Ooh an update! As soon as I saw this I instantly had to download and test it.

I think the new grass looks fantastic in most cases, very fitting for the environment.
I also have some feedback on what I considered to be out-of-place:
Some of the short bladed grass that is present in many regions including WG, BC, and the Grazelands seems a bit too saturated to me and thus a little uneasy on the eye. A bit more color and contrast wouldn't hurt on those.
The tall blue flowers in the AI region look amazing, but in a few cases they seemed a bit
too tall for me. I think it's a bit distracting to have plants that are often over 6 feet tall scatter the landscape in that large numbers.
The ferns I found in the AI region were often floating in the air. This is not distracting on most of the grass because they are long enough to reach the ground anyway, but the ferns have a single 3D point where they should be touching the ground and when viewed from the side it's often very apparent that they are misplaced (especially when you see a hill from the side that's scattered with them). Perhaps this could be mended by adding a subtle 'stem' part to the fern models that would be underground most of the time, but would be visible when the ferns are positioned above the ground.
The placement on some of the grass patches I've found near settlements was a little off. For example, next to the Balmora silt strider port tall grass covers most of the road. A bit south of the same silt strider port, on the little island outside Balmora's entrance, there are patches of grass underwater.
Sorry if I came across as splitting hairs, I really like the changes in the new version and these problems are indeed very few compared to all the wonderful improvements you've made.