I have roots in Scotland(still have me clan name

) and I take some pride in that so I'll vote yes for skirts for you. Although I do not approve of the brightly colored plaid girly-boy skirts, long sissy white socks, and fancy white vested shirts that they call traditional now. I will approve of the fur, leather and darker fabric kilts worn by the Mel Gibson in Braveheart, or members of the bands Clanadonia and Albannach as quick examples off the top of my head...
Picture reference
Small kilt: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_LJtEOTXVFxM/SnhTuqpYDHI/AAAAAAAACZs/gEgn370H_fM/s800/boy+in+kilt+c.jpg(How much do you want to bet that the British played a role in the invention of these abominations

yes I just went there)
Great kilt: http://www.kiltmen.com/greatkilt.jpg or just google the three I mentioned up there.
Not that I expect to see kilts in the game but I will support the skirts

Off topic, but related, something else we need in skyrim are fur animal cloaks, not the hooded cape type that you typically think of, but the kind a Viking or a Scottish warrior would have worn.
Edit: Also didn't really notice this before but on page 49 of the GI mag in the one screen of the dude hunting it looks like he has on a tunic(very similar to Link's tunic) And then on page 51 in the picture of the man slicing another man you can clearly see kilt looking apparel. I'm not sure if that is just over hang from the cuirass or greaves or if it's its separate. Either way looks awesome and just figured I'd point those out for others to check out.