» Sun Jul 03, 2011 3:45 am
I read the first page of this thread, and people were talking about Dremora. Then I read the sixth, and they were still talking about dremora. I searched the topic for mentions of a few other races, nothing came up, so I'm just gonna lay down my knowledge of the lore. Most of this can be found at uesp http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Races. I'm essentially going to categorize and list out other sentient races that are already present in Elder Scrolls lore. The Imperial Library and uesp are great places to read more about this stuff. Just to get things out of the way, I'm going to quickly list the ten playable races and their alternate names:
Redguard (descended from the Yokudans)
Imperial (pretty sure they're related to Nedes)
Nord (descended from the Nedes)
Breton (Said to be the result of men and mer breeding together)
Dunmer (Dark Elves, changed from Chimer)
Altmer (High Elves, they attempt to resemble the original Aldmer)
Bosmer (Wood Elves, they're the shorties)
Orsimer (Orcs, Corrupted Elves)
Khajiit (Comes in something like a dozen breeds, we've seem Ohmes-Rhat and Suthay-Rhat)
Argonian (I'm sure many of you know and love them)
Other Living Races of Tamriel
Imga (Hailing from Summerset, cape-wearing apes)
Other Unknown or Possibly Disappeared Races of Tamriel
Dwemer (Dwarves, Deep Elves, possibly uncreated themselves or ascended to a higher realm in another time)
Falmer (Snow Elves, may or may not have ever existed, may still exist in secrecy, said to be from Skyrim)
Races From Islands Near Tamriel
Sload (Giant [sea] slugs, likely still surviving on the sunken isles of Thras)
Maormer (Sea Elves, Tropical Elves, native to Pyandonea and eternal foes of the Altmer, descended from Aldmer)
Four Kingdoms of Akavir
Tsaesci (Vampiric snake people, ate all the previous inhabitants of Akivir, dislikes Tamriel)
Kamal (Snow demons, stay frozen all winter, dislikes everyone)
Ka'Po'Tan (Tiger beast race, eternal rivals to the Tsaesci, worship dragons, dislikes Tamriel)
Tang Mo (Monkey beast race, only race that shouldn't be considered an enemy to Tamriel)
Known Sentient Daedric Races
Auroran (Servants of Meridia, relatively loyal)
Daedra Seducer (The free agents of Oblivion, many are master-less)
Mazken (Highest caste of Seducer, typically found in Shivering Isles)
Aureal (Typically found in Shivering Isles, but able to defect as seen on Red Mountain)
Dremora (Super loyal to Mehrunes Dagon)
Xivilai (Loyal to themselves, hate insubordination)
Yes daedra have immortal souls. The only way for a daedroth to have a dragon soul, is if a daedric prince had given a daedric soul to a dragon (daedric princes are higher than dragons, so this would be possible). If that dragon was ever slain, it could have reassembled in a different form, and could now appear as any daedric race. Like I said, though, this more or less requires a daedric prince, and they would know that they were creating a dragonborn. It's not terribly unlikely that a daedric prince might want to stop the cycle of Alduin, especially if they found the current incarnation of things very entertaining. >.> I'm looking at you, newest incarnation of Sheogorath.
I know I've left out a few individuals, either because they aren't considered as intelligent as the races listed (Winged Twilight, Spider Daedra), or because lore tells us that they are surely dead (Ayleid). I've made mention to connections to Aldmer and Nede, but a lot of that is shrouded in serious mystery, so we shouldn't expect them to appear in any games.
My speculation on mortal races that could appear in different regions: Black Marsh might have NPC Kothringi, Skyrim could potentially have NPC Falmer, and Summerset could have NPC Maormer and Imga. I expect that The Elder Scrolls will maintain these ten races unless they have a good reason to add more playable ones.
Edits: Removed Kothringi from the list, as WiselWiselman informed me that they are extinct (bit o' research confirmed that for me). As for the daedric dragonborn, I'll start out by seeing that Beth, of course, would never do it, and it's not expressly possible in the lore. My one example of someone inheriting a daedric soul, was the agreement that Meridia and Umaril made. In this case, Umaril received an immortal soul that acted like a daedric soul in that it allowed him to return to the spirit world/void after his body was destroyed, and he could eventually gain back a new body. Given that dragons come from the Aedric gods, it's very plausible that they are out of the scope of a daedric prince's power.