I want a new race

Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:48 am

Indeed we must keep the lore otherwise it would ruin the game world i really didn't think that my comment would spark such an interesting debate so thanks to everyone who has posted on this thread
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:32 pm

Elder Scrolls lore can change with each installment of the Elder Scrolls franchise.

We are talking about a commercial product, a game, that has not reached the market yet. Some changes to prior installments have already been made public. There is no reason why such an addition couldn't be made at this point. More options for the player > less options for the player.

If you weren't interested in playing a dremora, then you wouldn't have to play a dremora. But if it is added as a playable race, then it could be an option for those who are interested in giving it a try. :)

Why are you opposed to the player have the option of playing a dremora?

Dude,I know what you mean.By that very same logic of yours I think they should add unicorns as a playable race.
Not just regular unicorn,jedi unicorns.So instead of a horn they have a light saber.Wouldn't that be awesome?

Edit, They should also be able to play the didgeridoo which would be like dragon shouts but stronger and cause the area around you to pulsate with rainbow love.
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:43 am

Playing as a dremora would be a bit farfetched... the people of Skyrim would attack you on sight! Akaviri refugees might be a better idea, men that survived the Tsaesci (I'm obsessed with the Akavirs btw xD)
It'd be difficult to simply just create a race out of thin air, because if they did then why hadn't there been any lore on them up until this point? Why have they suddenly just appeared? It just wouldn't make sense...
So, yeah, Akaviri ftw. :)
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Alister Scott
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:08 am

Well there's the Imga and the beast races of Akavir. And the Sload, but they wouldn't work because they teleport to move and are REALLY slow and would be forced to play as mages. They would be cool to see and interact with though. I wouldn't mind TES VI to be during the Akaviri attack on Tamriel. That way, depending on the outcome, some Akaviri races could have settled in Tamriel so we could play as them for TES VII. Also, we could have another IV turns into OblIVion with Akavir.
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Eduardo Rosas
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 5:34 am

Indeed we must keep the lore otherwise it would ruin the game world i really didn't think that my comment would spark such an interesting debate so thanks to everyone who has posted on this thread

you're welcome
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 11:09 pm

On the subject of races, I think that another race would be cool, but it would have to be unique. You know why? Cus we have 3 elf races and 3 human races. And to be honest, they don't seem unique to eachother at all. "Oh, you must be a Nord!" "No, I'm a Breton." "Ah, a Wood Elf!" "No, I'm a High Elf..... "
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 9:02 am

On the subject of races, I think that another race would be cool, but it would have to be unique. You know why? Cus we have 3 elf races and 3 human races. And to be honest, they don't seem unique to eachother at all. "Oh, you must be a Nord!" "No, I'm a Breton." "Ah, a Wood Elf!" "No, I'm a High Elf..... "

4 human races. Black people are humans too.
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:40 pm

Lol at Rat men. bigger lol at people who think of rat men. Biggest lol at people who get mega-offended by the idea of rat men in skyrim.l.

We all know there wont be rat men, let this man dream! Lol
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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 11:03 pm

I want a new race
One that does what it should
One that won't make me feel too bad
One that won't make me feel too good

I want a new race
One with no doubt
One that won't make me talk too much
Or make my face break out

One that won't make me nervous
Wonderin' what to do
One that makes me feel like I feel when I'm with you
When I'm alone with you
All alone with you
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 3:45 am

I read the first page of this thread, and people were talking about Dremora. Then I read the sixth, and they were still talking about dremora. I searched the topic for mentions of a few other races, nothing came up, so I'm just gonna lay down my knowledge of the lore. Most of this can be found at uesp http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Races. I'm essentially going to categorize and list out other sentient races that are already present in Elder Scrolls lore. The Imperial Library and uesp are great places to read more about this stuff. Just to get things out of the way, I'm going to quickly list the ten playable races and their alternate names:

