. Something slowish (like, no faster than a horse in Skyrim) that can get over rough terrain would be ideal, as the player would still have time to spot nearby points of interest and divert to have a look, and you wouldn't be triggering dozens of random or location-based encounters which you leave behind before even realizing there's something going on.
But then, would people want a vehicle as slow as that?
I suspect the rideable vertibirds are going to be the immersive version of fast-travel. They take you to specified destinations, random encounters can be disabled while you're in flight, and you get to look at the scenery as you go. I suppose a really fast ground based drivable vehicle or a pilotable flying vehicle might work well, but the problems of making them work well in-game could be quite high.
Maybe Bethesda could solve it, but modding is probably where this is going to have to happen.
We'll see