I want to play after the final mission

Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:47 pm

I said it would be good, not that it would happen. If they were to ever open end it, that would be the best way tho. Plus i was typing that when the post above me mentioned the one thing i forgot about, VA's thats what you where late on.

But its been established it wouldn't be good because it could mean they would have to rehire many voice actors, redo the entire map, and create so much content it would be the equivalent of a whole new game.

It seems that you didn't bother to actually READ what been posted here.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:40 pm

But its been established it wouldn't be good because it could mean they would have to rehire many voice actors, redo the entire map, and create so much content it would be the equivalent of a whole new game.

It seems that you didn't bother to actually READ what been posted here.

Erm... sir, may i refer you back to what Jason posted? He said that making the courier return later to the Mojave would be a good way to open end it, but they decided not to do it because people would complain that they lost all there quest.

Its not because they didn't have the money, they make more then enough money off the DLC's, or else they would not make them.

But we have dropped this topic, do not bring it up again, as it has already been said the game will not ever become open ended through DLC.
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Jose ordaz
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:55 am

Erm... sir, may i refer you back to what Jason posted? He said that making the courier return later to the Mojave would be a good way to open end it, but they decided not to do it because people would complain that they lost all there quest.

Its not because they didn't have the money, they make more then enough money off the DLC's, or else they would not make them.

But we have dropped this topic, do not bring it up again, as it has already been said the game will not ever become open ended through DLC.

the whole point of this thread is to talk about playing after the final mission, of which i am doing. If that is no longer the topic then this thread needs to be closed.

You are the person who has gotten most off topic here so if anything drop YOUR unrelated topic and stick at the topic this thread was meant to serve.
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Samantha Pattison
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:06 pm

the whole point of this thread is to talk about playing after the final mission, of which i am doing. If that is no longer the topic then this thread needs to be closed.

You are the person who has gotten most off topic here so if anything drop YOUR unrelated topic and stick at the topic this thread was meant to serve.

Don't throw a fit, i was referring to drop the topic about why my idea won't work, even tho if people wouldn't complain 24/7 my idea might have actually been created. My idea will never come true, so we are done talking about it. In fact i see no point in this thread, as it will serve no purpose in the end.
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:20 pm

Don't throw a fit, i was referring to drop the topic about why my idea won't work, even tho if people wouldn't complain 24/7 my idea might have actually been created. My idea will never come true, so we are done talking about it. In fact i see no point in this thread, as it will serve no purpose in the end.

I wasn't throwing a fit, if I was I would have used all caps. If you think one fully caps word is a fit then you live in a exceedingly calm place.

Secondly, 90% of threads are meaningless, they accomplish nothing, but they still will be made over and over again. If we only ever made threads of meaning forums would be long dead, and would be nothing more then tech support.

However the uselessness of said threads does not mean they shouldn't be made as most of what we as people do IRL is just as meaningless but we still do it anyways.
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lucile davignon
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:58 pm

You make valid points, and i can't say i disagree. I just would have liked to see that, i like seeing what my actions have done to change something. Thats the reason i liked Broken Steel, because you could see what your actions did.

I was really hoping we would get more then ending slides to see what our actions did, i like to walk amongst it. Not saying anything bad about that dude who narrated.

I agree that it does feel a bit weird when you've had so much control over everything during the game to them be told "and this is what happened after". Not that the ending slides aren't well planned, since you get dozens of unique messages, eg for companions if they died, didn't finish their quest line and for each of the options if they did finish it. And it does feel a bit weird that you can loot Lanius' unique items but never really get to use them (except against Oliver and his cronies).

Now i am gonna go off topic for a second. The new Trophies are out and one peaked my interest, well 2 but i don't think i read one right.

The first one that peaked my interest was

Recovered X-8 Vertebrae-pulse-de-sensilizer frequency

Wonder what that means? Possibly a new implant?

I'm pretty sure this is something to do with the high-tech assassin suit (or whatever it's being called now).

The second one that peaked my interest was
Make Up Your Mind
Make up your mind... about your brain.

My thoughts on what this means
Knowing that at the begging of the DLC your brain is stolen, i thought up the idea that when you get your brain stolen, the scientist are experimenting, and studying it. They have given you some AI which takes the place of your brain and acts as a "Tide you over while we study your brain" thing. What happens, as i predict, they lose your brain and it gets captured by the skeleton space suit dudes. They need you to go get it. Once you get it, they offer you your brain back, but i believe you will be able to keep your AI instead, witch would probably act as a trait, just as your brain might. The AI brain would give you some sort of bonus, while also hindering something too. That being said, it might just give you a perk, so you will be able to decide if you want the brain perk, or the AI perk.

