I want to play after the final mission

Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:29 pm

I would like to bet 1000000 caps we can continue playing after Skyrim's completion. Bethesda noticed the backlash they got for FO3 closed ending. Google it! :cool:

Umm....you've always been able to roam after the MQs in the TES games. Nothing new. You've never been able to free-roam after a FO game. 3 was the exception and not the rule.

Seriously, why are we even talking about this again?
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katie TWAVA
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:05 pm

Umm....you've always been able to roam after the MQs in the TES games. Nothing new. You've never been able to free-roam after a FO game. 3 was the exception and not the rule.

Seriously, why are we even talking about this again?

Because people want to hype themselves,
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:28 pm

This topic has been discussed quite a bit already.

The mod you refer to has the luxury of being a mod.

If we wanted to extend post-endgame sequence, we have to deal with the fact that one of the three major factions in the game is gone. Not just depreciated, but actually *gone* from the game world. That means that every single quest and NPC that references that faction has to be modified in some way. This isn't like Fallout 3, where we can just excise the Enclave from the world and everything's fine. The entirety of Fallout: New Vegas is affected by post-endgame content.

But again, that doesn't matter for a mod. That's why mods are great. They don't have to round up every single actor and record new dialog to explain why you can't complete a quest anymore. People won't complain about that. They won't complain when you go to a specific area and there are NPCs from a faction that shouldn't exist any more. But if you buy an add-on, you expect those things to be there. And think about just how much that entails in a world the size of FNV, and just how tricky that would be to do.

Alternatively, we could do DLC that takes place long after Hoover Dam, in a mojave that is vastly different. But people wouldn't like that either, since they couldn't continue their existing quests they started before the endgame sequence.

In other words, the only way we could do post-endgame content is to do it really poorly. So we decided not to, and instead focus on the DLC we're releasing.

You may not like this decision, but surely you can understand why we did it.
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Samantha hulme
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:27 am

Umm....you've always been able to roam after the MQs in the TES games. Nothing new. You've never been able to free-roam after a FO game. 3 was the exception and not the rule.

Seriously, why are we even talking about this again?

Also Fallout 2, but it was clear that nothing after the main quest is canon and stuff. And if you only care about that and want them to add that to a patch, then your really just being picky, as the "load game" function works perfectly for that.
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CArla HOlbert
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:58 am

The only question I have is why? Did Bethesda not learn its lesson from Fallout 3?

Imagine you got an ending that said "Goodsprings prospered from increased trade." Sounds good, right? Then imagine that after the ending, you go and massacre Goodsprings for lulz. That ending you got just became worthless, since Goodsprings is now a ghost town. By giving players freeplay after the ending, instantly cheapens the actual endings. Just like how Broken Steel did, except worse because FNV's endings aren't an abomination against story writing.

But more importantly, why do you want Freeplay? You already have a warning box telling you to save, and the latest patch even makes a save for you if you're too lazy to do it yourself. After Hoover dam, there's nothing to do. FNV's sandbox exploration gameplay isn't very good. A lot of enemies don't respawn. What, are you just going to go shoot fiends near Vault 3 forever?

FNV is a Fallout game in the old school mold. This is its strength - its gameplay is based around quests and witty writing. With FO3, it made sense to play after the end, because the entire wasteland is chock full of dungeons with random enemies to shoot. FNV isn't; most every location has a quest tied to it, with the replay value coming not from an MMO-esque "roam and shoot stuff" imperative ala FO3, but instead coming from the fact that your choices actually matter.

Im just curious, after the fuss caused after Fallout 3, would it not have been something that would have had to come up in a conversation at some point during the development of New Vegas? Something like... "Hey they were kind of mad that we didnt let them continue playing last time, maybe we should this time" ...nothing like this came up? Does Bethesda not understand that people would pay double the price of their current dlc if they would just put in the time to finish the game the way it should have been finished?

Listen, dude. The way it "should" be finished - that is, with full consequences for your actions reflected in the game world - is an incredibly intensive thing. We're not talking twenty dollar DLC here. We're talking full on expansion, or possibly even sequel territory. This is because the number of potential outcomes for FNV is through the roof. FO3 had four things that meaningfully affected the ending - Karma Good/Karma Bad and Virus Yes/Virus No. And in Broken Steel, Bethesda pretty much ignored even those minimal things, since the Brotherhood still won no matter what you did, and the virus didn't really affect anyone. FNV, meanwhile has a good portion of quests affecting the ending, that on top of the five "main" endings.

You know what though? Its all an excuse.


That is the work of one person. ONE PERSON is able to do what the entire team refuses to do at Obsidian.

