Before I start I want to say i like to game on MY PC and 360 and that PC games will always look better and be better but the fact of the matter is that PC gaming is dying... Let me explain.
Says who ? , same tired old , OMG! the sky is falling jibberish.
When i look at the steam store it says the most played game is counterstrike and this is every day the peak is about 80k. 80K for source and 80k or 1.6 or whatever so about 160k PEAK!
Because everyone plays counterstrike at the same time right and theirs no other games on steam :S, add them all up , also theirs 3.2 Million users peaking , yes not all playing games at the same time but their, their alive and kicking +
+ Blizzard Games Population + EAs PC gaming population and who ever else.
Then look at black ops and MW2 around 40K each on peak, now take a look at Black ops on 360 every time i play black ops on my 360 there is at least 700k player online, I went on it on Saturday last week there was 2.1 million people playing that over half of steams total players online PEAK then MW2 will have around 500k players on a day.
Poor bastards ... COD sux , MW2 was pretty much boycotted for not having dedicated servers amongst other things. Theirs nothing worse than having 10 messages a day from droopy eyed drooling children on the 360 with 100k hertz voices
so my point is that even though your games ARE better, we have far more players which is why games developers are coming to xbox and ps3 because it is such a larger market.
Keep your players , their annoying as hell , the pothetic voice comms make them sound like retarded robots, ventrillo FTW !
I don't want to see anyone on here that says well actually over some many years PC gaming has been growing... because I don't care because the whole PC community is minuscule to the size of the console community, and if you added all of the player of the top 100 games played in a day MW2 on 360 alone would double that number without peak number.
Again with the MW2 , most pc players don't give a crap about that game ...
Also PC piracy is a huge problem and don't say it is as bad on 360 because its not you wonna know how i know because i know someone with a flashed 360 that buys games for £3 2 weeks before they are released but ONLY plays they on an off-line account to see what they are like because if you go on xbox live with they you get banned almost instantly.
Piracy LOL ??? Every platform can be hacked offline.
Apart from the Crysis 2 bug that allows pirates to play online (which will be fixed) , theirs not many games you can play online on the pc without a valid CD key unless you play hacked serves and such , but whats the point when the main /most of the community plays on legit servers.
The 360 isn;t just as bad ? LOL your either very nieve or ignorent, so easy to hack.
When you think about it it could even be soon when making games on PC inst even feasible because of piracy and the such lower amount of copys sold on PC compared to 360/PS3.
Digital sales are through the roof and console owners still bragging about their **** retail packages ..... GET WITH THE TIMES.
Also all of this my keyboard/mouse own the controller has to end here is the truth. The joystick is better than a keyboard for movement as it moves in all 360 degrees where as keyboard is only at 45 degree intervals. also joystick can move at variable speeds for example if you push the joystick a bit you move slower this makes it better for driving games and sports games.
The 360 controller is also the Windows Controller + PC Controls are far superior as a whole and would rip apart any console controller wielding n00b , and who the hell starts moving their keyboard around ??? :S
The mouse is better than the joystick though for aiming.
PC gaming is dieing live with it (I don't want to see it die but that's the truth, im actually building a new rig now)
Its not dying , never has been ... same tired old argument brought on by the swinging the right numbers the right way
If anything console gaming is holding the industy back with its out of date hardware, and pc gamers sat around yawning waiting for sommot to take advantage of their hardware.
Its annoying and consoles need to die already so we can get something decent.
Please dont flame but post your opinion.