Redguard (descended from the Yokudans)
Imperial (pretty sure they're related to Nedes)
Nord (descended from the Nedes)
Breton (Said to be the result of men and mer breeding together)
Dunmer (Dark Elves, changed from Chimer)
Altmer (High Elves, they attempt to resemble the original Aldmer)
Bosmer (Wood Elves, they're the shorties)
Orsimer (Orcs, Corrupted Elves)
Khajiit (Comes in something like a dozen breeds, we've seem Ohmes-Rhat and Suthay-Rhat)
Argonian (I'm sure many of you know and love them)

Other Living Races of Tamriel
Imga (Hailing from Summerset, cape-wearing apes)
Other Unknown or Possibly Disappeared Races of Tamriel
Dwemer (Dwarves, Deep Elves, possibly uncreated themselves or ascended to a higher realm in another time)
Falmer (Snow Elves, may or may not have ever existed, may still exist in secrecy, said to be from Skyrim)

Races From Islands Near Tamriel
Sload (Giant [sea] slugs, likely still surviving on the sunken isles of Thras)
Maormer (Sea Elves, Tropical Elves, native to Pyandonea and eternal foes of the Altmer, descended from Aldmer)

Four Kingdoms of Akavir
Tsaesci (Vampiric snake people, ate all the previous inhabitants of Akivir, dislikes Tamriel)
Kamal (Snow demons, stay frozen all winter, dislikes everyone)
Ka'Po'Tan (Tiger beast race, eternal rivals to the Tsaesci, worship dragons, dislikes Tamriel)
Tang Mo (Monkey beast race, only race that shouldn't be considered an enemy to Tamriel)

Known Sentient Daedric Races
Auroran (Servants of Meridia, relatively loyal)
Daedra Seducer (The free agents of Oblivion, many are master-less)
Mazken (Highest caste of Seducer, typically found in Shivering Isles)
Aureal (Typically found in Shivering Isles, but able to defect as seen on Red Mountain)
Dremora (Super loyal to Mehrunes Dagon)
Xivilai (Loyal to themselves, hate insubordination)

Yes daedra have immortal souls. The only way for a daedroth to have a dragon soul, is if a daedric prince had given a daedric soul to a dragon (daedric princes are higher than dragons, so this would be possible). If that dragon was ever slain, it could have reassembled in a different form, and could now appear as any daedric race. Like I said, though, this more or less requires a daedric prince, and they would know that they were creating a dragonborn. It's not terribly unlikely that a daedric prince might want to stop the cycle of Alduin, especially if they found the current incarnation of things very entertaining. >.> I'm looking at you, newest incarnation of Sheogorath.

I know I've left out a few individuals, either because they aren't considered as intelligent as the races listed (Winged Twilight, Spider Daedra), or because lore tells us that they are surely dead (Ayleid). I've made mention to connections to Aldmer and Nede, but a lot of that is shrouded in serious mystery, so we shouldn't expect them to appear in any games.

My speculation on mortal races that could appear in different regions: Black Marsh might have NPC Kothringi, Skyrim could potentially have NPC Falmer, and Summerset could have NPC Maormer and Imga. I expect that The Elder Scrolls will maintain these ten races unless they have a good reason to add more playable ones.

Edits: Removed Kothringi from the list, as WiselWiselman informed me that they are extinct (bit o' research confirmed that for me). As for the daedric dragonborn, I'll start out by seeing that Beth, of course, would never do it, and it's not expressly possible in the lore. My one example of someone inheriting a daedric soul, was the agreement that Meridia and Umaril made. In this case, Umaril received an immortal soul that acted like a daedric soul in that it allowed him to return to the spirit world/void after his body was destroyed, and he could eventually gain back a new body. Given that dragons come from the Aedric gods, it's very plausible that they are out of the scope of a daedric prince's power.
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 11:07 pm

Evidence thus far suggests that dragons are Aedric spirits of some sort. A daedra can't put another Daedra's soul in an Aedric being. And the dragons soul itself probably pertains to a specific form of soul, as opposed to simply any old soul that happened to be in a dragons body. The body is more ephemeral than the soul. Humans are lower than Daedra as well, but a human cannot be born with a Daedra soul. In fact, they couldn't give anything outside their realm a Daedric soul, as that is the limit of their power.
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:14 pm

Ok so there is one race that we really should have i really want rat men I don't know why i just think they would be cool to play as

I imagine if there ever was such a race, the khajiit would of wiped them out centuries ago.