Yeah, I've been wondering how the stolen brain thing is going to work as well. Specifically, whether you control your body by remote (so basically no change from the regular game) or whether you're given a different body (eg robobrain or thinktank) till you do their quests.

I think the different brain options are a definite possibility. As you say, it would nicely explain the respec option, and it's also supported in canon by Rex's quest line.

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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:00 am

I agree that it does feel a bit weird when you've had so much control over everything during the game to them be told "and this is what happened after". Not that the ending slides aren't well planned, since you get dozens of unique messages, eg for companions if they died, didn't finish their quest line and for each of the options if they did finish it. And it does feel a bit weird that you can loot Lanius' unique items but never really get to use them (except against Oliver and his cronies).

I'm pretty sure this is something to do with the high-tech assassin suit (or whatever it's being called now).

No, i don't think it is, but maybe its an upgrade, like maybe its what adds the medic part of it. Cause getting the Armour is its own trophy/achievement

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Jessica Nash
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:11 pm

No, i don't think it is, but maybe its an upgrade, like maybe its what adds the medic part of it. Cause getting the Armour is its own trophy/achievement

That could make things interesting. One of the things I didn't like about the Prototype Medic Power Armour in FO3 was that it would use your Med-X when it felt you needed it. Personally, I'd rather choose when to use it myself (practically never) or die and quickload. With the high-tech suit using stimpaks it could be even worse, using stims because it wants to when, given the choice, you'd just sleep, eat or wait for the monocyte breeder/solar powered perk to do the job for you. Also who knows how it'll work if you're playing on hardcoe where stimpaks heal over time - it could preventatively use them when you're at 75% health :sadvaultboy: I reckon I'd rarely use the high-tech armour if it automatically administered stimpaks, but if you could choose not to upgrade it then I probably would use it.

Of course, after Dead Money I can't believe anyone would be short of stimpaks ;)

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Jessie Rae Brouillette
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:36 pm

Recovered X-8 Vertebrae-pulse-de-sensilizer frequency

Wonder what that means? Possibly a new implant?

The second one that peaked my interest was
Make Up Your Mind
Make up your mind... about your brain.

My thoughts on what this means
Knowing that at the begging of the DLC your brain is stolen, i thought up the idea that when you get your brain stolen, the scientist are experimenting, and studying it. They have given you some AI which takes the place of your brain and acts as a "Tide you over while we study your brain" thing. What happens, as i predict, they lose your brain and it gets captured by the skeleton space suit dudes. They need you to go get it. Once you get it, they offer you your brain back, but i believe you will be able to keep your AI instead, witch would probably act as a trait, just as your brain might. The AI brain would give you some sort of bonus, while also hindering something too. That being said, it might just give you a perk, so you will be able to decide if you want the brain perk, or the AI perk.

Those are only my assumptions and not an official this is what it means.

I'm pretty sure this is something to do with the high-tech assassin suit (or whatever it's being called now).

Yeah, I've been wondering how the stolen brain thing is going to work as well. Specifically, whether you control your body by remote (so basically no change from the regular game) or whether you're given a different body (eg robobrain or thinktank) till you do their quests.

I think the different brain options are a definite possibility. As you say, it would nicely explain the respec option, and it's also supported in canon by Rex's quest line.

No, i don't think it is, but maybe its an upgrade, like maybe its what adds the medic part of it. Cause getting the Armour is its own trophy/achievement

That could make things interesting. One of the things I didn't like about the Prototype Medic Power Armour in FO3 was that it would use your Med-X when it felt you needed it. Personally, I'd rather choose when to use it myself (practically never) or die and quickload. With the high-tech suit using stimpaks it could be even worse, using stims because it wants to when, given the choice, you'd just sleep, eat or wait for the monocyte breeder/solar powered perk to do the job for you. Also who knows how it'll work if you're playing on hardcoe where stimpaks heal over time - it could preventatively use them when you're at 75% health :sadvaultboy: I reckon I'd rarely use the high-tech armour if it automatically administered stimpaks, but if you could choose not to upgrade it then I probably would use it.

Of course, after Dead Money I can't believe anyone would be short of stimpaks ;)


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Farrah Barry
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:02 am

It's strange that people still wont come to terms with the fact that it's just not going to happen!
People may suggest ideas but no, those ideas don't mean anything! Unless you look at it from the devs' point of view it's not as easy as saying:
"Oh, yeah you can continue the game by..."
And one more thing; :dance: (I haven't used this emoticon and I really wanted to)
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:11 pm

This thread is NOT about what you think things in Old World blues are, im looking at you Decimator and mr_eman. Please take that to the correct thread.
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Emmie Cate
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:09 am

This thread is NOT about what you think things in Old World blues are, im looking at you Decimator and mr_eman. Please take that to the correct thread.

