I'm not really sure how folks that are "So Good" that survival is not even a challenge COULD be challenged in this game.
It's kind of like people that play on "Nightmare" on Dragon Age series complaining that it's too easy.
Personally I am not sure how these players can do it. I've played games for years and consider myself to be pretty good. I can play on Legendary on Skyrim, I can play on Hard or Very Hard on almost every game, but they are tough and challenging.
That tiny fraction of people that can actually breeze right through this sort of thing just amaze me.
Maybe they just need to wait until they can mod themselves the game in the future as they seem unwilling to nerf themselves within the game, but I really can't see developers adding even stronger difficulties. 99.99% of people can barely survive on Survival, let alone Very Hard. I'm just not sure how developers could possibly satisfy that teeny tiny fraction of players without honking off everybody else.
It isn't rocket surgery. Some people are better at playing computer games just as some people are better at running 100 meters. It's the natural way of things, has always been and always will.
Or... maybe they can complain and argue that it should've been put into the game from the beginning. Beside the fact that your figures are completely made up, what possible harm could it do to the game to have an even higher difficulty? Who, in heavens name would ever be 'honked' off by that, something that wouldn't affect them in any way, shape or form?
Just because there′s a wide variety of items to be used does not mean that you have to use them. Just because the game offers combat armor, does not mean that your character wants to wear it. All Bethesda did, is providing options on how to play your character.
It was the same in Skyrim. You could wear whatever you wanted and still be effective at fighting.
You're right. Hope I didn't offend. Just coming at it from the "pathetic" point of view. Need to GitGud!
You don't seem to know what "game" means.
quote from wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game
Bethesda wants to call their thing as "role playing game".
If I need to provide the goals, rules and challenge for myself then bethesda has failed as a game designer.
It's a game for me. The "challenge" is plenty. I don't need to be punished. I'm married.
Wouldn't that mean writing/re-writing oodles of code, again? I mean, there are already what, 1/2 a dozen different difficulty levels now!
Oh well. Whatever works, I guess.
You might want to reread the whole article. Your quoted definition of a game is not specific to computer games, but rather games in general, i.e. Monopoly, Poker, Hide and Seek...
Heres the definition for RPGs from that same article:
Note the bolded part. I think Fallout 4 fits that description very well, wouldn′t you say so?
And this is why it's stupid. Why would you possibly not use a better weapon?! I mean, sure, the primary goal of this game is to win it, every game is, but it's also to better yourself, both as a player and as your character progresses. It's the whole point of the levelling system after all. To then just stop using items you find would completely defeat the purpose of playing at all. Why would you kill that Super Mutant over there if you're not going to pick up the loot or take benefit of the experience points you get from killing him? Then why stop there, why even play the game at all?
Playing like that would not just completely tear down the fourth wall and ruin the immersion but also destroy any kind of role-play opportunities. Why, pray tell, wouldn't my character want to wear the better armour?!? Really, maybe you're role-playing a stupid character, but he'd honestly have to be so damn stupid to not wear better armour while fighting Super Mutants that hurt you, he wouldn't have enough IQ to be able to know how to breathe.
Wouldn't you rather then have a harder difficulty than run around the game not picking up loot or role-playing an amoeba? Yeah, you would, everyone would which makes your entire argument moot.
There's your answer...put down your godly weapon (probably a suped up gauss), take off your legendary armor, put on some basic clothes and use basic weapons. You will have a hard time, even if you broke your game with maxed out perks.
It never ceases to amaze me how people max out stats, weapon damage, armor, etc. then whine that things are too easy. Do you honestly expect the game to balance things for you?
How does that setup obliterate things on bullet sponge difficulty?
I don't use a weapon because I don't want to - I don't use missile launchers or fatboys or gatling guns.
I don't use armor because I don't want to - I don't use PA? What's your point?
I RP - my character doesn't want to do those things. She doesn't want to use PA and she doesn't do melee. Does that mean I'm playing it wrong?
I can still take down supermutants and deathclaws without them.
It doesn't?
I don't play to be able to "obliterate" things as you say. If I wanted that I'd just play on Very Easy and blast everything with a launcher or fat boy.
Part of the joy for me is that I can't "obliterate" everything. I have to think about it.