There's little preventing Obsidian from simply making that level of change in a patch. It's ten minutes of coding, tops. The problem is, you and people like you will then start complaining about why nothing changes after the battle, even if it dumps you back to Goodsprings/whatever to keep playing. Or you'll whine about how there's not enough to do after the battle. You'll never be satisfied, so why should Obsidian waste any time at all satisfying people like you?

Nobody wants to hold on to a save right before the final battle just to wait on dlc before finishing their game. It completely destroys immersion to do so. So why then is this still a viable option for an ending to an open world 'sand box' type game? How many games have made this mistake before and how many companies continue to do it? Argue with me all you want because you dont like change, I dont care.

Problem: FNV is not an open world sandbox. It's more open than, say, Mass Effect 2, but its primary appeal is quests, not unguided exploration. Like Fallout 2 or like ME2, post-game content would end up being totally irrelevant save DLC. But since DLCs introduce more than two new perks but you only get enough levels for two new ones, you're better off just starting a new character.

I know for a fact that the majority of the people that play Fallout would appreciate a dlc that opened the game back up to them alot more than some stupid trip to yet another casino or filler content such as ARMORED SCORPIONS (YAY?).

What makes your made up statistics any more valid than anyone else's made up statistics? I mean, if I said "I know for a fact that the majority of people that play Fallout would be disappointed with your proposed change", how is that any different from what you're saying?
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Enie van Bied
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:45 pm

Also Fallout 2, but it was clear that nothing after the main quest is canon and stuff. And if you only care about that and want them to add that to a patch, then your really just being picky, as the "load game" function works perfectly for that.

Yeah, I didn't include 2 because it was more of an easter egg thingy anyway.
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Ice Fire
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:26 pm

well i would rather see a whole new fallout hit the streets with the new drivers from what i have read and seen they have picked up and leared so much on this path so far the next level will rock i just hope it wont take 3 years to do ( i can only keep playing the others so long haha) :foodndrink:
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:58 am

Umm....you've always been able to roam after the MQs in the TES games. Nothing new. You've never been able to free-roam after a FO game. 3 was the exception and not the rule.

Seriously, why are we even talking about this again?

Yeah, so your point is? Iwasdrunkbro was implying that because the game ends after FO3's quests are finished Bethesda will do the same for Skyrim. I replied saying that it wont. So what's your point? If your point is saying that "you've always been able to roam after the MQs in the TES games" why are you telling me this? Shouldn't you be telling the guy who said otherwise?
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:01 am

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trisha punch
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:44 am

This topic has been discussed quite a bit already.

The mod you refer to has the luxury of being a mod.

If we wanted to extend post-endgame sequence, we have to deal with the fact that one of the three major factions in the game is gone. Not just depreciated, but actually *gone* from the game world. That means that every single quest and NPC that references that faction has to be modified in some way. This isn't like Fallout 3, where we can just excise the Enclave from the world and everything's fine. The entirety of Fallout: New Vegas is affected by post-endgame content.

But again, that doesn't matter for a mod. That's why mods are great. They don't have to round up every single actor and record new dialog to explain why you can't complete a quest anymore. People won't complain about that. They won't complain when you go to a specific area and there are NPCs from a faction that shouldn't exist any more. But if you buy an add-on, you expect those things to be there. And think about just how much that entails in a world the size of FNV, and just how tricky that would be to do.

Alternatively, we could do DLC that takes place long after Hoover Dam, in a mojave that is vastly different. But people wouldn't like that either, since they couldn't continue their existing quests they started before the endgame sequence.

In other words, the only way we could do post-endgame content is to do it really poorly. So we decided not to, and instead focus on the DLC we're releasing.

You may not like this decision, but surely you can understand why we did it.

This, you got a full explanation from Jason himself, that should satisfy you.
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Dalley hussain
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:36 pm

I want to play after the final mission to, but such is the way in the Wastes.
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Alycia Leann grace
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:50 pm

I want to play after the dam, but only so I could use the Blade of the East and the Legate's helmet..
If you want new stuff, wait for Fallout 4. Or even lonesome road. Freeplay after the second battle of Hoover dam is a dead end.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:07 pm

there is a mod for it
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:54 pm

name 5 non-Bethesda-made RPGs that continue indefinitely after the ending
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:08 pm

I would have liked to have dlc making it open ended but I've accepted its not gonna happen so I'll just enjoy NV as is and then when I get my gaming desktop i'll get FO3 and NV and a crapload of mods for it.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:21 am

As Mr. Bergman mentions, making F:NV post-MQ capable would be a massive amount of work to do properly, which is the only way it would be acceptable. I, for one, would absolutely loathe a poorly-done post-MQ experience, since I want my choices and actions to actually matter at the end rather than having all of that essentially hand-waved as not counting since it didn't line up with the scripted version.

