Now Story, the Redoran can't have all the fun. The Legions will be doing alot of owning themselves, spanking that Daedric ass so House Hlaalu wont break their perfect little manicures.
Im purposefully making a character with no fingers. Just to kill the manicure jokes. Or maybe i should just Garrot you ..
He told me yesterday when I was talking to him through AIM that he should have it up to today or tomorrow, and sinces it not up already, I assume it will be today. He gave me a small piece of a paragraph to read though and I think you all will be very pleased with it.
Yes i read it, its quite impresive.
Hmm... I'm stuck

I can reasonably fit my character into any of the major available factions so I'm spoilt for choice... I think I'm just going to end up delaying until everyone else has joined.
Also between this and But One Remains you've gotten me back into Morrowind, at a time when the dvd drive on my pc is beyond repair -> you're cruel IB

Join Hlaalu, you know its right..
And try being me, My Laptop cant run any games atm because its fairly toasted.. My PS3 has been sent off for repair, and i dropped my old tv on my old xbox... So i cant play any TES games at all atm >.< But im having a nice time on baldurs gate