I want to play after the final mission

Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:34 pm

This topic has been discussed quite a bit already.

The mod you refer to has the luxury of being a mod.

If we wanted to extend post-endgame sequence, we have to deal with the fact that one of the three major factions in the game is gone. Not just depreciated, but actually *gone* from the game world. That means that every single quest and NPC that references that faction has to be modified in some way. This isn't like Fallout 3, where we can just excise the Enclave from the world and everything's fine. The entirety of Fallout: New Vegas is affected by post-endgame content.

But again, that doesn't matter for a mod. That's why mods are great. They don't have to round up every single actor and record new dialog to explain why you can't complete a quest anymore. People won't complain about that. They won't complain when you go to a specific area and there are NPCs from a faction that shouldn't exist any more. But if you buy an add-on, you expect those things to be there. And think about just how much that entails in a world the size of FNV, and just how tricky that would be to do.

Alternatively, we could do DLC that takes place long after Hoover Dam, in a mojave that is vastly different. But people wouldn't like that either, since they couldn't continue their existing quests they started before the endgame sequence.

In other words, the only way we could do post-endgame content is to do it really poorly. So we decided not to, and instead focus on the DLC we're releasing.

You may not like this decision, but surely you can understand why we did it.
I propose a simple idea, that I think might inspire you a bit my friend. 4 separate DLC's. One for Legion, one for NCR, one for House, and one for Yes Man. Doesnt have to be major in effect. All rather similar. The NCR chases down the remaining Caesar's Legion forces across the River in order to irradicate them, takes the player to Arizona in a small settlement, to wipe out the legionary centurions and free slaves. Make it the game world about 3/4 the size of New Vegas by which I mean quest wise, add more creatures and space between area's. Include a few random events and you have an NCR ending DLC, no need to include anything from the mojave and you can let the player free roam there. For legion, do the same except take the player to the capitol of the NCR and have them assassinate important members of the group, add a few quests and put some frumamentarii around the world to speak with. For yes man, take the player to the outskirts of the Mojave where the player must use his new securitron army to fight off a few NCR citizen insurgents, a few Legionary Survivors and you must manage the immediate area to fight them off as well as help set up road blocks and such. For house, you must now head out to the facility where the platinum chip was created to recover a software update drive House had left behind at the time. NCR and Legion are waring for the immediate territory and you must fight them off to get to the software with victor in tow as a companion. Make these DLC expansions only accessible through beating the game and do not allow the player to return to the Mojave. Update the warning before the final fight with a patch and let the players know that they might wish to take with them the items they truly cant part with as they cant return once it has begun and that its a one way trip. charge 20 for each seperate expansion and bam everyone should be happy. We could maybe see a few familiar faces but only temporary and as quest givers or as simple random encounters.
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Kira! :)))
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:26 am

I propose a simple idea, that I think might inspire you a bit my friend. 4 separate DLC's. One for Legion, one for NCR, one for House, and one for Yes Man. Doesnt have to be major in effect. All rather similar. The NCR chases down the remaining Caesar's Legion forces across the River in order to irradicate them, takes the player to Arizona in a small settlement, to wipe out the legionary centurions and free slaves. Make it the game world about 3/4 the size of New Vegas by which I mean quest wise, add more creatures and space between area's. Include a few random events and you have an NCR ending DLC, no need to include anything from the mojave and you can let the player free roam there. For legion, do the same except take the player to the capitol of the NCR and have them assassinate important members of the group, add a few quests and put some frumamentarii around the world to speak with. For yes man, take the player to the outskirts of the Mojave where the player must use his new securitron army to fight off a few NCR citizen insurgents, a few Legionary Survivors and you must manage the immediate area to fight them off as well as help set up road blocks and such. For house, you must now head out to the facility where the platinum chip was created to recover a software update drive House had left behind at the time. NCR and Legion are waring for the immediate territory and you must fight them off to get to the software with victor in tow as a companion. Make these DLC expansions only accessible through beating the game and do not allow the player to return to the Mojave. Update the warning before the final fight with a patch and let the players know that they might wish to take with them the items they truly cant part with as they cant return once it has begun and that its a one way trip. charge 20 for each seperate expansion and bam everyone should be happy. We could maybe see a few familiar faces but only temporary and as quest givers or as simple random encounters.

Problem is, the higher-up folks at Bethesda would decide whether they make new DLCs. As all evidence points to, we'll only get 4 DLCs. If they had unlimited resources and time and they didn't have to worry about competing with their own products (Skyrim + DLCs/expansion), then maybe they would do it, but it is just unrealistic.
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Deon Knight
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 1:37 pm

Obsidian doesn't wanna put in the effort to create the world with the consequences of your efforts shown.
Some call it laziness.
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Mrs shelly Sugarplum
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:31 am

This topic has been discussed quite a bit already.

