I'm not so sure ..
MAG forums were being bombed by players who created an account to make a topic because they kept loosing or blaming it on a gameplay element. So the devs changed the gameplay literally EVERY month. It was ridiculous! I hope SplashDamage keeps their vision of the game in mind and won't listen too much to these crybabies

Right, but what you didn't have is everybody that loved it the way it was in there screaming "I like it, don't touch it." and so the Devs listened to the vocal majority and changed it.
As it stands now there're already a lot of people thinking that a lack of OHKs means they aren't going to get suprise dead, that somehow this game is going to be all run and gun, strafe and spray, toe to toe combat, and when the game comes out and they get popped by the sniper and die (2 hits of course) they're going to be all over the place complaining that 2 hits is too few and that they need to nerf the light rifles and make the range on the SMGs longer so they can fight back, just like they did on the MAG forums.
If there's something that needs fixed fix it, if there's something that a group of people don't understand how to beat put out a tutorial.