Would you like to see an area with insane tough enemies and battles?
I recommend to start a new character and try out DiD.
You need a different game then.
Many of us have issues on Normal difficulty.
While you "Awesome" and "Inspiring" players are just ducky, most of us simply aren't up to your level of play and I believe that developers understand that, particularly with games of this sort, that they do not need to make them as punishing as some since there are already a large number of games that are that way.
My answer to you is NO, emphatically NO. I play Beth because I love the stories and the lore and the RPG elements, not to be punished.
May I ask if you're one of those folks that though the Dark Souls series was a walk in the park as well?
that's an odd thing about higher levels, it starts getting a lot easier, I died a fair bit at normal difficulty in the lower levels but at the high levels I can go through surviver for the most part fairly easily (least til I get an encounter with annilator assultron)
Can't disagree with you.
NV did warn you about certain areas.
Normal is just a challenge. I tried Survival and couldn't hack it. Hard was fine, but, since I only play a few hours a night and really just concentrate on my settlement building, normal is fine for the time being.
Am playing my alt on Hard (he's more of a straightforward melee/gunsman) and it's fine as well.
I suppose, if it wasn't a forced area, it would be fine, but I would hate for there to be something part of the required plotlines that I simply couldn't survive, ever, on any difficulty.
Honestly, most game I play on easy or very-easy, since I'm just too friggin' lazy for that much of a challenge.
Fallout has always been an exception though. Since it's a shooter at it's heart, weaponry is just too powerful, even from a low level on any difficulty.
On my S&S games (Skyrim, ESO, DD:I, DA series), I usually play on easier difficulties, simply because your weaponry is not truly up to snuff until you're high level.
One person's "crazy difficult" is another person's "cakewalk". So even if they did stick in your Amazing Pit Of Doom location, someone else would come on moaning about how easy it was, and why didn't they put in something harder.
(Not to say they shouldn't have difficulty levels in the first place, or anything. But constantly trying to provide Uber Hard for everyone isn't workable. Remember the quote: "You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time." At some point, you just have to say "good enough". And hey - not that "mods will fix it!" is the right answer for everything, but for catering to specific niche interests? They are a good answer.)
Head south. The only place levels 40+ will get a serious challenge is the south of the map. And even there, once you hit level 60+, everything is easy mode. The only trouble I have are mobs of ghouls. Even Deathclaws aren't much trouble now.
Bad thing about this game, by the time you build up your char to the point that they can use all their abilities they are level 50 (or higher). I play a stealth char - selecting all those perks, plus the various extra damage perks, and crafting and adding to my SPECIALs - I was level 56. By that time, most of the game is done. And everything else is easy mode.
A bad design.
Another area where we have to wait for the mod kit.
Also, the Legendary Items are too much. I'm just selling them off now. For example; I have 3 Chameleon pieces.
Ugh, I threw away the one Chameleon piece I got. So annoying to have the pip-boy invisibled out so that you can't use it. And completely wrecked the concept of sneaking around, when I had to stand up & de-stealth in order to check my map/inventory/whatever. (The whole stealth-boy effect is annoying, honestly.)
Most of the legendary items I've found haven't seemed terribly useful. I've got some armor bits with +movement, one with a stat bonus, and maybe a -15% damage from something. Eh
Certain builds make Survival a cake walk right the right gear. Try to not start fights with a sneak crit, even if thats what you've been built for, use other weapons, etc. I've started a new save over the weekend that is mostly melee, and it changed the game and how I approach enemies. I do keep a rifle for softening up bosses and other huge monsters from distance, but mostly melee, using terrain, lighting, and tactics to get close to my enemies. If you built your character to break the game then don't be surprised when you do break it.
This is for you.
-A challenge.
-Playing an unmodded Bethesda game.
Pick one.
FO3/NV must have made you really mad then lol those were a walk in the park compared to FO4. Sure I find some situations to be easier but I'm still finding new 'variations' of enemies that are tougher to kill. They have better weapons and armor on top of having more health. You'll get your wish with mods though. I doubt Beth will increase difficulty higher than survival as it seems most are satisfied if not overwhelmed with the difficulty at their chosen levels
You didnt read the description of that mod do you?, wait... you are telling me that you thought you were playing on a harder difficulty when in fact you made your game easier?
Taking 300% damage instead of 200% is easier? Just because enemies go down faster does not mean it's easier.
Start a new game with no perks, no companion and no chems. Just food and water. See how long you can play like that on Survivor.
Different people have different skills and tastes, that's why there's a range of difficulty settings.
Grumbling that the game is too easy on survival mode doesn't make much sense to me.
The only legendary piece I use is the speed boost. The Chameleon piece is VERY annoying - the visual effect is hard on my eyes. Not being able to see your pipboy is a big no no too. I've collected 3 of them, and sold them all. What I don't get, is who at Bethesda thought the visual effects was a good idea?
All in all I am not impressed with the legendary pieces. Playing at Very Hard or Survival level drops so many of them I just yawn now. They've become more of a hassle cause I can't scrap them so I have to find a vendor who has the caps to buy them. Or take a loss.
I'm hoping someone mods better stealth items.
Was literally just reading this earlier - http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2015/11/stealth-in-fallout-4-is-like-a-developer-sanctioned-god-mode/