[RELz/Beta] Vvardenfell Imports

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:34 am

Well, then, I'm glad I downloaded it while I had the chance. Hopefully you can resolve this issue sooner or later.
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Big Homie
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:51 pm

Edit-> Any mod maker should know that whatever you release on the internet immediately becomes the internets' property. You can't just assume everyone has the common sense or patience to read your information about what is ok to use and what not, more so if it's something specific out of an entire mod.

The best you can get from the community is your name in the credits for all the hard work you did and a pat in your metaphorical internet back. The best you can give to the community is your willingness to allow an obviously well thought out mod to continue albeit the fact you may feel screwed over.

This is pretty true. If you put something up onto the internets for free, even if you have legal copyright and time and money to pursue that right, you are practically surrendering all of your rights. Getting credit is the most you can hope for.

The archaic copyright system in the u.s. and elsewhere has yet to adapt. The internet, remember, is still a relatively new thing. New ways of thinking about property--intellectual or otherwise--have yet to develop. The Open Source project has a jump on the game.

Anyway, I will relish downloading this when I did. ;D muahahaha :evil:

But, I am digressing from the topic.

BLASPHEMY! i think i spelled it right :/
I guess I second this. That's a 70%. Almost failure.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:53 am

Yeah it shouldn't be too bad. Worst comes to worst I'll have to remove an armor set or two.

A little embarrassing but you learn as you go, I guess.
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Nany Smith
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:03 am

Well u can say u made history, by being the first guy to create the largest imported morrowind related oblivion graphics armor! So best of luck and hopefully we see no armor sets leave us
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Frank Firefly
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:15 am

Bummed glass armor didn't make the cut.
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Janette Segura
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:16 am

Bummed glass armor didn't make the cut.

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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:52 am

Whenver it does get released it'll be worth the wait.
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jessica robson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:01 am

Bummed glass armor didn't make the cut.

If it makes you feel any better, we did try to get it in there. The author, understandably, didn't want it being released in another mod before his own final copy was released, however. It's good that some people still take such pride in their work - that kind of devotion usually results in the better quality mods. But, I agree that it would have been nice.
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Georgine Lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:08 pm

This is pretty true. If you put something up onto the internets for free, even if you have legal copyright and time and money to pursue that right, you are practically surrendering all of your rights. Getting credit is the most you can hope for.

All this does is motivate people like me to not offer anything for free (and indeed, I no longer do public releases of original work for Oblivion). In any case, it's not true; almost as many people use my Poser freebies as my Oblivion ones, and not a single Poser/DAZ user has yet violated the terms of my readmes.

If there's a problem, it's that I'm offering stuff for a game that has free tools that make it easier for people to create derivative content without much effort, instead of just for the professional programs with the steep learning curves. Someone with the expertise to edit and rerelease a rigged Poser/DAZ item has the expertise to make their own and sell it for money, so there's not much motivation to rip things off. Some have made the transition to Second Life meshing for similar reasons. Other 3d artists, take note.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:19 am

Firstly let me say I (maybe even 'we') miss you on the board. True talent. Good to know you're still kicking. Secondly I agree the OP should have asked permission but I think you can tell he was not being malicious and he's taken corrective action.

BTW - I am one of those other 3D artists.
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Penny Flame
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:52 pm

All this does is motivate people like me to not offer anything for free (and indeed, I no longer do public releases of original work for Oblivion). In any case, it's not true; almost as many people use my Poser freebies as my Oblivion ones, and not a single Poser/DAZ user has yet violated the terms of my readmes.

I don't think we disagree. I think people are generally good-natured. Its just that offering up things on the internet, for free, you can very easily lose control of whats yours. Myth is a good example. He wasn't aware of the restrictions you put on your creations. And when you corrected them, he took the mod down until further review.

The point is, he could have refused. We can't spend much time policing the internet, checking that mods are using our material property and giving credit, when we have no power whatsoever to make others obey rules set by us.

I'm primarily a writer, and I too would be upset if someone took credit, got a reward, etc for something I wrote. But that's the risk you take when putting something up onto the internet. If you are fearful of someone stealing your work, don't post it.

However, the internet is more than that. As we know, people still haven't stopped putting stuff on the net. In fact, free material--user made or otherwise--continues to grow. This, I believe, is a testament to the human race...something to throw at those war-is-human-nature and humans-are-basically-selfish people. The internet and its inhabitants really are a testament to the human capacity to share with each other.

All modders here, whether they were completely aware of it or otherwise, have sent their work in the metaphorical "basket-on-the-Nile" to whatever fate awaits it. Surely they don't expect money. They may certainly expect credit---but I would gamble to say that no one labors as hard as many modders here do simply because they want community praise from hundreds of faceless individuals. Modders mod because they want to create something they can enjoy. They release things onto the internet because they want others to enjoy them also.

The good feeling of community thanks and praise, then, outweighs the risk of bad feeling that would come as the result of being cheated. And I guess that people shouldn't even have to feel that way.

I'd hate to be a [censored] and quote myself, but I'm sure I heard this somewhere else before I repeated it in a similar situation that applied more to my life.

On a trip in DC, I had given this guy $20. He had said he and other guys had been collecting money to buy new basketball hoops for their court. A classmate of mine was aghast...and told me the guy probably cheated me. I mean, without any official information, just about ANYBODY could stand on the corner, think up a good cause, and ask people for money. My classmate was probably right. But I more or less said to him---and again I swear I heard this someplace else---
Whatever he does isn't on my conscious. I gave him money selflessly, because it felt good to do so. I might feel a little taken advantage of, but I don't regret it.

Sorry. Don't mean to hijack this thread. I promise to post no more. :) Just thought I had to reply.
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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:49 pm

The point is, he could have refused. We can't spend much time policing the internet, checking that mods are using our material property and giving credit, when we have no power whatsoever to make others obey rules set by us.