Wake up, kitty kitty. That's it. There's a rat in my cell, Khajiit. A fat, tasty rat. Does the kitty want it? Is the kitty hungry? You'd better take whatever you can get in here, Khajiit. They don't feed the new prisoners. Didn't you know that? First they starve you. Then they beat you. Then, if you're lucky, they kill you. That's right. You're going to die in here! < Valen Dreth
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:39 am

possibly the 'good' races of Akavir, but not happening in Skyrim.
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sally coker
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:46 pm

There is no additional race that makes any level of sense to include in the game. The only way an additional race would make sense on any level is if it was the Akavir races, and the story was specifically built around them coming to Tamriel on a mission, but this story would also exclude the current 10 races which would be rather pointless imo.

The 10 races are the only ones that make sense, randomly bringing in more than them just being accepted without question would be stupid. As would a major retcon or trying to fabricate some garbage story for why they are playable. The race people mention the most, Sload, would never ever be an acceptable choice for a player character period for example.

Dremora will never happen, and I won't be ok with it ever happening. You can keep your bad guys going good stuff for another game.
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:05 am

On the subject of races, I think that another race would be cool, but it would have to be unique. You know why? Cus we have 3 elf races and 3 human races. And to be honest, they don't seem unique to eachother at all. "Oh, you must be a Nord!" "No, I'm a Breton." "Ah, a Wood Elf!" "No, I'm a High Elf..... "

4 human races and 4 elven races. Orcs are elves. And... I had never had problem recognisisng a High Elf or a Wood Elf. Bretons and Imperials are more confusing.
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:21 pm

Other Living Races of Tamriel
Kothringi (Silver-skinned human race from Black Marsh, said to be native to Tamriel)

They are extinct, too.
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:28 pm

Do you have anything which is not circular reasoning to actually back up your view?

"People" were afraid of dremoras in prior installments. The game is changing. That too can change, or the playable dremora might have to earn the trust of the locals. (There are rpg possibilities there.)

Are you familiar with a Joss Whedon program called Angel? (It was a Buffy the Vampire Slayer spin-off). The title character is a vampire with a soul who fights the "bad guys" and is a hero. It can be done.

Don't leave out the fact that he killed the computer teacher, put the body in the librarian's bedroom, terrorized Buffy's friends, killed quite a few people, and summoned a demon to cause the end of the world. Buffy ended up having to kill him to stop it.

So, that evil demon thing doesn't work out well, no matter what other temporary circumstances might be. Angel is a demon, cursed with a soul. The fact he is a demon never changes. Take away the soul, and the demon rampages.

Playable dremora don't fit into the game world as it is. For the people who want it, there are mods.
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:33 am

To anyone saying dremora:
"We are not born; we have not fathers nor mothers, yet we have kin and clans.

The clan-form is strong. It shapes body and thought.

In the clan-form is strength and purpose."

Quoted from an earlier link. The only way you could explain dremora being playable, would be to have an ENTIRE CLAN defect, and go to nirn, to serve a weaker realm that has no daedric lord. Oh ya, and defecting from likely the most physicaly powerfull daedric lord that has the realm that suits them the most. A SINGLE dremora will NOT defect. It cannot. As individuals, they do NOT HAVE FREE WILL. As CLANS they do. But, to go from thinking of humans as prey, and them being hunters, to risking themselves to help them? Not gonna happen. Why? Because they know, and fear, pain. They will not go up against a DRAGON GOD, to extend the life of their favourite prey. Sorry to break it to ya, but even if one went insane enough to be willing, the rest wouldnt go along with it.
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 4:17 am

Mod it in.
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:17 am

Modding in new races is easy fun. I made a Breton years ago with gold Daedric tattoos over his arms and face, to represent a Daedra worshiper seduced deeply by his Daedric magicka studies.