Which is exactly what happened in FO3 with Broken Steel installed, since anything other than fully backing the BoS's plan was basically scuttled, invalidating your decision to oppose them. Sure, you could blow up the Citadel, but that didn't really do much since the BoS kept right on spawning, just like the Enclave did if you blew up the Crawler.

As several folks here have pointed out, and as have I in several such threads, even if the game did let you keep going after the MQ there would be nothing to do, since almost every quest is related in some way to the buildup prior to the battle and almost all of them would be locked out for one reason or another. I can't speak for anyone else, but there's only so much Fiend farming or Green Gecko hunting (Honest Hearts) I can take before getting totally bored; that's not a game-world I would particularly care to be able to wander around in, so I prefer that the game ends when the MQ does.
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michael flanigan
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:31 pm

throw it together and charge $20 for it. Since when is giving customers what they want considered bad business? The impression I get from Obsidian is "were simply too good to finish our own game". Yes Im upset by something that breaks immersion. Why wouldnt I be? Its like you think Im the only person ever to be upset by this issue.

Don't speak for everyone because not everyone want what you want,throw it together? really? The game is very well finished,that is what the ending was for,but i know,some people would throw away a good ending for some stupid dlc that lets them play with lanius's mask and armor and shoot random critters before they get bored and start a new game.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:22 am

As Mr. Bergman mentions, making F:NV post-MQ capable would be a massive amount of work to do properly, which is the only way it would be acceptable. I, for one, would absolutely loathe a poorly-done post-MQ experience, since I want my choices and actions to actually matter at the end rather than having all of that essentially hand-waved as not counting since it didn't line up with the scripted version.

Which is exactly what happened in FO3 with Broken Steel installed, since anything other than fully backing the BoS's plan was basically scuttled, invalidating your decision to oppose them. Sure, you could blow up the Citadel, but that didn't really do much since the BoS kept right on spawning, just like the Enclave did if you blew up the Crawler.

As several folks here have pointed out, and as have I in several such threads, even if the game did let you keep going after the MQ there would be nothing to do, since almost every quest is related in some way to the buildup prior to the battle and almost all of them would be locked out for one reason or another. I can't speak for anyone else, but there's only so much Fiend farming or Green Gecko hunting (Honest Hearts) I can take before getting totally bored; that's not a game-world I would particularly care to be able to wander around in, so I prefer that the game ends when the MQ does.


They could nto create all 1*6*15(these slides detail the rest of the Couriers life as well so would be meaningless)*4*4*9*5*8*8*6*11*5*5*5*7*6*4*13*5*5*6*7*4*4*9*7*11*4*1 possible permutation of the endings. That is how many different possible outcomes there are when you mix and match all of the ending slides. Thsi would be an impossible feat so sorrt no playing after ending slides adn thank goodness we dont get to play after ending slides.
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Jennifer May
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:33 pm

name 5 non-Bethesda-made RPGs that continue indefinitely after the ending

Mass Effect 2 (with the caveat that it's fabulously lame since all the dramatic tension is gone), Fallout 2 (with the caveat that there's nothing to do since you do the quests beforehand as they usually impact the ending), and... Err...

That's all that comes to mind, actually.

Most games end. Most RPGs end. This isn't a bad thing, whining from a small but vocal element of the fanbase to the contrary.
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Steven Nicholson
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:24 pm

name 5 non-Bethesda-made RPGs that continue indefinitely after the ending

I got the first one:

Fallout 2
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Karine laverre
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:01 pm

I got the first one:

Fallout 2

Which, because Fallout 2 had multiple endings for every location, came complete with a textbox warning the player that the endings aren't implemented and it svcks.
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Sakura Haruno
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:07 pm

This again eh? I know it will not be the last time.

It isn't going to happen. The game warns you. Keep a save. Also we were told about it before the game even came out. The devs have said many times it isn't going to happen.
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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:17 am

This again eh? I know it will not be the last time.

It isn't going to happen. The game warns you. Keep a save. Also we were told about it before the game even came out. The devs have said many times it isn't going to happen.

And they said it again this time too.
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Dean Brown
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:46 am

And they said it again this time too.

I just noticed th post from jason bergman.

See people. It just isn't going to happen, but alot of people already knew that :foodndrink:
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:28 pm

Cry some more, you tears are DELICIOUS!!!!!
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