Wait, did I just figured there are no Iron Sights...again?!?

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:41 am

I mean I hope all the guns have iron sights, Based on what we are seeing I think they will. HOWEVER I also think that if a lack of SOME iron sights is honestly a detriment to your enjoyment of a video game made by a team of Less than a hundred passionate individuals for around 5 or so years then.......your a bit silly....and that's a bit silly.

But hey dude, that's just like my opinion....man.

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Mandy Muir
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:53 pm

I think there is too much fuzz about this topic. What we have seen so far shows that we will have iron sights were it makes sense to have them, which is a nice balance betweent Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Fallout 3 had no iron sights at all, and New Vegas put the on every weapon (I do not know about the big guns though, never played them). I want to make sure that by iron sights I mean aiming down the barrel and have a visor of some sort, either iron sights or any other sight.

There are practical reasons for just zooming in on some weapons instead of aiming down the barrel. The big guns are an abvious choice. In order to aim down a barrel you have tro bring the weapon to your shoulder, you can not do that with a gatling. You could expand that to the missile launcher as well, though they usually have some sort of locking mechanism or whatever.

This brings me to the next argument for not having them. While the general art design and weapon modelling is great, in order to clearly distinguish different weapon types (conventional, energy, big guns) you have to make them look different, that is why the energy weapons are bulkier, just look at the plasma rifle in comparison to the standard hunting rifle. Converntional weapons are slim. Energy weapons really big. Now aiming down the barrel or with iron sights means one thing: The barrel obstructs your view. And by quite a large amount, too. Launch New Vegas and use a plasma rifle, then you know what I mean. That is the main reason why the laser rifle and the plasma rifle do not appear to have iron sights. A reflex sight or a scope however offsets this disadvantage, because the barrel is taken out of your FOV.

So iron sight, will be there where it makes sense, meaning conventional weapons and maybe small frame weapons as well, but not on weapons that are bulky and view obstructing. So you will have the same hipfire zoom we had for quite a while. This of course is only until you get any other sight by mod.

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Roberta Obrien
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:27 am

Nah, I'll preorder anyways. Beth deserves any money for any title they ever released. Nothing that Modders couldn't fix. I just want to entirely enjoy the game from the start, not like a half year later.

You have the false impression I would discuss content details with guys that energetically discredit other's opinions and observations that you do not like. But fail to see I do not even take players like you for serious, because I'm aware like they have no idea what they're talking about. Your signature betrays you... :wink:

You have some proof, not a proof. I simply don't take the word from any milkdrinker that steps in and takes a defensive position, while there never was a attack. It's something they could easily put in a feature list. Like...

- realistic aiming through iron sights

- hardcoe mode by choice

...if they knew, and I bet they know it is very important information for players, then why is there no 100% confirmable information anywhere? And sorry, if I just do not take information of players 100% serious, because players can't be sure 100% (at least not for all guns and the hardcoe feature/needs). It's easy to confirm something like this by the devs. Twitter, Facebook, here...where else?

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Genocidal Cry
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:42 am

I must be the only person in the world who dosnt like iron sights. I much prefer the over the shoulder zoom on non scoped weapons...I feel like I'm taking the gun and placing it right in the middle of my chest when looking down iron sights
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:35 pm

It might be optional. If I'm remembering this right, ironsights was a toggle in NV.

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Darlene Delk
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:52 am

What you fail to understand is that every gun should have sights to look into. Those sights will either be part of the primary design or will be mods that can be attached to them for better target acquisition. If you go back to New Vegas, the basic Laser Pistol did not have sights, but a mod was available to attach onto it so one could look down the glow sights. Plus we have already seen glowing iron sights in Fallout 4 as one of the mods that can be fixed onto guns. Not to mention that nearly every gun in the gameplay videos had sights on them. And even if some guns do not have iron sights, is it really game-breaking to use a gun without them?

Also, I have no problem with criticism for Fallout 4. I myself have concerns which I hope do not lessen the fun I will have with the game. However, your issue is what I would consider making mountains out of molehills. Especially when there is evidence that makes your concerns seem silly.

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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:39 am

Me too, I find the gun obstructs my view, but people's mileage varies...

