I'm not sure what to do though. I DO know i want to use unarmed... but that isn't a skill so it will never improve. I'm deathly afraid of her leveling up too fast and making unarmed not viable.
I'm not sure what to do though. I DO know i want to use unarmed... but that isn't a skill so it will never improve. I'm deathly afraid of her leveling up too fast and making unarmed not viable.
true but leveling enchanting makes my level raise so high that it defeats the purpose of having stronger enchanted items ;_;
Go heavy armor then grab Fists of Steel. With this perk, the damage you deal is equal to the Gauntlets defense value (as the Gauntlets were actually a weapon).
A Dragonplate Gauntlet can give you 80 defense which means 80 unarmored attack.
Then fortify Enchanting to make your Gauntlets even better with fortify unarmed.
80? Its my understanding that it is only based on the base damage which in that case would be AMAZING. That's really how it should have worked: Improved armor rating on gauntlets give you more unarmed damage.
@Shadow_Titan - you're right. I watched a video once stating the opposite but I checked the Wiki and it supports your version.
And don't forget Unarmed is affected by the Dual Flurry One-Handed perks which grants you 35% attack speed (more DPS)
actually i have no idea if this is true. thanks btw
This is correct, but you can abuse enchanting to create gauntlets or a ring with huge Fortify Unarmed Damage.
"Despite not adding towards the One-Handed skill, unarmed attacks do benefit from some One-Handed perks, including the Dual Wielding perks. Perks from other skills that affect one-handed weapons (such as the Backstab perk from the Sneak skill) do not seem to affect unarmed attacks, however."
From: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Dual_Flurry#One-Handed_Perks
However, a couple of [censored] shows that Dual Savagery does not work with Unarmed attacks.
Uesp said it didnt work though o_O. I'm gonna test it in a bit to see i guess.
I tested it and it doesn't make any noticeable difference unfortunately.
This reminds me how much I miss the Hand to Hand (unarmed) skill...why they felt the need to remove a skill that makes for fun build is beyond me. I mean they add brawls which is good times (especially brawling all Orc chieftains) but they take away the skill that makes it viable
Anyway rant over ha, try making a cat burglar
I did search in uesp and did not find anything. However, if you do a quick search on our friend google, there are some people who put together a build like that and confirm that the unarmed attacks do benefit from the perk.
I would test it, but I'm not at home. Therefore I cannot make a dummy character :/
thats weird considering i just tested it, and there was no difference. Perhaps it was fixed?
I'm going to test it tomorrow morning (GMT time) and let you know my results.
Case at hand though guys, what type of characters are interesting to make with khajit? Besides the obvious thief? But im not really in a thief mood.
I found this:
Sorry for the misinformation
What about a Werewolf/Vampire character?
A beast that becomes a beast at night