Vvardenfell is a very dangerous place...

Post » Sun Oct 20, 2013 1:59 pm

This is only my second topic, so I hope it's in the right place and hasn't already been covered a bunch of times...

I'm just curious... Is there anyone else out there who saves obsessively during any and all gameplay because of Morrowind?

I'm almost embarrassed sometimes by the number of saves I have in any given TES game. They usually number somewhere between 1k-2k. It's even more ridiculous with newer autosave features being what they are, but I just can't seem to stop. I'm not a coward, really! But with hours upon hours of trial and error during my formative years with Morrowind, I just keep hearing that disembodied voice in my head (in which all TES tips are delivered to me) saying, "Vvardenfell is a very dangerous place... save often!" And they were right - it IS a very dangerous place. So, I saved often. And it seems to have stuck with me throughout my entire gaming life.

Is compulsive saving just crazy sauce? Or are there more of me out there?

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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Sun Oct 20, 2013 11:43 pm

I don't know HOW often you save, but I save a lot. It's just too annoying having to play through the same things again. I save just as much in Oblivion and Skyrim, and since I started with Skyrim, I guess Skyrim is responsible for my saving :) However I overwrite, so I usually keep 3 saves for each character. I used to keep only one for each, but since several of my characters were overwritten by accident I realized that was not a good thing. I also have to admit that I save right before trying persuasion on NPCs, or stealing something. If I don't succeed, I reload...

And I don't like autosaves, because I don't like when one of my saves is named something different. :stare:

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El Goose
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Post » Mon Oct 21, 2013 12:49 am

Save often, and make new Save files often.
It's just common sense :)

Having more than 200 save files can cause problems with Morrowind. Delete old ones, or move them out of your Save folder.
The Code Patch does display a warning for you, when you get over 200.

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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Sun Oct 20, 2013 9:26 pm

I definitely delete my save files as (or usually before) they pile up, absolutely. I like to keep things tidy in spite of the compulsion. I wasn't aware of the warning for 200+ saves, however - that's good to know! One more reason not to be a file slob! :D

Oh, that's a relief! Apart from the overall trauma of my earliest Morrowind days, the annoyance of repeating the same dungeons or discoveries over (and over and over) again is a big motivator for me. I save... yeah, a lot. A lot, a lot. Ha. I think I'm currently sitting at around save #1300+ in Skyrim at the moment with a lvl52. I'm afraid to look at the number for my current character in Morrowind. I think maybe, after all this time, I just have to pretend I don't even see a number. The number shall be dead to me.

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Brooke Turner
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Post » Sun Oct 20, 2013 9:47 pm

I'm guilty of this too, no doubt about it. My save names are always my character's initials followed by the number of times I've saved so far - I'm at RT 602 right now and I haven't even hit level 15. Every time I boot up Morrowind, I delete all but the last five saves so they don't pile up, but yeah ... :sweat:

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Dustin Brown
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Post » Sun Oct 20, 2013 3:51 pm

I remember playing first playing Morrowind around 2007 after I had played Obliivion (and I loved Morrowind a lot more realizing just how detailed and immense the game was) and taking a 2 minute walk along the coast line outside Seyda Neen. Met a mudcrab and compared to Oblivion where Mudcrabs could be 2 shot right after the Imperial sewers it killed me. Embarassing defeat for my almighty Nerevarine. From then on I kept obsessively saving in Morrowind and Skyrim although have stopped now in Skyrim due to it being such an easy game.

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Post » Sun Oct 20, 2013 4:25 pm

Words cannot express how comforting that is! Ha.

Right? Right from the off, you're trained to save like there's no tomorrow. And I think it takes a little while to really understand when and how to do it, as well, regardless of how often. I think the point of no return for me with MW was the first time I contracted vampirism. I was saving quite a bit then, but at odd and nonsensical times (still getting a feel for everything)... and having no idea I'd caught the disease, I saved over my only existing save file, then wound up stuck in what I very quickly learned was a horribly inconvenient condition. I must have been around a level 20 at that point and, of course, had to start the game over from scratch. Afterward, I was a much smarter saver. Not to mention a heck of a lot more vigilant about my health.

I have been actively trying to save less with Skyrim. It's tough switching gears from game to game for me, though.

Edited because I typo when I'm having Morrowind vampirism flashbacks.

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Louise Andrew
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Post » Sun Oct 20, 2013 7:10 pm

I'm a spastic saver in all games I play, but yes.

I always save when I see a cliffracer.

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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Sun Oct 20, 2013 5:38 pm

Ha! Pssst... Meeee, too.

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J.P loves
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Post » Sun Oct 20, 2013 4:31 pm

I quicksave like every 30 seconds. I do a real save every time I gain a level and I have about 5 saves per character. Never had any problems with corrupt saves or anything.

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