So other than a couple minor bugs, I think (crosses fingers) this project might be completed on my end.
It's incredibly gratifying and almost sad in a way.
I'm going to wait a week or so and then upload to planetelderscrolls. Unfortunately I can't get the files up at tesnexus, as my uploads are usually timed out within the 5% - 10% range. So we'll have to stick with megaupload for the time being. (if anyone knows a way around this let me know).
Also I want to thank everyone who participated in the last armor set(s) contest and also everyone who left comments of encouragement, especially after the whole rights issues fiasco (I nearly quit on the whole thing).
That being said I should also thank alienslof for being so gracious after such a boneheaded mistake on my part,
Omegacron for creating an awesome store in such timely fashion
and PacificMorrowind for his uvmaps, ground meshes and all around awesomeness.
And obviously all the authors who's work was used to make this release.
High-fives and Handpounds