Sorry, and you are...?

We're being quite cautious with spoiler tags and there's been so little discussion so far as to warrant its own thread.
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Andrea Pratt
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:14 am

Sorry, and you are...?

We're being quite cautious with spoiler tags and there's been so little discussion so far as to warrant its own thread.

Indeed, it would only be a spam thread... Plus where just talking about 2 trophies/achievements that are worded curiously.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:04 pm

Now this I can respect and understand. Infact, theres really not much I can even argue with. If you cant do something the right way then dont do it at all... and thats all I really wanted someone to say. In my oppinion though, the dlc idea you came up with would be awesome and it would help wrap things up a bit more 'officially' than the slide shows (which are still bugged regarding a few side quests). I doubt thats going to happen though, but it would be cool.

So you must have missed my post where I said just that, they couldn't do it right. Or the other folks who posted just that too. Suddenly a dev repeats himself for the millionth time and you decide to listen when the post is directed at you??
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Emma Parkinson
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:45 pm

Sorry, and you are...?

We're being quite cautious with spoiler tags and there's been so little discussion so far as to warrant its own thread.

there's like 5 other OWB threads about these very topics.

The use of spoilers tags doesn't change the fact you should stick to the threads topic or go to another thread to talk about something else.

This thread is about playing after the main campaign is over not OWB theories, go use one of the OWB thread if you want to discuss that.

If your not going to bother to follow forum rules why are you on the forums in the first place?
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Nana Samboy
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:52 pm

new DLC just announced! "Shut the Hell Up" going to be released across all platforms on September 20th. downloading this content explodes your xbox and slaps you across the face. Enjoy!
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Rachell Katherine
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:02 pm

I know that it has already been stated that there will not be an official dlc that lets the player continue the story after the final mission. The only question I have is why? Did Bethesda not learn its lesson from Fallout 3? Im just curious, after the fuss caused after Fallout 3, would it not have been something that would have had to come up in a conversation at some point during the development of New Vegas? Something like... "Hey they were kind of mad that we didnt let them continue playing last time, maybe we should this time" ...nothing like this came up? Does Bethesda not understand that people would pay double the price of their current dlc if they would just put in the time to finish the game the way it should have been finished?

I get it. I really do. It would take alot of work to open up the game the way it should be considering all the variables with the final quest. In some cases you would have to spread out Legion troops, others NCR. etc. etc. etc. You know what though? Its all an excuse.


That is the work of one person. ONE PERSON is able to do what the entire team refuses to do at Obsidian.

Nobody wants to hold on to a save right before the final battle just to wait on dlc before finishing their game. It completely destroys immersion to do so. So why then is this still a viable option for an ending to an open world 'sand box' type game? How many games have made this mistake before and how many companies continue to do it? Argue with me all you want because you dont like change, I dont care. I know for a fact that the majority of the people that play Fallout would appreciate a dlc that opened the game back up to them alot more than some stupid trip to yet another casino or filler content such as ARMORED SCORPIONS (YAY?).

There will be no post ending add-on, Broken Steel svcked and Obsidian will not cave in to fans begging for it like Bethesda.
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Maddy Paul
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:25 pm

Bethesda didn't learn their lesson after Fallout 3?

What lesson is that? Everyone complained that the game ended and you couldn't continue so, they release Broken Steel and everyone slates it.

The only lesson to be learned on these forums is you can't please anyone on here ever, it's a forum full of Fallout fans apparently yet, I never see a good thing written about any of the games, apart from the early ones.

If I had the money Bethesda had I'd buy the rights to fallout like they did but then I'd just sit on it. Wouldn't make any games and I'd let the series fade away. Maybe it would teach poeple to get a grip and stop crying about them on here all the time.

I used to like this forum once upon a time...
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Zach Hunter
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:27 am

Bethesda didn't learn their lesson after Fallout 3?

What lesson is that? Everyone complained that the game ended and you couldn't continue so, they release Broken Steel and everyone slates it.

The only lesson to be learned on these forums is you can't please anyone on here ever, it's a forum full of Fallout fans apparently yet, I never see a good thing written about any of the games, apart from the early ones.

If I had the money Bethesda had I'd buy the rights to fallout like they did but then I'd just sit on it. Wouldn't make any games and I'd let the series fade away. Maybe it would teach poeple to get a grip and stop crying about them on here all the time.

I used to like this forum once upon a time...

I wasn't crying, i said it would be nice, and gave a reasonable way they could set it up, so that it didn't interfere with the ending slides, as it said the Courier may return to the Mojave, so then the DLC would take you 15 years after the events that happened, and the Courier comes back. The map changes depending on what you did, and its possible as clarified by Jason Bergman.

