but I'm stuck in the mod right now after just finishing the Tome Of Laughter quest. Basically, I'm not sure what to do next and the mod refuses to tell me.
and then mods like Intergration basically slap your hand away and run off without you. There has to be a middle ground!
Probably just need more fame. This is explained in the spoiler file, and admittedly very vaguely explained by Tesserayiel. You could also do more Side quests which give you internal fame bonuses. It should be possible to complete the mod with never gaining any fame outside of the mod, if you do every available side quest, and complete them in the best manner. Also have a look around Inns in the Shivering Isles, there should be an advertisemant for a place where there's now a new quest.
The purpose of the fame requirements was basically to moderate progress, and prevent the common "5 second guild master" syndrome that recent Elder Scrolls suffer from, and the mod was never really meant to be a primary focus or a speed run; more of just an immersive addition to the world. Something where you slowly discover new quests, and figure out ways to complete its quests while doing something completely different.
Personally "run off without you" is almost the exact words I'd use to describe those blatant quest marker mods, because they are constantly forcing your forward and pretty much begging you: "Play me! Play me!" You know, it just creates this sad false sense of urgency, and accomplishment that in reality doesn't actually exist, because you're just being forced down a rail.
Integration's more like: "Yeah, go have fun, I'll still be here whenever you're ready."
I must admit however that I am guilty of revolving entire playthroughs around just primarily doing the Integration's quests.
In any case solving quests and finding quests was one of the main reasons for beta testing, and unfortunately I was about the only consistent tester and I would usually get told where the quests were and howto start them so that I could test them. So naturally I kind of failed at making sure quests were easy to find, but there are vague hints present all over in the form of courier articles, location hints, and intersecting quest lines.