Sarudak: It's already posted in the thread. But i've updated the first post with links
to all shaders that arent included in MGE.
MiralGS: hmm i think the bloom is quite right, i have however changed const float bloom_mult_global = 0.8f; to const float bloom_mult_global = 0.7f; now for my game.. but its almost a bit too vague now hehe. i'll try to tweak the bloom a bit more, i've mostly worked with the weather to match the bloom and not the other way around, might need to do both.
Not using any HDR no.. i think truebloom looks really good. Any HDR recommendations?
Just watch the temps in the bios.. a cpu can handle very high temps, as long as you're not above 60C (140F) you're ok, it can handle 10C more but just to be on the safe side. I always tend to go crazy with my overclocks (i have a 1200mhz overclock right now) and i've never killed a CPU due to it. If the computer doesnt start after an extreme overclock i just hold ins key when turning on the computer the go back to default settings, or i clear CMOS with the jumper or remove the CMOS battery if holding Insert doesnt work. But its good to take it easy in the beginning so you dont do anything stupid
ZiggyX: Nice, looks familiar, hehe