I want a new race

Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 3:30 am

Ok so there is one race that we really should have i really want rat men I don't know why i just think they would be cool to play as

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gary lee
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 3:46 am

Of course it can be done--if doing it is the point of the game or program. TES V is not, however, subtitled Redemption of the Dremora and appears to have its focus elsewhere.

There are a couple points to the game:

1. Profit for Bethesda.
2. Enjoyment for the player (aka the paying customer).

It doesn't need to be subtitled "Redemption of the Dremora." The player creates and plays the character as they wish to. Unless backstory is added to the player character, the player character is a blank slate for the player to use to enjoy the game.

What objective reason is there that dremora should not be added as a playable race, for those players who may wish to play them, in the vanilla version of Elder Scrolls V Skyrim?
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Honey Suckle
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:13 pm

The Dwarfes (better known as Dwemer) were related to the elven races (mer)
and they look like elves, too. Not like Gimly from LoTR.

they not look like: http://www.lordoftherings.net/images/ca_jrhys.jpg
more like:

A good amount of people who say they want Dwarves in Elder Scrolls typically know this... when somebody says they would like to see Dwarves in Elder Scrolls the fact some tall Elves were accidentally called Dwarves by giants changes nothing... they still want to see Dwarves.

You guys don't have to point out a race of elves was accidentally called Dwarves EVERY TIME someone says they want to see the short and stocky fantasy staple.

Don't get my tone wrong, I'm not snapping or anything, just saying, us Dwarf fans get it already.

Personally I don't ever expect to see Dwarves (though I would love to), the Nords are Dwarfy enough to fit my needs anyways ;)
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 10:57 am

Why not?

While there was some evidence of racial tensions in the game, there is no evidence of characters being denied access to public locales because of their race.

The dremora are not viewed as a race in Nirn, they're Deadra, known primarily for being servants of Mehrunes Dagon. That would arouse suspicion at the very least. Add to that the fact that they're immortal, so every time you die you had to respawn in their plane of Oblivion and find your way back to Nirn. There are just too many obstacles in the way of this being included in the vanilla game.
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jason worrell
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 11:55 pm

Do you have anything which is not circular reasoning to actually back up your view?

"People" were afraid of dremoras in prior installments. The game is changing. That too can change, or the playable dremora might have to earn the trust of the locals. (There are rpg possibilities there.)

Are you familiar with a Joss Whedon program called Angel? (It was a Buffy the Vampire Slayer spin-off). The title character is a vampire with a soul who fights the "bad guys" and is a hero. It can be done.

So you think Bethesda should completely destroy the lore every game to satisfy the whims of random people on the internet? Dremora aren't playable because it wouldn't make since in the universe Bethesda has created.
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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:38 pm

I'd bribe for an insectoid race. Also who cares about the lore, haven't you seen what they did to Cyrodiil?

Ehurrr... the Lore explains why Cyrodiil is like it is in Oblivion. With a... quite stupid excuse, but it does. In addition, both times we saw Cyrodiil (Arena and Oblivion) it wasn't a jungle.
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:06 am

Do you have anything which is not circular reasoning to actually back up your view?

"People" were afraid of dremoras in prior installments. The game is changing. That too can change, or the playable dremora might have to earn the trust of the locals. (There are rpg possibilities there.)

Yes, and with that excuse, you can make dwemer playable and turn Nirn into a SciFi world.

It can be a circular reasoning, but I think it's better than your "make-it-all-possible" reasoning.

Now, do you want to know what is the main reason to not include dremoras? People don't want it. People (and I include myself) prefer them as the cool demon psychopaths they are now. Period.
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 11:16 pm

So you think Bethesda should completely destroy the lore every game to satisfy the whims of random people on the internet? Dremora aren't playable because it wouldn't make since in the universe Bethesda has created.