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jason worrell
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:31 am

I coudnt shoot for [censored] down iron sights...but give me the over the shoulder view and I'm golden...prob because I just don't play shooters unless there is something special about them...ex: borderlands, bioshock and farcry
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:42 am

I think you need to clarify what you mean by "proper aiming" and "iron sights". Because following what you're talking about is very difficult.

Most of the FPS community, as I've seen over the years means "aim down sights" when they say "this game has iron sights". FO3 had no iron sights - it just did that thing where you zoomed in a bit and the gun raised up from the corner a bit. You never looked down the actual barrel/sights of the guns. It did have some scoped weapons, but I've never seen them mentioned in "iron sights" discussions, because scoped is it's own separate thing. FPS games had scoped weapons long before ADS/iron sights was a thing. So I have no idea what weapons you're talking about when you say that "some" FO3 weapons had it. (we're talking without mods, here.)

Just went and watched the combat compilation trailer. It had many examples of the gun coming up for ADS, and then going back to the idle/hipfire position. It also had lots of clips of the guns being fired from the hip. I think the main confusion there is that the hipfire/idle position for the guns looks like it's much higher up that it was in FO3 - it's more like the zoomed-aim position from that game. So maybe you're taking all the hipfiring images as if they're FO3-style "aiming"?

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Farrah Barry
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:39 am

I didn't see any iron sights on that mini-gun ...

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Sophie Morrell
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:20 pm

I prefer crosshairs because they're more accurate. Aiming down the sights isn't horrible though.

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Jacob Phillips
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:35 pm

Well, I'm DEFINITELY not ordering this until blue lunchboxes are confirmed! Just saying.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 11:38 am

Wait! Are you telling me that blue lunchboxes are NOT confirmed?

Next they'll be saying that the Glowing Sea isn't even in the actual sea. Pre-order cancelled... :bonk:

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Tina Tupou
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:32 pm

So, the OP plays a game set in a future 1950's apocalypse and claims realism then says he can't play the game until a mod if made to put the feature in that he's complaining about. You realize it's a game right? :poke:

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:23 pm

No one is as outraged as me! I can't be expected to play without blue lunchboxes. How am I supposed to enjoy a nice lunch by the Glowing Sea??

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jenny goodwin
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:23 pm

@Mofakin You said that some of the guns in the Fallout 4 gameplay footage aims like the guns in Fallout 3. However, I can't seem to find any instance of this. Could you perhaps link to a specific case of this? :)
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 8:22 am

It's not so much about 'realism', but more about immersion, although I'm still not sure, what the hell the OP's problem is.

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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:57 pm

WHAT?!?! :shocking: That's it! I'm burning all of my Fallout merchandise in the fireplace. Bethesda is dead to me! :mad:

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Chantel Hopkin
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:38 am

Seems like a pointless debate to me. There are clearly instances in videos that show iron sites, and along with it, firing from the hip. Just because you are firing from the hip, doesn't mean a gun doesn't have iron sites.

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Noely Ulloa
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:42 am

You've watched 10 videos of this game? Did I miss something?

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Steve Bates
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:19 am

Lol :P

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KRistina Karlsson
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:05 am

I think, to add to the topic, that if I were making a video showcasing action and content, i'd show a few clips of fighting with ironsights to prove it's in, then show the rest in Hip-fire mode. As to the why: artistically, it's more interesting to see a gun fired from the side, or at angle into a target, than it is to see it fired when your target is half obscured by your weapon. (kickback making your target location obscured by the time the bullet reaches it.

It wasn't realistic, but there was a certain satisfaction in fallout 3 in seeign yuor shot leave the gun and enter your target. it MAY be that that's why they shot so many clips firing from the him.

This is all just guessing, but as a modder (mostly for myself, with few actual mods to my name) if SOME guns can aim down the barrel, then modding full support would be trivial compared to the work that had to be done in FO3's RH IronSights mod.

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Kim Kay
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 6:55 pm

Damn this is still going on. And no mention of NPC's shoelaces....

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Elle H
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:35 am

They better have metal aglets or I'm canceling my pre-order I haven't pre-ordered yet... :stare: :stare: :stare:

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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:40 am

Why is this thread still alive ?
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