I want a new race

Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 4:33 am


I feel compelled to point out several things about Dremora here. As a lore nerd I find my jimmies rustled in a most unpleasant way. Forgive me for not citing sources, but if I have to I can track them down.

Dremorae are not hive-minded. They were not created by Mehrunes Dagon or for Mehrunes Dagon. Daedric Princes can create approximately dike. They were simply a group of similar spirits (Et'Ada) that formed in the beginning place. When Lorkhan proposed the creation of the mortal realm, they were among those who wanted nothing to do with it, and they rallied around the various princes that existed. Due to the nebulous nature of Mehrunes Dagon's origin -- he seems to have been an Aedroth that aided Lorkhan in foiling Alduin's world-devouring, according to Seven Fights of the Aldudagga -- it's hard to say precisely when the Dremorae decided to serve him, but it's definitely for a long time.

Now their clan ties are the main reason we'd never see a Dremora PC, unless this was a game taking place in the planes of Oblivion. Honor is everything to the Dremorae. An individual Dremora turning his back on his clan and kin would suffer great dishonor, and that's just plain unthinkable. Loyalty, power, and honor are the core of a Dremora's existence. They can't turn on that. It's simply their nature.

As for why they can't be Dragonborn: well, they said that a Dragonborn is a mortal born with a dragon's soul. This is impossible for a Dremora because a Dremora is a soul.

Thank you for explaining everything I was too lazy to. No sources needed.

Everything said in this post is right, for whatever my word is worth.
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 6:54 am

Only new cool race I can think of (other than the Akaviri lore ones) are Dwermer. Find a nice super secret somewhere in the Dwermer ruins of Skyrim to unlock a Dwermer playable race?

No the calling was used to get them to a new area to create the skin of their techno god and all died except for one who was in the outer realms.Also the akriviri all hate tamerial and want to either ,eat,kill or enslave all of tamerial.
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Albert Wesker
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:18 am

Ehurrr... the Lore explains why Cyrodiil is like it is in Oblivion. With a... quite stupid excuse, but it does. In addition, both times we saw Cyrodiil (Arena and Oblivion) it wasn't a jungle.

Who caaaares? This is a friggin' videogame. Some guy above said they might as well introduce a Unicorn race. I say let 'em. Only the really hardcoe nerds take their lore seriously. I am a soft core nerd so I don't really care if my rogue-like is faithful to it's lore.
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Philip Rua
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 10:15 am

Actually, it is a good idea not to have a new race. Why? Because a new race cannot be implemented without stretching the lore a bit.

Sload, Imga and Moarmer seem to be the only possible additions race-wise.

How about Ka Po' Tun or Tang Mo? Akavir is reachable by boat from Tamriel... and vice versa :). After all, each continent has attempted (unsuccessfully) to invade the other. It's no great reach of the imagination to suppose that a lone Akaviri might survive after a fleet sent from Akavir to reconnoitre Tamriel was wrecked by storms. I suggest Ka Po' Tun or Tang Mo because as far as I can tell they're basically humanoid, whereas the in-game book http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:2920,_The_Last_Year_of_the_First_Era describes Tsaesci like this...

One combatant was the Potentate's son, Savirien-Chorak, a glistening ivory-yellow eel, gripping his katana and wakizashi with his thin, deceptively weak looking arms. The other was the Emperor's son, Prince Juilek, in ebony armor with a savage Orcish helm, shield and longsword at his side.

“This will be fascinating to watch,” hissed the Potentate, a wide grin across his narrow face. “I don't know if I've even seen a Cyrodiil fight an Akavir like this. Usually it's army against army. At last we can settle which philosophy is better -- to create armor to combat swords as your people do, or to create swords to combat armor as mine do.”

No one in the crowd, aside from a few scattered Akaviri counselors and the Potentate himself wanted Savirien-Chorak to win, but there was a collective intake of breath at the sight of his graceful movements. His swords seemed to be a part of him, a tail coming from his arms to match the one behind him. It was a trick of counterbalance, allowing the young serpent man to roll up into a circle and spin into the center of the ring in offensive position. The Prince had to plod forward the less impressive traditional way.

As they sprang at each other, the crowd bellowed with delight. The Akaviri was like a moon in orbit around the Prince, effortlessly springing over his shoulder to attempt a blow from behind, but the Prince whirled around quickly to block with his shield. His counter-strike met only air as his foe fell flat to the ground and slithered between his legs, tripping him.

... pretty tricky to model, let alone animate :)!

Of course, the option to play as Ka Po' Tun or Tang Mo would lead into the events of Elder Scrolls VI: Invasion, in which the armies of Akavir land in High Rock :D.
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 6:48 am

Creating a race is silliness.