The mod you refer to has the luxury of being a mod.

If we wanted to extend post-endgame sequence, we have to deal with the fact that one of the three major factions in the game is gone. Not just depreciated, but actually *gone* from the game world. That means that every single quest and NPC that references that faction has to be modified in some way. This isn't like Fallout 3, where we can just excise the Enclave from the world and everything's fine. The entirety of Fallout: New Vegas is affected by post-endgame content.

But again, that doesn't matter for a mod. That's why mods are great. They don't have to round up every single actor and record new dialog to explain why you can't complete a quest anymore. People won't complain about that. They won't complain when you go to a specific area and there are NPCs from a faction that shouldn't exist any more. But if you buy an add-on, you expect those things to be there. And think about just how much that entails in a world the size of FNV, and just how tricky that would be to do.

Alternatively, we could do DLC that takes place long after Hoover Dam, in a mojave that is vastly different. But people wouldn't like that either, since they couldn't continue their existing quests they started before the endgame sequence.

In other words, the only way we could do post-endgame content is to do it really poorly. So we decided not to, and instead focus on the DLC we're releasing.

You may not like this decision, but surely you can understand why we did it.

Now this I can respect and understand. Infact, theres really not much I can even argue with. If you cant do something the right way then dont do it at all... and thats all I really wanted someone to say. In my oppinion though, the dlc idea you came up with would be awesome and it would help wrap things up a bit more 'officially' than the slide shows (which are still bugged regarding a few side quests). I doubt thats going to happen though, but it would be cool.
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Isaac Saetern
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:39 am

Obsidian doesn't wanna put in the effort to create the world with the consequences of your efforts shown.
Some call it laziness.

I can't help but feel like you're implying you think that it is laziness. Regardless of whether you do, I'll bite.

How the hell is it laziness? Not only were they operating under a deadline before the game released, but Bethesda sanctions only so many DLCs and (ignoring that making substantial DLC for the multitude of variables is just about totally unviable) they have made it clear, particularly with Jason's post, that they'd rather work on the DLC content that they are working on instead of create something along the lines of Broken Steel. That alone should make people back off, because though widespread player desires will easily affect development, it is up to the developers to ultimately decide what fits in the scope of the game and overall where they want to take their creative process. Also, I find the prospect of a developing studio being collectively lazy rather silly as it is.
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Hayley O'Gara
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:01 pm

because for 1 thing it would take about another game to fully do everything said in the ending slides....
and if u do beat the game and u dont do the side quest u arnt playing the game to its fullest ability also MY GOD r u really upset by this if so that is just sad...

dont get me wrong i would like a continuation of the game but it would have to have a good story

Why don't you take your pretty woman avatar and go be condescending somewhere else?! :swear: Just kidding! (but not really)

Yes, I'd also like an after game DLC, I know I won't get it, blah blah blah, What's the point of awesome loot if you don't get to actually use it? Whenever I play against the Legion I just wear Lanius's mask to show off to Oliver...and he's not even impressed! :cryvaultboy: I want to strike fear into the heart of the NCR! WHY GIVE ME GOD LIKE MASKS IF I CAN'T BE ALL MESOAMERICAN/ROMAN GOD WITH THEM?
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Alan Cutler
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:05 am

i want a porsche after the final mission
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yessenia hermosillo
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:36 pm

I want Activision to die and Bioware to separate of EA, but thats not gonna happen either
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:14 pm

I want Activision to die and Bioware to separate of EA, but thats not gonna happen either

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Vickytoria Vasquez
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:59 pm

Hell, I just want a sandwich.

With meat carved out of a Triceratops.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:42 am

I had a long post about what each ending could go on to be like if a DLC was to open the game up, but in summary, it would be the reshaping of the mojave, rather it be Ceaser pushing the NCR back to the Mojave outpost (If i remember correctly the NCR just retreated, but really... after gaining that much ground, would you just retreat?). Or maybe your with the NCR and they changed there plan for the Legion, so they invade and take over the old Legion Fort, and push them back east, opening up a small map, possibly the size of the Airport the enclave used in Broken Steel.

Working for Mr. House? Now is his chance to re shape, and fix the Mojave... and he will use you to do it. Or maybe you were greedy, and took over. Shape the Mojave to your will, take what towns you want, save those that you like.