The reason they decided not to do it, is because they were afraid people would get mad that they lost all there quest and then they would whine. News flash, its gonna happen either way, and its called just re load your saved game, or don't get the DLC, its not gonna harm anyone.

This is why i don't understand why people complain, no matter what your not gonna get exactly what you want, unless you mod it on a PC. Thats why Bethesda makes a big deal over modding, its why they allow the modding as most games don't. Fallout is such a big game and Bethesda or Obsidian can't do it all, so they allow you to mod, if you have the luxury of a top o the line computer.

I think getting it for computer is worth it, if you have a good computer. I am getting a computer this year for Christmas and plan on getting both Skyrim, and New Vegas for it. Thats also after i buy Skrim and New Vegas for my PS3. I enjoy Bethesda's game engine, and i enjoy the mods i have seen. Buying the game twice is well worth it.
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Kevan Olson
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:03 pm

I wasn't crying, i said it would be nice, and gave a reasonable way they could set it up, so that it didn't interfere with the ending slides, as it said the Courier may return to the Mojave, so then the DLC would take you 15 years after the events that happened, and the Courier comes back. The map changes depending on what you did, and its possible as clarified by Jason Bergman.

The reason they decided not to do it, is because they were afraid people would get mad that they lost all there quest and then they would whine. News flash, its gonna happen either way, and its called just re load your saved game, or don't get the DLC, its not gonna harm anyone.

This is why i don't understand why people complain, no matter what your not gonna get exactly what you want, unless you mod it on a PC. Thats why Bethesda makes a big deal over modding, its why they allow the modding as most games don't. Fallout is such a big game and Bethesda or Obsidian can't do it all, so they allow you to mod, if you have the luxury of a top o the line computer.

I think getting it for computer is worth it, if you have a good computer. I am getting a computer this year for Christmas and plan on getting both Skyrim, and New Vegas for it. Thats also after i buy Skrim and New Vegas for my PS3. I enjoy Bethesda's game engine, and i enjoy the mods i have seen. Buying the game twice is well worth it.

good post
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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:25 pm

there's like 5 other OWB threads about these very topics.

The use of spoilers tags doesn't change the fact you should stick to the threads topic or go to another thread to talk about something else.

This thread is about playing after the main campaign is over not OWB theories, go use one of the OWB thread if you want to discuss that.

If your not going to bother to follow forum rules why are you on the forums in the first place?

The title only states "I want to play after the Final Mission" Who says we don't have PC's and have the play after the final mission mod? So maybe where talking about things after the final mission? Didn't think about that did you.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:25 pm

The title only states "I want to play after the Final Mission" Who says we don't have PC's and have the play after the final mission mod? So maybe where talking about things after the final mission? Didn't think about that did you.

Considering the Original Poster made it perfectly clear he was talking about the Final Mission of the base game, that's what this topic was about. Your TERRIBLE world play wont save you.

Maybe if you had FOLLOWED the THREAD you would have know this thread was made to talk about the final mission of the BASE game.
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Emily abigail Villarreal
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:15 pm

I've decided that I want to play before the beginning of the game. I'm pretty sure I'm badassed enough to not get taken hostage by wimpy ass Benny. So where's my before first mission play? Where the hell's my Jason "I'm waay to polite" Bergman response? I demand equal time.

-Gunny out.
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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:51 pm

Here you go, that's them saying explicitly that it is too much damn work (among other things). If that is not enough of an explanation for you, then sorry. I honestly don't think the backlash towards this game's ending is enough warrant an expansion to extend it, because the backlash has only been some people on the internet asking why there is an ending.

Also, that mod isn't all that impressive at it's current stage and what the author is promising to do later will be just that, MUCH later and they wouldn't possibly be able to do it alone. Mods like that are often abandoned.

As a side note, your argument that DLC should be included in the base game makes no sense. They are for all intents and purposes games within a game and completely out of scope considering the base game, and it's not like they were all complete before the game released anyway. So why exactly do you think they should be in vanilla New Vegas?

I just posted my idea because thats what the thread was, i never said, you better make this or i am going to sue you, i just said "It would be cool if you did this..." I understand why they can't, but you can't sit here and tell me that you never wanted anything, even tho you knew it would never happen.
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Kayla Bee
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:13 am

Considering the Original Poster made it perfectly clear he was talking about the Final Mission of the base game, that's what this topic was about. Your TERRIBLE world play wont save you.

Maybe if you had FOLLOWED the THREAD you would have know this thread was made to talk about the final mission of the BASE game.

Clearly if you followed the thread it was to complain.
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