so once that town loaded i cast Wbbajack o na sheep and it turned into a diffrent sheep thn i cast it at another sheep and it turned hostile but i cast it again and turne it into a deer and then i rememebred one of them villagers had a dog

so eventually i finnally located he was asleep in a bed and his og was in the same cell but wide awake 1 cat later and the dog was now an oger and Sakeepa desperatly tried to kill it useing a nearby broom stick apprently (looked like a club at the time he was swinging it didnt find out what it wa untill after he died ...) any way after teh argonian died the oger turned to fight me so i pulled out my bow and thats when the wabbajack wore off and the dog started howling over its dead master ... and then i shut the game off
so what have you done with wabba jack
also are there any known answers to these questions i have?
does it work in the SI
if it does can I kill that orc who always has a dog with him in the same way possibly ???
is there any diffrence btween wabbajack gotten at level 2 vs wabba jack gotten at level 10 or higher (like most other leveld loot does wabba jack also get more powerful if not obtained untill the character is a higher level?)
why did people suggest i give this item up to the main quest sacrifice ?? its way too much fun to just hand over and now im kinda sad my old file didnt have it very long ...