There is much possibility in a DLC like this. As you can see, alot happens to the Mojave if you remember in those ending clips. I say instead of telling us of these things, let us play them. Think about it, raiding the strip with Ceaser, or even the NCR. Or possibly securing Free side and cleaning that part of town up, to make it just as safe as the strip. Kick the kings out during a bloody battle, or talk them into giving free side to Mr. House.

There are many combat possibilities, along with great quest and stories. They wouldn't have to make much of a map, other then a little bit of area for whats left of Ceasers Legion (Cause after you take out half there forces, well they will die off on there own. The Legate had to come from a Legion outpost somewhere to the east. Go and destroy there last big fort. Then secure the Mojave as the NCR.

Or report get called back east for a ceremony to praise your name. Get your golden coin, and see what it entails. Then head back west and begin to drive the NCR back to the Mojave outpost, and maybe a little further into California.

You can see the possibilities, the Battleground the Mojave has yet to become...

But if you prefer to go by the ending slides, the Courier could leave the Mojave, go about his life, but as it says in the slides, one day he may just return.

That day could be the DLC, you return after the slides end and depending who you helped, things are different, its been say 15 years since you left, new problems have arisen, and everything is different, same map, a few new locations. But the area is different, instead of securitrons on the strip, you find legion on guard, awaiting your arrival one day again. Or the NCR who have finally colonized the place, even if there are still those trouble makers.

This is also a possible outcome to an open ended, and changed Mojave dlc.

I would be fine with either, both seem like they could offer a lot.

I just wrote that on another thread... but here is another reason they don't do that.

They don't like to do that, because the original fallouts all ended with those slides that told what happened to each group you met. They wanted to keep true to the old ones, plus it was obsidian who made the game, alot of people branched off of Black Moutain studious... OMG, just realized what obsidian did, Black Moutain (Thats the place with all the mutants)... lol.

I agree they should open end the game, but like that other person said, it would take another game to do what everything said, while this may not be true, instead just make a huge expansion kinda like oblivions Shivering Isles, but make it actually activate after the ending slides... or you can do my last idea, which is to have the courier come back like he was gone for 15 years. Then have everything changed.
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adam holden
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:34 pm

I want Activision to die and Bioware to separate of EA, but thats not gonna happen either

By the way, you signature comment is not true, i found a possible exploit. It says something like the Courier may return to the Mojave some day. Forgot the words used, but i remember that after beating the game with Ceasers Legion.
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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:11 pm

I propose a simple idea, that I think might inspire you a bit my friend. 4 separate DLC's. [snip] charge 20 for each seperate expansion and bam everyone should be happy.

Yeah, if you want to send the company broke. DLC purchase rate is something like 10% of initial purchase rate (though that's across all games, so includes things like paying $2 for a new car in a racing game, so FNV's $10 DLCs are probably lower). Now you want to double the price and make it specific to one faction.

Here's a fact, backed up by collated achievement stats: most gamers don't finish games. Famously, Ubisoft claims only 40% of players finished Assassin's Creed II, yet that game only takes about 15hrs to complete. So before you consider that 10% of DLC buyers, you've already shrunk the potential market by over half, IOW you'd be lucky to sell to 4% of purchasers of the original game.

Also consider that, unlike us forumites, most people who do finish the game aren't going to play repeated playthroughs with different characters. I don't think it's a big leap that you would sell effectively one of those four DLC to a person who finished the game. Even if each DLC only costs as much as one of the 4 announced DLCs to build (and the price is effectively doubled to offset the low purchase rate), this means each DLC would on average only net half what a regular DLC would.

Of course, this is disregarding a lot of factors involved in the cost of producing the DLC. As Jason stated, you'd have to get all the core voice actors back to record new lines. Advantages of DLCs are that you can get less recognised, cheaper VAs to do the new roles, and you've generally got a lot less characters that need VAs.

On top of that, the current release rate for DLCs is about 1 per 2mos, which means if they started now the last one wouldn't be coming out till about 18mos after launch. At that point, given the glaring age of the engine, I doubt anyone would still be thinking about FNV except the few die-hards here.

This is also all disregarding the fact you've said each one should be "3/4 the size of New Vegas", which is an order of magnitude larger than any of the existing DLCs, so even if they sold one of the 4 DLCs to each of the original purchasers of the game (depending on the ending they chose, assuming everyone who bought it also finished the game and is therefore eligible to even play these DLCs) the collective cost to produce these DLCs would be greater than the cost of the original game, and at best you'd need to price them accordingly, eg $100US+.