Example: last night, McReady and I are wandering through Boston on our way to Pickman and we run in to 1/2 a dozen supermutants. Fortunately they hadn't seen us (yet) so I was able to snipe a couple right off (3x in sneak and a headshot, which, of course got the other's attention) and, as I'd run in to the type before, I knew the suicide ones (there were two) by look. Targeted the throwing arm and then the leg so it couldn't come at me or throw, then a head shot, etc... while McReady sniped from behind me.
We stayed in cover since one of the others had a missile launcher, but, eventually we won. I liked the challenge of defeating enemies stronger than me (I'm only at 27).
I don't want to "obliterate" things. That's God Mode. I never do that.
Roleplaying is a reason to avoid all that. How many movie characters kill someone, strip their armor to tack the pieces on and use their weapons? My guy loots things but he's not going to take off his clothes to equip something stronger that looks ridiculous...he'll go at it like a boss with the same boots he's been wearing from early on. I don't care about a Super Synth Leg of Strength or using 1 hit weapons when my trusty pistol/shotgun combo serves me well.
If difficulty settings made us weaker without creating bullet sponges and made the AI better/smarter then I would be all about it but as is it's a weak system that I don't enjoy so I balance things myself to keep it entertaining.
just use your fist and only wear your starting jumpsuit. no stimpacks allowed or companion.
other than that, thanks to no-level cap, this is the facts we will all inevitably face - the game will become easy.
Neither do I for the simple reason that they're worse than the weapons I use. Worse, because they do, despite what you'd actually think, less DPS than my Combat Rifle, they're heavier and their ammunition is lacking and expensive and prevents a sneak play style and is impossible for indoor use.
My p... Are you jesting? My point is that it's stupid to have to resort to not picking loot up in this game because you think the game is too easy if you do. Don't you hear how absolutely ridiculous the whole premise sounds?!
Of course you can role-play not using a Power Armour, but you can not, in any way shape or form role-play a character that doesn't pick up loot or use a Pipe Pistol instead of a Combat Rifle. Your character would have to be so stupid to do that he wouldn't even know how to use a Pistol, like at all!
Yeah, that... would be a thing you do for a second play-through, goof around and do silly things. But really, the first time you play and reach the level where you start to feel so Godly you can't basically be hurt, it's kind of too late to fool around with zany self-imposed rules. The first time, or indeed the only if you're not interested in playing multiple times, is supposed to be the absolute best experience you can possibly have, and start inventing zany rules smack in the middle of the game is, at least nothing I'm not prepared to do. That would just ruin it for me.
I would rather have had a greater difficulty when I started the game than 'fixing' the game myself in the middle of my first play-though.
Handicap yourself. Whats the the difference in using high level gear against beefed up enemies vs using low level gear against regular enemies?...Nothing
I fail to see the relevance to movies, to be honest. How many real-life people would not pick up a different weapon and use that instead if they knew it would be a guaranteed improvement? If you had a pair of brass knuckles and three bad-guys were advancing on you, would you or would you not pick up the pistol that lies at your feet and use that instead? I mean, really?
I used the wrong word, he said massacre not obliterate...which I don't see him being able to do on survival sponge mode with the setup he posted. I don't play that way or try to make my guy godly...he's just a man making it through the wasteland, not a super soldier with invincible armor.
Actually, that's not a bad idea for a playthrough. Somebody who honestly doesn't know how to use a weapon, do modifications, etc...
I know it will sound sixist, but, I would assume it would be the wife? According to the beginning, it was the husband who was in the military.
Hmm... I wonder what she would do. I suppose she'd have to learn, eh? Either that or die.
Humans are adaptable. I've used a pipe-pistol as opposed to a combat rifle many times. I even still have a modded pipe-pistol that I use sometimes when running around.
You don't always have to use the most powerful weapon. That too isn't realistic. It's situational.
Me, I use my sniper rifle cause I like to. I have a tricked out combat rifle that does twice as much damage, but I don't use it often. I prefer to snipe. Again, it's situational.
My girl wears Kellogg's gear. It's not a powerful as PA, but, then gain, my X-01 is a tank. But I don't like stomping around that way even though I have plenty of cores.
I'm not sure what you're trying to get at.
And, of course you don't have to pick up all the loot? Why would you? I mean, you're kind of obligated to in F4, if for no other reason than you need the resources, but, I don't pick up everything. If I don't need or want a launcher, I won't pick it up. If I don't need or want another rifle, I won't take it.
If you want an even higher difficulty than Survival, then cool. That's great. I'm sure there'll be a mod for that at some point. Better weapons, better damage from enemies.
What are you trying to accomplish?