Fairly painless to do in Photoshop and the TES Construction Set.
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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:14 am


I feel compelled to point out several things about Dremora here. As a lore nerd I find my jimmies rustled in a most unpleasant way. Forgive me for not citing sources, but if I have to I can track them down.

Dremorae are not hive-minded. They were not created by Mehrunes Dagon or for Mehrunes Dagon. Daedric Princes can create approximately dike. They were simply a group of similar spirits (Et'Ada) that formed in the beginning place. When Lorkhan proposed the creation of the mortal realm, they were among those who wanted nothing to do with it, and they rallied around the various princes that existed. Due to the nebulous nature of Mehrunes Dagon's origin -- he seems to have been an Aedroth that aided Lorkhan in foiling Alduin's world-devouring, according to Seven Fights of the Aldudagga -- it's hard to say precisely when the Dremorae decided to serve him, but it's definitely for a long time.

Now their clan ties are the main reason we'd never see a Dremora PC, unless this was a game taking place in the planes of Oblivion. Honor is everything to the Dremorae. An individual Dremora turning his back on his clan and kin would suffer great dishonor, and that's just plain unthinkable. Loyalty, power, and honor are the core of a Dremora's existence. They can't turn on that. It's simply their nature.

As for why they can't be Dragonborn: well, they said that a Dragonborn is a mortal born with a dragon's soul. This is impossible for a Dremora because a Dremora is a soul.
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 9:28 am

I wouldn't mind a new race, i prefer a human but i would like something similar but with a twist to it. i'm liking the ape man idea or maybe just a human with an monkey like tail?(think goku from dragonball z)
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David Chambers
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:24 pm

To anyone saying dremora:
"We are not born; we have not fathers nor mothers, yet we have kin and clans.

The clan-form is strong. It shapes body and thought.

In the clan-form is strength and purpose."

Quoted from an earlier link. The only way you could explain dremora being playable, would be to have an ENTIRE CLAN defect, and go to nirn, to serve a weaker realm that has no daedric lord. Oh ya, and defecting from likely the most physicaly powerfull daedric lord that has the realm that suits them the most. A SINGLE dremora will NOT defect. It cannot. As individuals, they do NOT HAVE FREE WILL. As CLANS they do. But, to go from thinking of humans as prey, and them being hunters, to risking themselves to help them? Not gonna happen. Why? Because they know, and fear, pain. They will not go up against a DRAGON GOD, to extend the life of their favourite prey. Sorry to break it to ya, but even if one went insane enough to be willing, the rest wouldnt go along with it.

Going to point some things you missed out on if you don't mind.

The dremora see the races on nirn as prey like elk and would never co-exist with them in harmony and if they ever did create a permanant residence in nirn the races of nirn would be slaves,cattle or wipe-out.You never saw us living in harmony with the deers did you?No we ate them and killed them and it would seem odd to live in harmony with deers and treat them as equals now dosen't it?
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 6:21 am

i dont think a new race should be added for this game, but eventually seeing a new one might be cool. The lore is obviously very important to the elder scrolls as a series but it shouldnt become restrictive to the creative process (beth shouldnt be afraid of adding new things just because of problems with the lore it is after all their lore), sticking to0 strictly to the lore could lead to stagnation as the universe wouldn't evolve or change however completely retconning it would leave many fans completely alientated and should probably be avoided.
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Olga Xx
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 5:57 am

Only new cool race I can think of (other than the Akaviri lore ones) are Dwermer. Find a nice super secret somewhere in the Dwermer ruins of Skyrim to unlock a Dwermer playable race?
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