So, I think you can see that whilst the idea may be simple, the execution is far from it, and the returns simply make it utterly infeasible.
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Abi Emily
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:34 am

Wow... I'm pretty surprised this topic hasn't died yet. Got a post from Jason himself yet it still continues. You won't get the chance to run around the Mojave post-game. It's been made abundantly clear this isn't happening. If it bothers you to the point that you feel compelled to complain anyway, buy New Vegas for the PC and download the mod that allows you to continue after the slides. Short of that? Welcome to the real world where wanting something super-super bad doesn't make it happen.
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jess hughes
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:11 am

Yeah, if you want to send the company broke. DLC purchase rate is something like 10% of initial purchase rate (though that's across all games, so includes things like paying $2 for a new car in a racing game, so FNV's $10 DLCs are probably lower). Now you want to double the price and make it specific to one faction.

Here's a fact, backed up by collated achievement stats: most gamers don't finish games. Famously, Ubisoft claims only 40% of players finished Assassin's Creed II, yet that game only takes about 15hrs to complete. So before you consider that 10% of DLC buyers, you've already shrunk the potential market by over half, IOW you'd be lucky to sell to 4% of purchasers of the original game.

Also consider that, unlike us forumites, most people who do finish the game aren't going to play repeated playthroughs with different characters. I don't think it's a big leap that you would sell effectively one of those four DLC to a person who finished the game. Even if each DLC only costs as much as one of the 4 announced DLCs to build (and the price is effectively doubled to offset the low purchase rate), this means each DLC would on average only net half what a regular DLC would.

Of course, this is disregarding a lot of factors involved in the cost of producing the DLC. As Jason stated, you'd have to get all the core voice actors back to record new lines. Advantages of DLCs are that you can get less recognised, cheaper VAs to do the new roles, and you've generally got a lot less characters that need VAs.

On top of that, the current release rate for DLCs is about 1 per 2mos, which means if they started now the last one wouldn't be coming out till about 18mos after launch. At that point, given the glaring age of the engine, I doubt anyone would still be thinking about FNV except the few die-hards here.

This is also all disregarding the fact you've said each one should be "3/4 the size of New Vegas", which is an order of magnitude larger than any of the existing DLCs, so even if they sold one of the 4 DLCs to each of the original purchasers of the game (depending on the ending they chose, assuming everyone who bought it also finished the game and is therefore eligible to even play these DLCs) the collective cost to produce these DLCs would be greater than the cost of the original game, and at best you'd need to price them accordingly, eg $100US+.

So, I think you can see that whilst the idea may be simple, the execution is far from it, and the returns simply make it utterly infeasible.

I say they just make it like i said, its a possible DLC to make, you just got to look at it in the simplest way. Making you come back 15 years later, with the Mojave changed only by new quest a few new locations and different NPC areas, it should be about the same work as any other DLC.

The DLC would be smaller, but would have different quest for each factions, making it truly bigger in the long run. And the way the final slide ended, it seemed as if they were hinting at the possibility that the Courier would return to the Mojave.

It may be possible they ended it saying the Courier would one day return to have a possible reason to make a DLC to open end it, without having to turn the Mojave into a battleground.

But saying that, its unlikely we will get this DLC, i just hope that secretly there hiding this from us.

Maybe they said they wouldn't open end it because they were not sure how, or maybe cause they didn't want too, but truly it would make good money if they let him return after around 15 years, with everything being different, but without having to build a new map, only a few locations and maybe 10-20 quest. Those can be small quest and large quest.

But i just think the best way to open end it, would to be to let the courier return after 15+ years after everything is settled in the Mojave. Then there would only be smaller quest like, remnants of the NCR or Ceasers Legion that never left after such group occupied the area. (There was a tiny enclave remnants, but it was even longer then 15 years since the Enclave died.) And there could be new weapons that had been introduced to the Mojave. It could be just as big as any other DLC, without having to be over the top.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:37 am

I say they just make it like i said, its a possible DLC to make, you just got to look at it in the simplest way. Making you come back 15 years later, with the Mojave changed only by new quest a few new locations and different NPC areas, it should be about the same work as any other DLC.

The DLC would be smaller, but would have different quest for each factions, making it truly bigger in the long run. And the way the final slide ended, it seemed as if they were hinting at the possibility that the Courier would return to the Mojave.

It may be possible they ended it saying the Courier would one day return to have a possible reason to make a DLC to open end it, without having to turn the Mojave into a battleground.

But saying that, its unlikely we will get this DLC, i just hope that secretly there hiding this from us.

