Okay, so yesterday I was playing Skyrim, and I had just finished Mehrunes Razor quest, so I was outside his shrine. After that, I went to Whiterun to change outfit (from heavy armour to light) and bought a load of empty grand soul gems. All of that took about 15 minutes, which isn't bad.
After that, I went to several giant camps to kill mammoths for the grand souls. In total, about 90 minutes was spent doing this.
Then, I did a few side quests. Another hour.
Finally, I decide to go to Skuldofn. Fighting my way up to Sovngarde took about 35-40 minutes. I finally get to Sovngarde and meet that big hairy bastard who challenges you. He killed me.
Where do I reappear at? MEHRUNES DAGON'S [censored] SHRINE!!!!!
That's right, over THREE HOURS of playtime GONE!! And every ten minutes or so, my game would say in the corner (Please wait... Autosaving...) Why the actual [censored] does this happen to me?
I'm not kidding, that actually completely killed my desire to go on Skyrim. I look at it now, and just don't want to touch it.