In formal logic, what you are posing is called a loaded question. It is a logical fallacy. The premise of your question is not established as true. Playable dremora might necessitate an evolution in the lore, but would not "completely destroy the lore." Further, we are not talking about "random people on the internet" but likely customers for the product. The game (i.e., the commercial product ) is changing anyway from prior installments. Such a change would not mean the end of this commercial franchise.
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:03 pm

Actually, it is a good idea not to have a new race. Why? Because a new race cannot be implemented without stretching the lore a bit. Adding a Dwemer race means that they weren't fully extinct. But in logical terms, why the heck would a Dwemer walk around in a busy town? In all of the books that talk about Dwemer in Cyrodiil, it's said that they are either extinct or missing from the world, their inventions the only remnants of them.

If we were to add any other race that isn't native to Tamriel, it would cause some problems in terms of realism, immersion, and gameplay. Especially since all of the races are no stronger than the other...well at least that was the plan. But since everybody is playing Breton because the race is broken...they better fix that. Because I don't like having to play Breton on my speed runs...
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 10:48 am

In formal logic, what you are posing is called a loaded question. It is a logical fallacy. The premise of your question is not established as true. Playable dremora might necessitate an evolution in the lore, but would not "completely destroy the lore." Further, we are not talking about "random people on the internet" but likely customers for the product. The game (i.e., the commercial product ) is changing anyway from prior installments. Such a change would not mean the end of this commercial franchise.

Tell me how you make dremoras playable without destroying their Lore. I'm listening.
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 1:34 am

Sload, Imga and Moarmer seem to be the only possible additions race-wise. And they won't appear in Skyrim, anyway. Maybe a game that is set in Summurset, Valenwood or Black March...
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 2:20 am

Tell me how you make dremoras playable without destroying their Lore. I'm listening.

I already gave you one possible scenario.

Open your mind to the possibilities.
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:36 pm

The question on lore I think is less about "is it consistent?" and more "is it interesting?". Because it is pretty flexible, and they could fit in a playable Dremora, but would need special attention in dialogue and quests to do it right, which they might not be able to justify since they're only 1 out of 11 races. If they just replaced people saying "greetings Wood Elf" with "greetings Dremora" it wouldn't be very interesting and could lower people's opinion on the overall quality of the game regardless of being optional.
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 8:01 am

In formal logic, what you are posing is called a loaded question. It is a logical fallacy. The premise of your question is not established as true. Playable dremora might necessitate an evolution in the lore, but would not "completely destroy the lore." Further, we are not talking about "random people on the internet" but likely customers for the product. The game (i.e., the commercial product ) is changing anyway from prior installments. Such a change would not mean the end of this commercial franchise.

The number of paying customers that would be pissed off by Bethesda destroying the lore is vastly larger than the number that want a huge retcon so that they can play a demon.
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:03 pm

I already gave you one possible scenario.

Open your mind to the possibilities.

And your idea only allow a very specific Role-playing and sacrifice the facet of the Dremoras being bloodthirsty, cannibal demons. I prefer them keep on like they are.

That possible scenario sacrifices their Lore.

The question on lore I think is less about "is it consistent?" and more "is it interesting?". Because it is pretty flexible, and they could fit in a playable Dremora, but would need special attention in dialogue and quests to do it right, which they might not be able to justify since they're only 1 out of 11 races. If they just replaced people saying "greetings Wood Elf" with "greetings Dremora" it wouldn't be very interesting and could lower people's opinion on the overall quality of the game regardless of being optional.

And this.
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candice keenan
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 8:26 pm

Maybe, over time, all the races in Tamriel have bread together so now there is just one race, a sort of humanoid elf-man-cat-lizard.

Half-man, half-elf, half-cat, and half-lizard.