I'm primarily a writer, and I too would be upset if someone took credit, got a reward, etc for something I wrote. But that's the risk you take when putting something up onto the internet. If you are fearful of someone stealing your work, don't post it.

However, the internet is more than that. As we know, people still haven't stopped putting stuff on the net. In fact, free material--user made or otherwise--continues to grow. This, I believe, is a testament to the human race...something to throw at those war-is-human-nature and humans-are-basically-selfish people. The internet and its inhabitants really are a testament to the human capacity to share with each other.

All modders here, whether they were completely aware of it or otherwise, have sent their work in the metaphorical "basket-on-the-Nile" to whatever fate awaits it. Surely they don't expect money. They may certainly expect credit---but I would gamble to say that no one labors as hard as many modders here do simply because they want community praise from hundreds of faceless individuals. Modders mod because they want to create something they can enjoy. They release things onto the internet because they want others to enjoy them also.

The good feeling of community thanks and praise, then, outweighs the risk of bad feeling that would come as the result of being cheated. And I guess that people shouldn't even have to feel that way.

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Jonathan Egan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:44 pm

I just went to the store. WOW! themythofstrider, it looks even better then I had hoped in-game. I can't choose, there's so many goodies. I need to save some money to get some of the stuff though :P
Thanks a lot.
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michael flanigan
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:37 am

I have not gone to Cheydinhal to check it out...but I think I am going to be mega-surprised when I do!
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Kevan Olson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 12:32 pm

Wow I can't believe I didn't get this while it was up :(

Do you have an estimated ETA of when you'll have the mod back to available for download? :(
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George PUluse
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 3:52 am

Last I heard we were just going to remove a couple of sets of armor. Once myst is ready I'll move the store and do some tweaking. That part should only take me a day or two, but any kind of overall ETA will have to come from myst.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:14 am

Apologies for the delay. Gonna see if I can knock out an uploadable version today, along with a fix to previously mentioned problems.

Unfortunately we're going to have to remove a bit more than I thought (with any luck I'll be able to include some of it in later patches).
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:27 am

Good news,

Alienslof has graciously allowed me to include her meshes in a seperate add-on release. B)

Still waiting for a couple more replies.

Going to hold off on uploading a new version for a couple more days.
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Rob Davidson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:34 am

That is, indeed, good news.
This will most definitely make file of the month, cant wait for the release.
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Laura Samson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:56 am

Excellent news indeed. :goodjob:
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Becky Cox
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 1:29 pm

Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.................................. :celebration:
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Dean Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 2:03 am

Alright sorry for disappearing there. Many many things came up in real life and I haven't played Oblivion for about a week and a half now.

Damn I come back and now there is a permissions problem? That svcks... I still have the very first set you uploaded, lucky me :celebration:
But anyways, before I left I learned many things about the leveled list and compatibility issues and everything. I still intend to merge these into the leveled lists and all that and I have the time now to do it. I came back all ready to get started but it looks like I'll have to wait until you upload the new version.

But I think we can start the planning for it now though. I'll probably make a few different versions. The first one will be one to add these armors to the list for vanilla Oblivion. Then one for OOO. And then FCOM if it needs a separate one for OOO. Not sure about that. What I can do now is make a new thread, and if someone can tell me which armors are definately going to be in the next release, People can come to that thread and discuss what armors should appear at what levels and if there is any need for a stat change in the vanilla Oblivion one. (the OOO/FCOM one(s) will be balanced for MOBS). I haven't really got the time to play around with this mod because of all the stuff that's happening now and also, I just haven't been in the Oblivion playing mood. I've been playing through Final Fantasy IX for the past few days whenever I had extra time.
So what do you people think? Should I make said thread?

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Leticia Hernandez
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 5:59 am

I'm prolly gonna get 'tazed' for this, but would anyone be willing to hook me up with a copy of this mod? I'm peeing my pants waiting for this one.
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Misty lt
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 4:09 pm

Alright sorry for disappearing there. Many many things came up in real life and I haven't played Oblivion for about a week and a half now.

Damn I come back and now there is a permissions problem? That svcks... I still have the very first set you uploaded, lucky me :celebration:
But anyways, before I left I learned many things about the leveled list and compatibility issues and everything. I still intend to merge these into the leveled lists and all that and I have the time now to do it. I came back all ready to get started but it looks like I'll have to wait until you upload the new version.

But I think we can start the planning for it now though. I'll probably make a few different versions. The first one will be one to add these armors to the list for vanilla Oblivion. Then one for OOO. And then FCOM if it needs a separate one for OOO. Not sure about that. What I can do now is make a new thread, and if someone can tell me which armors are definately going to be in the next release, People can come to that thread and discuss what armors should appear at what levels and if there is any need for a stat change in the vanilla Oblivion one. (the OOO/FCOM one(s) will be balanced for MOBS). I haven't really got the time to play around with this mod because of all the stuff that's happening now and also, I just haven't been in the Oblivion playing mood. I've been playing through Final Fantasy IX for the past few days whenever I had extra time.
So what do you people think? Should I make said thread?


YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would love to see this merged into a level list. I like merging as many weapon mods into level lists as I can!
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Karine laverre
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:20 am

Adding it to the leveled lists seems pretty sweet knowing hey look a bandit...im gna hunt u down now haha. More like a treasure hunting mod. You should instead of putting in lists since that armor is all rare obvioulsy you outa make bosses. That would seem pretty epic to me and give henchmen lower class armor but still fits in with their fractions. Just a suggestion. And i hope we get all the armors back, dont wna see all hard work gone to waste now? Sry been gone, broke my leg in a football game.
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