» Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:06 am
I remember my senior year in highschool, I'd get about 2-3 hours of sleep on weekdays, and maybe 5 hours for the entire weekend. Every picture of me from then shows me looking like a raccoon with these massive black rings under my eyes. I just literally never felt like sleeping. To much stuff to do. Then, after the military, I'd sleep until I woke up, which was often between 12-14 hours after I went to bed. Much like OniOne was saying, I'd often get up at like 6 or 7 in the afternoon, get a shower, and head out to meet friends for a night of partying or whatever. I hated alarm clocks back then, I literally punched a hole in 3 different ones because they tried to wake me up. Now though, I get about 3-5 hours of sleep a night, with my wife as my alarm clock. My wife on the other hand, can, and often does, turn the alarm clock off in her alseep and then not get up till hours later. Thats resulted in our oldest daughter being tardy to school on more then a few occassions.