» Mon May 02, 2011 12:40 am
parkour would add so much to this game, i love morrowind and oblivion and their rpg aspects, but the game plain old needs to be funner to play. just to keep up with other games. it'd be awsome if they stole all the great aspects of other games and puttem in the elder scrolls. I made a thread about this awhile ago
Sprinting/jumping (roof to roof)- Assassins Creed/Mirrors Edge
Decent Horseback Riding- Red Dead Redemption (Shooting from horses, at least spells goddamit)
The Combat System from Dark Messiah/Condemned (Fluency)
Detail - ESIII
Force Push Spell - Fable
Ability to have Family- Fable 2
Almost Everything I've seen from Brink so far (sliding into cover and stuff z0mg loox so cool)
Customize your house -sims (lol)
Jobs- Fable 2 (but..... better
Co-op (split-screen and online)- Borderlands (I don't care what people say all games should have a co-op option, if you don't like it don't use it.)
Destructible Environments- Battlefield BC 2 (I want to hack away doors and windows to get into a room, imagine trees falling down at you're really powerful spells or something)
Physics- Lots of Games. Namely the body physics from GTA
Climbing- Assasin's Creed( *Nauraushaun)
Stealth (Carrying Bodies!!!) - Splinter Cell/Assassin's Creed (*perilisk)
Body Types (Fat, Skinny, Tall, Short) - GTA/Saints Row/Fable/Lots of Games Really
Spreadable Fire- Far Cry 2
Big Battles- Gow2/Lotr/Assasin's Creed 2
More Mounts (Boats,Carridges)- Zelda (Windwaker)/Red Dead
Everyone's Killable- ESIII
Emphasis on Hunting- Red Dead
Fishing- Zelda
Mark and Recall, Levitation- ESIII
Dismemberment- Fallout 3
Gambling- Fallout: New Vegas/Red Dead/Fable
Robberies- GTA/Red Dead (I want to be able to rob a store/person instead of kill them or stealthily steal from them)
Everything's a weapon- Dead Rising
Followers- FO: New Vegas
Perks? (maybe) - FO/COD
Grapple Hook- Just Cause 2
Skate Park Creator- Tony Hawk
V.A.T.S.- Fallout 3
Motorcycle Level- Like in Road Rash
Streetbreaker dunks- NBA Street