We all know the drill. Alarm goes off, and we need to get up on our feet and start the day. When finally on your feet it's not so bad, but getting there! Oh the torment!
It got me thinking what would be the best way to wake up. Which of course led me to make this topic. So forum, what do you wake up to?
I'd like to wake up and press a button on the wall that showers me without me having to move
That would actually be a very rough awakening. I would like to be able to wake up and press a button which stops the time around me for a couple more hours.
I wake up when it suits me. Simple as that. All that matters in the job is the day of the deadline. Other than that, I just try to stay awake if I have a date at sometime normal. ^_^
I usually wake up before my alarm as it is so getting up is no big deal even when I sleep until the alarm. I am also a college student who gets up at 6am everyday regardless of class or not so I may be used to it. If you just force yourself up then its not so bad, I do find that since I have an order to my morning routine that helps out as well.
I have my routine so ingrained in me that I don't need the alarm to wake up (usually wake up about 10 minutes before it goes off). I kind of like getting up, having my cereal and coffee and checking my email. People laugh because I get up 90 minutes before I have to be to work, but I like have a little time to let the new day "sink in". I hate having to hit the ground running and be out the door 15 minutes after I get up. Have coworkers who do that and they look miserable when they walk in the office.
when I was still going to school I could get up the instant my alarm went off and get ready for the day, I was still basicly asleep as I got out of the door but I had gotten out of the bed and off for the day, but when I finished school and because I am unemployed I have no urgent reason where I need to get up or I would suffer consequences... so now even my alarm clock does little to get me up and sometimes I sleep all day. I don't like it either so its really annoying.
Isn't that anoying? I always get kind a grumpy when I wake up with loud noises. Im still searching the right (slow) song to wake up with.
I may not like it, but it sure as hell gets me out of bed in the morning. One thing that I forgot to mention was that I can't reach my alarm clock from my bed.
I have my routine so ingrained in me that I don't need the alarm to wake up (usually wake up about 10 minutes before it goes off). I kind of like getting up, having my cereal and coffee and checking my email. People laugh because I get up 90 minutes before I have to be to work, but I like have a little time to let the new day "sink in". I hate having to hit the ground running and be out the door 15 minutes after I get up. Have coworkers who do that and they look miserable when they walk in the office.
I used to have that power. Waking up before the alarm. But then I turned 16... and it was gone. And why would people laugh at you for waking up 90 minutes before you have to leave? I wake up 120 minutes before, and sometimes I leave 10 minutes late!
One alarm goes off on my phone, my laptop has two more set. I then have to try and turn off the alarms on my laptop, which predictably freezes up after being left alone for 6 hours. If that doesn't wake me up then I normally have iTunes collapsed in the corner, I hit play and get blasted with whatever I was listening to the night before at full volume. By then I'm normally awake enough to lie back down in bed for half an hour and then run around like a madman in the final ten minutes so I can get to school on time.
I am not a morning person, so waking up is easily the worst part of the day. It wasn't so bad back when I had classes to go to, or work, but now I have neither so the whole 'get up to start your day or fall behind' drive is kind of gone. At the moment, I get up using shear will after seeing it's sometime in the afternoon and I haven't eaten.
Depends on when I wake up really. Like if it's 10-20 minutes before I gotta work, it means I got less than 6 hours of sleep usually and svcks. If I slept all day (which I do from time to time) then it's a little bit easier waking up. Days like today where I wake up in the middle of the day are easier because I can take my time but I'm really tired because usually when I wanna wake up during the day I wake up about 5 + times before I have to actually wake up.
The only solace is on the weekends when I can take as long as I want. That's also when I get my best sleep, I just keep on sleeping until I wake up...without waking up before hand. That also tends to happen on those days I'm like bah sleep until you wanna get up..which usually means I sleep all day until I gotta go to work again.