I haven't tried it yet, but I see no reason why it wouldn't work as intended.
Feedback is welcome, comments on possible changes also. http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1144697-relz-wac-elsweyr-anequina-patch/page__p__16730491entry16730491
All original Elsweyr Anequina creatures are left on the lists, nothing is removed. Also I haven't edited Ragasha or minotaur lists, though I think that I'll maybe add some WAC goblins and gnolls, maybe ogres or maybe even regular animals. Bandits and other NPC lists are also untouched and I think I won't touch those.

Official release thread is http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1144697-relz-wac-elsweyr-anequina-patch/.
WAC - Elsweyr Anequina patch - ReadMe
This is version 0.1
0. Requirements:
This mod requires:
- Oblivion 1.2.0416
- http://waalx.com/RealSwordsForum/index.php?c=3&sid=754e26be303b84276cde2365ef1c4295 (WAC.bsa & Waalx Animals & Creatures.esm).
- http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=25023
- http://wryemusings.com
1. Description:
This little mod adds some animal levelled lists from Waalx Animals & Creatures into some levelled lists of Elsweyr Anequina.
More detailed, there are levelled lists in Elsweyr Anequina that cover several basic regions: Savannah, Badlands, Jungle, Sand Desert, Forest, Swamp and some waters.
Here's what I added to lists:
- Savannah: cheetah, gazelle, gemsbok, generuk, zebra, warthog, pheasant, zebra horse, bongo, blue wildebeest, red lion, white lion, man eater lion, terror bird, dingo, hyena, maned wolf, black rabbit, rhino
- Badlands: cheetah, gazelle, muflon, pheasant, zebra horse, bongo, red lion, zeflon, man eater lion, terror bird, hyena, maned wolf, black rabbit
- Jungle: generuk, zebra, tiger, razorback, pheasant, panther, zeflon, wild cat, hyaenodon, jaguar, black jaguar, unicorn deer, venison, black rabbit
- Sand Desert: cheetah, gazelle, gemsbok, zebra horse, man eater lion, red lion, blue wildebeest, terror bird, dingo, hyena, maned wolf
- Forest: gazelle, gemsbok, generuk, zebra, warthog, tiger, razorback, bongo, blue wildebeest, Red lion, zeflon, man eater lion, armless, dingo, black crow, hyena, maned wolf, chipmunk, jaguar, black jaguar, unicorn deer, black rabbit
- Swamp: worthog, tiger, crocodile, panther, crabs, zeflon, equs horse, lizard, king rat, hyaenodon, cray fish, brown caiman, black caiman, jaguar, black jaguar, venison
- to various water and sea lists are added variety of sharks, crabs and crayfish, caimans and crocodiles.
2. Installation:
First, make sure that requirements are fulfilled.
- WAC is installed and Waalx Animals & Creatures.esm activated
- Elsweyr the deserts of Anequina is installed and ElsweyrAnequina.esp is activated
Now, just put WAC - Elsweyr Anequina.esp in your Data folder, start Wrye Bash, rebuild your Bashed patch and merge WAC - Elsweyr Anequina.esp into it.
If you don't know how to merge patch, check out this link:
Note: If you are not using other WAC plugins but 'Waalx Animals & Creatures.esm', you'll need to either:
- rename 'WAC.bsa' to match the name of any loaded plugin (for example 'ElsweyrAnequina - WAC.bsa')
- Edit Oblivion.ini (found in My Documents\My Games\Oblivion usually) by adding , WAC.bsa at the end of the line that starts with sArchiveList= ...
3. Conflicts & issues:
Currently, there are no conflicts, and if you use this mod according to instructions (merged in the Bashed Patch) - there won't be any.
I'll form possible issues section as FAQ:
1. I get missing meshes instead of the animals!
First check Installation instructions again and check that you have followed them. Maybe you use only WAC master file without other WAC plugins? In that case, read the Note in installation section.
4. Permissions:
Everyone is free to edit, merge and reupload this mod, as long credit is given.
5. Authors, credits and contact:
Author & contact:
"washington" at official Bethesda forums: http://www.gamesas.com/bgsforums
Waalx (http://waalx.com)
Wrye and others that continue to support and develop Wrye Bash
TheNiceOne for help
6. Version info:
This is version 0.1
7. Version change log:
This is first version.
*** Thank you for reading***