So you took that serious? lol!
No il let the kids like you cry while I try and do something productive instead of talking about it. Your the try hard smartarse who has just been made to look like an abolsute twat in the fact that you got trolled unbelievably bad yet are to stubborn to see it.
enjoy your little "e victory"
Your the biggest joke going
1, its you' in you are, not your....basic english will help you in life my friend
2) The more you go on the more you keep making the same mistake and I just keep laughing at you lol
3) You are not being productive in anyway, you mix personal attacks with pointless information that counts for nothing....and so th failure is two fold with you, you think you win with your little posts but it just builds up the sad little internet persona you have for yourself here, which is a should take some time out and see if you can't leave the playground mentality where it belongs..the playground
1) Grammar policing on forums? are you a failed english teacher exerting your frustration on forums?
2) Fail? Lmao? the phrases you rhyme off reek of immaturity so much, believe me its hard not to laugh at you myself.
3) LOL could you actually descibe yourself anymore down to a T? nice job describing yourself so I didnt actually have to go to the trouble of doing it myself but then again 2 wrongs dont make a right do they? But then again your just a big guy on the forums, the witty try hard funny guy who in the end tries so hard to be a cyber bully but cant even realise when he is getting trolled, im openly tellign you but you keep replying? are you really that stupid?