-Al Gore
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 11:14 am

Someone make a poll, then we'll see about not having them in being a threat to BGS's profits. I recommend : Which would you prefer in Skyrim?
1. Playable Dremora
2. Bottles of stout and porter for sale in inns
I vote for the black stuff.
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 3:20 am

Problems with Dremora being a playable race

-They don't die
-They don't just exist and live and grow on Nirn, they have to be summoned permanently, by some special use of magic. Fairly certain they do not reproduce.
-It is completely against their culture and ways, they serve Dagon and hate humanity and are bloodthirsty monsters.
-If, for some reason, one Dremora were to change away from the rest, they would undoubtedly be destroyed and sent back to Oblivion by any other Dremora
-Following on from this point, if they weren't killed by Dremora, they would be killed by pretty much any human they meet, because humans hate Dremora and aren't all gonna know that one of them is randomly nice
-If Dagon saw that his creations were against him and being a constructive part of the world which he seeks to destroy, I don't think he'd be too happy about that, and if possible, would destroy that Dremora
-It would ruin the whole idea of them, they are the most recognisable and consistent enemies in every TES game, and to totally change their portrayal completely with some crappy excuses for lore would be incredibly cheap and ridiculous.
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 9:01 pm

The number of paying customers that would be pissed off by Bethesda destroying the lore is vastly larger than the number that want a huge retcon so that they can play a demon.

Those who don't want to play a dremora, would not have to play a dremora any more than those who don't want to play a , don't have to play them. What is the problem?
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 3:51 am

Those who don't want to play a dremora, would not have to play a dremora any more than those who don't want to play a , don't have to play them. What is the problem?

Guess you missed the part about the lore eh?
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Alyce Argabright
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 10:10 am

Maybe, over time, all the races in Tamriel have bread together so now there is just one race, a sort of humanoid elf-man-cat-lizard.

Half-man, half-elf, half-cat, and half-lizard.

-Al Gore

That's ridiculous! What a dumb idea! I'm serial man! SUPER serial!
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 6:48 am

In formal logic, what you are posing is called a loaded question. It is a logical fallacy. The premise of your question is not established as true. Playable dremora might necessitate an evolution in the lore, but would not "completely destroy the lore." Further, we are not talking about "random people on the internet" but likely customers for the product. The game (i.e., the commercial product ) is changing anyway from prior installments. Such a change would not mean the end of this commercial franchise.

Someone disagreeing with you is not a logical fallacy. Just because you want to play demons doesn't mean it should happen or makes any sense at all.
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 1:50 am

Guess you missed the part about the lore eh?

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Post » Sat Jul 02, 2011 11:49 pm

Those who don't want to play a dremora, would not have to play a dremora any more than those who don't want to play a , don't have to play them. What is the problem?

Most people like to have the now playable races, because even if they don't play them, they fit the world without damaging or changing the Lore in an undesireable way. Most people don't want dremoras as they don't fit the world and for making they fit you would have to change the world in an undesireable way.
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Andrew Tarango
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Post » Sun Jul 03, 2011 12:15 pm

Do you have anything which is not circular reasoning to actually back up your view?

"People" were afraid of dremoras in prior installments. The game is changing. That too can change, or the playable dremora might have to earn the trust of the locals. (There are rpg possibilities there.)

Are you familiar with a Joss Whedon program called Angel? (It was a Buffy the Vampire Slayer spin-off). The title character is a vampire with a soul who fights the "bad guys" and is a hero. It can be done.

I find myself agreeing with you; It could be possible for events to have shaped the lore (in the past 200 years) such that dremora are not the hostile demons that we think of them as.

BUT, from the game-play perspective that you keep arguing, it simply wouldn't work out. Without a HUGE focus on explaining to returning players why dremora is a playable race in the beginning, you would find that people who have not actually lived through those 200 years of change have a preconceived notion of what a dremora is and how they act. For new players, it wouldn't be such a problem, but after the sales that oblivion made, and they support that Skyrim already has before release, I'd say most of the people who will play Skyrim have already played Oblivion (pure speculation there).

I completely understand both of your arguments, but I don't think that you could reasonably have them coming out as a playable character in TES:V. Perhaps, show the players in TES:V that dremora are nice now (or at least sane), and then you could get away with it in TES:VI. Otherwise, it's too jarring for anyone who payed attention to Oblivion and maybe even too much effort to explain.
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