kick. In l4d2 I would get kicked for no reason and also for trying to help the team and give advice. People just don't like to be receiving advice.


I really don't think the voting system would be fair on good players. It's the same in every game.
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:08 pm

Yes, noobs spotting those cheaters when they dye. Every time they dye their clothes they think the pros from the Crysis community are cheating. HOW EVER WILL THE PROS BE PROS IF NOOBS CONSTANTLY DYE!
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Lyndsey Bird
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 9:33 am

Funny thing is there's about 5 times I got accused of "aimbotting" and "wallhacking".

35-6 is aimbotting? 20-2 is wallhacking?

The kicker was my friend joined after the whiners left, and he dominated our team the last game, putting me at 22-10 and him at 40-4.
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Nichola Haynes
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Post » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:53 pm

Ola OP :)
Im keck at the game, so nobody would ever accuse me of cheating. Being poo yes, cheating, no. TBH you get a 'feel' for when someone is good, or hax are involved. Votekick should be an option on servers with little admin support though.
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Ownie Zuliana
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 2:13 am

NO VOTEKICK PLEASE !!!! NOOBS SPOTTING "CHEATERS" EVERY TIME THEY DYE !!!!!!!!!!!! there are so much cheaters that people actually can′t see who is cheater and who is pro .


Actually I was kicked by a noob admin that couldn′t stand I was too much better than him !!!! that result in noobs kickabusing better players everytime !!!

Instead of that just let STEAM protect us from cheaters !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Same happening to me - there are even some admins that decide to kick you right as you join because they see a lvl 50 connecting.

So lame :/
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 3:15 am

I agree with the no Vote Kick. In l4d2 I would get kicked for no reason and also for trying to help the team and give advice. People just don't like to be receiving advice.

Yes god forbid they are doing something wrong, something else is to blame.
Only way I found how to give advice is to do it only to your team while winning and giving pointers and remarks on mistakes but in the form of a joke.

Laughter is a positive trauma... ;)

EDIT: apologies for the double post.

What a mess is written here? What is more important, ban all cheaters or noobhunting. An admin can spectate the one who is voted to kick out if he is not sure. It is easy to see, if someone is cheating. You can see it even through the deathcam easily.

That's partly a problem as visor spotting is not shown in the killcam.
Personally I'm quite a spotting wh*re and whether I use it to benefit the situation for myself or to support the team, guess what happens? 8 times out of 10 the victim after seeing the killcam accuses the fragger of wallhacking/ignore cloack cheating.

People gotta consider BlindSpot lvl2. When I got this on, it's amazing how I'm not magically swarmed at all angles and every distance...

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Chris Jones
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Post » Mon Mar 21, 2011 6:43 am

i was against votekick sistem but i realize that this is the only thing could save this game... of course noobs will abuse and good players will be kicked. codename205 said that he had scores like 25-0 and 25-2. he will be kicked for sure but wait a minute, you are a fragger or you try to find some competition? you want to play with noobs and have fun making the highest K/D?
c`mon guys, i have been kicked from many CS servers and migrate. if the server is noobish why would you like to keep playing on it?

so, vote kick is a good option for this game. the anticrapcheat crytek provided will end this game like in couple of weeks.

LE: spectating would be great but i guess it will never happen :|
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