» Fri Apr 08, 2011 4:42 am
Alright setting all that up worked, but the only issue now, is that he stands at the marker and the animation of him typing loops 8 times, due to the way its set up. I have copied the animation and lowered it to 2 times, so it lasts less time. The only issue is how do I attach my new idle animation (Set to 2 loops, instead of 8) to a new furniture marker, as I do not see how its done. It just has a Special 22 checkbox, so would my idle be like Special 23 or something? and how would I tell it that? I am using MQ05OpenWallTerminalMarker and copying it to my own marker. Then I have copied UseOpenTerminalStanding and made my own, exactly the same but 2 loops instead of 8. How do I tell my furniture marker to use that?