The races that can be chosen are teh only ones in the Lore. For them to make a new race they would be retconning the entire lore.

However they could take an existing Humanoid like race with some intelligence and add it to the list of playable races.
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 1:43 am

woe is me
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:40 am

How about Ka Po' Tun or Tang Mo? Akavir is reachable by boat from Tamriel... and vice versa :). After all, each continent has attempted (unsuccessfully) to invade the other. It's no great reach of the imagination to suppose that a lone Akaviri might survive after a fleet sent from Akavir to reconnoitre Tamriel was wrecked by storms. I suggest Ka Po' Tun or Tang Mo because as far as I can tell they're basically humanoid, whereas the in-game book http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:2920,_The_Last_Year_of_the_First_Era describes Tsaesci like this...

... pretty tricky to model, let alone animate :)!

Of course, the option to play as Ka Po' Tun or Tang Mo would lead into the events of Elder Scrolls VI: Invasion, in which the armies of Akavir land in High Rock :D.

After my first Skyrim playthrough, my first next is to see the creation of resources for Ka'Po'Tun, Maormer, Falmer, Auroran, Xivilai, Mazken, Aureal, and Seducers. As of yet, I do not have plans for making each of them playable, though I will devote time here and there to altering in-game dialogue so that it can suit Maormer and Falmer players. I primarily need the resources in order to create a quest mod that I've already written quite a bit of. I'll be throwing out requests left and right, but I'll be making any necessary resources on my own, starting with Maormer. I think that I should be able to get the resources themselves set up in well under a year, so long anyone helps me out. If that's all the modding that I do with my first year of Skyrim, though, then it will still be time well spent (and could potentially push back my quests). So, for any PC users, if these guys interest you, they'll be in eventually.

Judging by the races available for Oblivion, you're also likely to see Dremora, Dwemer, every variety of fantasy elf, humans, and a ton of random races that do or do not have anything to do with lore. Elder Scrolls as a series has always been put together to be consistent. Bethesda allowing you to play as Dremora in Nirn is just as likely as Bethesda crashing the sun into Tamriel. They can do it, but there's very little chance. Still, not no chance. They crashed a meteor into Vvardenfell, so nothing's really impossible.
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 8:21 am

Demigod race?

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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:47 am

Creating a race is silliness.

The races that can be chosen are teh only ones in the Lore. For them to make a new race they would be retconning the entire lore.

However they could take an existing Humanoid like race with some intelligence and add it to the list of playable races.

Actually there's plenty of non-playable races. Apart from the already-mentioned Akaviri ones, you have scattered bands of Ayleids (now called wild elves), the Imga (ape people), Maormer (sea elves), sload (emotionless slug people of Thras), etc. The 10 we play as are the 10 most common in Tamriel, that's all. And honestly? Ten's enough.
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Alisia Lisha
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 5:50 am

No. No rat men. I would not be able to play the game if I had to talk to giant freaking rats every two minutes. Besides, adding a new race that's never been mentioned before would just be idiotic.
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 9:10 am

No. No rat men. I would not be able to play the game if I had to talk to giant freaking rats every two minutes. Besides, adding a new race that's never been mentioned before would just be idiotic.

There were rat men pirates off the coast of tamriel back in the day. Dog men too. Id link but I'm on my phone and its a pain in the ass. its there though.

Doesn't mean we should be able to play them though.
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Louise Andrew
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 8:59 am

We shouldn't have that... because it doesn't fit the Lore. Period...

10 races is enough, for me. I don't know of any other race that would fit... well, maybe the Imga (ape-men)-


I don't understand it. We have 10 races. 10 RACES! there is something for everybody, yet people is constantly asking for more. What other singleplayer roleplaying game gives you so many choices? Why isn't 10 enough? and if Bethesda did include another race, would that be enough? or would people just keep asking for more? I think they would.

Think about it, is it not better with 10 unique races, each with their own culture and history than 30 generic and boring races like the rat race, the dog race and so on?
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:40 am

The thing is, the last time they added new races (Morrowind, with the addition of Orcs and Imperials), they events of the previous game supported one of them being added (Orcs, in this case), and it only took a tiny bit of retconning to add the other to a previously empty part of Tamriel (Imperials, in this case). In fact, there's nothing pre-Morrowind that even mentions the Imperial race beyond implications about the heritage of characters like the Emperor, Jagar Tharn, and Ria Silmane. However, this time, there's no free space to establish as the homeland for a new race, and no good way to explain their absence in the previous games, unlike the Orcs, who were present in Arena and Daggerfall, if only as enemies, and Imperials, whose presence has been implied the whole time.
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 6:31 am

