It's on Duty Calls... with what addition??? -confused face- D:
LB to Jump, and 'A' to revive/buffJust so you guys know, on the PS3, with similar base controls, you still don't need to remap the controls like you're suggesting so you can control your wallhops effectively - if you know where you're aiming, you can just push the left stick in the appropriate direction - when you hit jump, you'll automatically go in the direction your stick is telling the game to move.
Much easier, imo - but as I said, I'm on PS3. Someone on XBox want to test if it works there too? Also, you don't have to be facing the wall directly to sprint and jump into it - you can sprint diagonally, jump facing half-way towards where you're trying to get already, then wallhop while facing the direction you want to jump in.
How does that work out for chain wall jumps? Just wondering, sounds like it would be plausible...I'm just not a fan of auto SMART - rather do it manually, personally.
I did say run at the wall at an angle, not directly. Wow, I thought I got a grip on the mechanics of this game.
I was terribly wrong!
But it looks a little weird without arms/hands in the HUD.
Yeah this guy was on PC, and there's a console command to remove that stuff. Did it for aesthetics I presume. But the video gives one great insight into what is actually possible in this game, as far as parkour is concerned
Ha, its time like these when I realise my 'claw' actually plays off.
For reasons I have long since forgotten I hold my controller loads different to most people. My thumbs are still both on the thumbsticks (obviously) but I use my index finger in a claw-shape on the A button, and my middle and ring finger for the bumpers.
I'd say give it a go.... but Its pretty wierd I have to admit.... kinda happy it works for me :celebration:
That is just bizarre. I think I remember some of my buddies playing that way on Super NES...I'm all, 'You're doing it wrong, you're doing it wrong!!' :rofl: