Just wanted to put this out there so I ordered the PS4 Pip boy edition from Evil corp. aka Walmart back in june well the card I used expired in august now I goto the site to update my info and low and behold I can't and customer service isn't a big help first agent didn't know jack so after an hour and a half of holding I get a supervisor and he explains to me the reason I can't update my order information is because the item in question is out of stock and with no other information can't do anything but the only option I can do is cancel it WTF! I know Walmart isn't really up to date with the times but this is just lame bush league crap so because of the most ridiculous of thing I won't be playing Fallout 4 never played 3 but saw friends and family play the games and I liked the storyline and was really looking forward to 4 on PS4 but thanks to Walmart I won't be preparing for the future. hope this info helps out anyone that's ever ordered from them.