Huge fps drops in the heavy areas and cities on powerful machine even at low settings. At default game caps my fps on 30fps for no reason (on very powerful machine) when i unlock fps then i got other problems. Also stuttering indors while fps very stable so i was forced to write ifpsclamp 76 in the Fallout4 ini (which pervent stuttering when walking but stutter remains when sprinting and while in 3rd person, and that ifpsclam causing many more problems, like get stuck in terminals) Various bugs and aweful textures (Thankfully mods can fix these textures that makes me puke) So yes, this is gamebreaking for me and keeps me more and more from playing this unfinished game which i paid like everyone else. Ive heard people around the world complaining about sam things and you devs gives us this [censored] beta patch which fix what? Pathetic.
If you wondering whats my pc :
gtx 970
i5 4690k
8gb Ram