We all know the drill. Alarm goes off, and we need to get up on our feet and start the day.
When finally on your feet it's not so bad, but getting there! Oh the torment!
It got me thinking what would be the best way to wake up. Which of course led me to make this topic.

So forum, what do you wake up to?
Waking up would require me to actually sleep through the night. I currently only get about four hours of sleep, and it's broken down into two hour increments.I have no problem getting up and jumping right into life, it's a gift. Get up, meds, bathroom, brush teeth, shower, gogogo, It is getting to sleep, that is my issue. I know I need to sleep more.
I also have to take meds in the middle of the night, or that require fasting so things like breakfast and coffee don't happen until later in the morning, after all of my running is done.
What would be awesome is getting up, not having to run errandsm drop off kids, etc. Just taking care of me, and having a nice lesuirely breakfast of a sunny side up egg, cantelope, two slices of whole wheat toast, a cup of coffee and the morning paper, UNINTERRUPTED.