Basically, Azura had it easy.
You're telling me.. Thats worse than being rick rolled
The Legion was singing that same tune, now "life" has gotten in the way of roleplaying. Either that or the extremely low manpower they have.
Whoever the Markynaz will be, he better bring his A game. Their is going to be a lot of Daedric owning thanks to Redoran.
Hlaalu can worry about their manicured hands, and getting eaten by monsters with mouths on their backs.
When your Redoran, each nut is bigger then the other.
I prefer to use the blanket term "Grand master ramrods" for daedra..
however, manicured or not.. Dont underestimate political power

in the words of tom hagen. A man with a brief case can steal more than a hundred armed men.
as for each nut being bigger than the other, i imagine once you get quite far up into the ranks, people start finding it hard to walk.