If any other races were to be added, they'd proly be lore friendly, such as the many different types of Khajiit and what not. Of course you could always make a mod.
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:09 am

After my first Skyrim playthrough, my first next is to see the creation of resources for Ka'Po'Tun, Maormer, Falmer, Auroran, Xivilai, Mazken, Aureal, and Seducers. As of yet, I do not have plans for making each of them playable, though I will devote time here and there to altering in-game dialogue so that it can suit Maormer and Falmer players. I primarily need the resources in order to create a quest mod that I've already written quite a bit of. I'll be throwing out requests left and right, but I'll be making any necessary resources on my own, starting with Maormer. I think that I should be able to get the resources themselves set up in well under a year, so long anyone helps me out. If that's all the modding that I do with my first year of Skyrim, though, then it will still be time well spent (and could potentially push back my quests). So, for any PC users, if these guys interest you, they'll be in eventually.

Judging by the races available for Oblivion, you're also likely to see Dremora, Dwemer, every variety of fantasy elf, humans, and a ton of random races that do or do not have anything to do with lore. Elder Scrolls as a series has always been put together to be consistent. Bethesda allowing you to play as Dremora in Nirn is just as likely as Bethesda crashing the sun into Tamriel. They can do it, but there's very little chance. Still, not no chance. They crashed a meteor into Vvardenfell, so nothing's really impossible.

Wait how would akirviri races work?They tried to invade tamerial why would they ever be allowed to be treated the same as the native races?
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Alexis Estrada
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 8:43 am

Wait how would akirviri races work?They tried to invade tamerial why would they ever be allowed to be treated the same as the native races?

nords and dunmer have had large scale conflicts, and generally dislike each other, but on the average theyre not killing each other on sight.
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Gavin boyce
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:44 pm

nords and dunmer have had large scale conflicts, and generally dislike each other, but on the average theyre not killing each other on sight.

Yes but they didn't try to conquer the all of tamerial,kill every race,eat them,enslave them and many other things.Do you honestly not see the difference inbetween the nords and the dunmer?And all of tamerial and the akrvivri?
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Laura Richards
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 1:20 am

Yes but they didn't try to conquer the all of tamerial,kill every race,eat them,enslave them and many other things.Do you honestly not see the difference inbetween the nords and the dunmer?And all of tamerial and the akrvivri?

The empire was ruled for a time by an akaviri, a tscaesci, and contains many influences from akaviri culture, like the dragon symbol for instance. Its not so cut and dry, nothing in this universe is.
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 1:33 am

The empire was ruled for a time by an akaviri, a tscaesci, and contains many influences from akaviri culture, like the dragon symbol for instance. Its not so cut and dry, nothing in this universe is.

"ruled" isn't what I would call cattle and slaves. Would you be open to accept your slavers as equals after them eating your kind?
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 6:22 am

"ruled" isn't what I would call cattle and slaves. Would you be open to accept your slavers as equals after them eating your kind?

No, the potentates ruled just like the emperors before them, life as usual for most citizens. It was actually a fairly prosperous time in general, IIRC. Check out the imperial library and read up on the second era, its a very interesting time.
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jaideep singh
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:58 am

No, the potentates ruled just like the emperors before them, life as usual for most citizens. It was actually a fairly prosperous time in general, IIRC. Check out the imperial library and read up on the second era, its a very interesting time.

I wouldn't trust imperial libary if I was you a large portion of it is opinion and not cold hard fact.
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 9:22 am

I want a new race
One that won't make me sick
One that won't make me crash my horse
Or make me feel three feet thick

I want a new race
One that won't hurt my head
One that won't make my mouth too dry
Or make my eyes too red

I want a new race
One that won't spill
One that don't cost too much
Or come in a pill

I want a new race
One that won't go away
One that won't keep me up all night
One that won't make me sleep all day

Sorry.. the song popped in my head when I saw the title of this thread, apologies to Huey!
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Dean Brown
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:20 am

I wouldn't trust imperial libary if I was you a large portion of it is opinion and not cold hard fact.

Oh, really? I'm referencing the collection of in-game books, historial accounts like 2920, The Last Year of the First Era. And in truth, their aren't very many cold hard facts in TES.
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 10:17 am

It would be cool to play as a skeleton or dragur. (IMO)
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Amiee Kent
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:41 am

Ok so there is one race that we really should have i really want rat men I don't know why i just think they would be cool to play as

and I want to be able to gain a million dollars everytime I sneeze but it can't all be hokers and sunshine.
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