Bethesda have bigger fish to fry i.e. Fallout 4.
Also they said no more DLC.
i installed my game into my xbox hardrive so there are few bugs, however they still do appear from time to time so maybe one more update. Skyrim isn't a big game only 4.8 GB Midnight club LA is bigger 6.5GB so install it if you have the space
We have to rely upon the community now. Here's to unofficial patches and mods.
To be fair guys, the OP did ask for minor updates other than DLC which you already discussed. Bethesda did say we might see small updates in the future, but doubtful it will be any new content.
I'm hoping they at least fix the lip-sync/facial expression engine bugs they introduced with 1.9 at some point. Those can't be fixed with community patches or other mods.
I keep hearing about this lip-syncing issue. What is going on? I hate to be that guy but what is wrong?
Bethesda did say they would do updates to fix patches, but that was basically it. Other then bugfixes I wouldn't expect anything new for Skyrim to come out from Bethesda. If I had to take a guess, I'd say the next patch would try and fix the issue where the lip syncing is off and your eyes don't spawn sometimes. The good news is that you can fix the eyes issue by just saving and reloading said save.
And I want to live the rest of my life as a rich guy who doesn't have to work. Too bad
"Listen to your fans"
Yeah, one's overheating, probably should throw that away right now. We don't need a defective fan.
Hey, is Skyrim your first TES game? just wondering.
NPC voice acting and lip movements get out of sync - it's like watching a badly-dubbed Japanese film from previous decades. Sometimes NPCs get stuck after dialog with their mouths hanging open, and some of them either never blink at all or blink constantly. This started happening after 1.9 was released. According to Arthmoor, it's an engine bug so he and his team can't do anything about it.
A lot of people have been in contact with Bethesda support about it - a few have gotten responses to the effect that the developers are aware of the problem and may be working on a patch to fix it. Whether that's true or a few of Beth's support people going off-script, I guess we'll see.
Mouth movements don't match up with words said. It's like cheap 70s dubbed movies bad.
Huh..I better keep an eye out when I am on Skyrim again. That is something I would notice (I remember similar issues in Morrowind, with the mouth left open and all).
Speak for yourself, I don't want any more DLC. They should fix the lip sync bug and then give us their next game announcement.
Because it's not going to happen. They already moved to the next game, it's final. Why waste our time asking for something we know we have absolutely no chance of getting?
Trust me, you can't miss it if it happens in your game.
Is it with any NPC or certain ones?
Okay, I see what you mean now. That is odd, but I think I havent noticed before because I like to talk in third person than first
It seems to be able to happen with any NPC in the game, but it's not consistent. My latest follower in my current game is Aranea Ienith. She suffers from the lip-syncing (though not always), and I have seen her with the open mouth after dialog a few times (re-entering and then exiting dialog with her usually fixes that). However, she blinks her eyes normally. I don't recall Serana with the open mouth thing, but her voice and face got out of sync a lot. The lip-sync issue also seems to happen with all of my merchants, caravan traders and other characters I enter conversation with.