Maybe they said they wouldn't open end it because they were not sure how, or maybe cause they didn't want too, but truly it would make good money if they let him return after around 15 years, with everything being different, but without having to build a new map, only a few locations and maybe 10-20 quest. Those can be small quest and large quest.

But i just think the best way to open end it, would to be to let the courier return after 15+ years after everything is settled in the Mojave. Then there would only be smaller quest like, remnants of the NCR or Ceasers Legion that never left after such group occupied the area. (There was a tiny enclave remnants, but it was even longer then 15 years since the Enclave died.) And there could be new weapons that had been introduced to the Mojave. It could be just as big as any other DLC, without having to be over the top.

I think the problem is that you'd have to repopulate the entire map. You'd really have to do it as separate DLCs since eg Vegas will be either occupied by NCR, Legion, Securitrons or ???. Every NPC would have to be revised, at least to age them up. Older characters like Easy Pete, Chief Hanlon etc would need to be removed because they'd have feasibly died of old age in that 15yrs. That means you need a whole new raft of NPCs, including questgivers who have quite a bit of dialogue. Either you'd end up with shoddy VAs because of the volume required or a very very sparse wasteland, which doesn't support any faction's ending. In any case, it still wouldn't satisfy the people who want to keep playing post-game, as they want to continue the same quests etc, not play at some future point.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to play in the Mojave after the main quest line, but not if it's a bad experience, which it undoubtedly would be. I'd much prefer a definite end than a long, dull, poorly implemented post-game, which is the only realistic alternative.
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Philip Lyon
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:03 am

yes i have to agree here but the thing here is that 29.99 or 39.99 is just a game.... but yes they could do a very BIG expansion but then if i were to guess the price it would be around $20-$35
and at that price u could just buy a game....but u have to consider all of the things that the makers have to go through... like if they are going to have a reason after u beat the game or if its going to be just free roam.... then they have to mod stuff and artwork.... its alot of stuff they would have to do.

That was the price for shivering isles, and i liked it, it added a whole new world, but i would be fine with the same map a few new areas and the finish of what we started at hover dam. Trust me there is alot of reason rather it be to help Ceaser or the NCR or Mr. House, or yourself... Hover Dam is only the start of a battle that is about to rage across the Mojave.
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:14 pm

I think the problem is that you'd have to repopulate the entire map. You'd really have to do it as separate DLCs since eg Vegas will be either occupied by NCR, Legion, Securitrons or ???. Every NPC would have to be revised, at least to age them up. Older characters like Easy Pete, Chief Hanlon etc would need to be removed because they'd have feasibly died of old age in that 15yrs. That means you need a whole new raft of NPCs, including questgivers who have quite a bit of dialogue. Either you'd end up with shoddy VAs because of the volume required or a very very sparse wasteland, which doesn't support any faction's ending. In any case, it still wouldn't satisfy the people who want to keep playing post-game, as they want to continue the same quests etc, not play at some future point.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to play in the Mojave after the main quest line, but not if it's a bad experience, which it undoubtedly would be. I'd much prefer a definite end than a long, dull, poorly implemented post-game, which is the only realistic alternative.

Your looking at this all wrong, most of the time the Developers are not working on quest, or weapons... there building the map. With this all they would have to do is copy the map, then do what you said... saving them months of work.

Ask any mod who has made there own land, usually its smaller then what we get in DLC's, but it still takes them months to do, then they have to make the quest which takes shorter time. Most people just use already made buildings and they can make a quest within a few days, or less.

With a team as big as obsidian and some of Bethesda they could easily do this and still give good quest. I don't have any good ideas ATM for quest because i can't decide how after the ending slides the Mojave would change again.

What would be really cool tho, is that if lonesome road open ended it. It could make since too. The couriers last courier assignment is to deliver a package along a lonesome road that leads across the vast big empty. At the end of this trek he meets courier 6... Ulysses. They call it the battle of the Divide, where it took place under the banner of the old republic.

Plus when ever at the end of Dead Money, it hints that the last they heard of them was the battle at the great divide. Nothing about the battle at Hover dam which is a key moment in fallout lore... it really is if you think about it. It decides ultimately who controls the Mojave and the one city untouched by the atomic bombs.
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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:48 pm

Your looking at this all wrong, most of the time the Developers are not working on quest, or weapons... there building the map. With this all they would have to do is copy the map, then do what you said... saving them months of work.

Ask any mod who has made there own land, usually its smaller then what we get in DLC's, but it still takes them months to do, then they have to make the quest which takes shorter time. Most people just use already made buildings and they can make a quest within a few days, or less.

With a team as big as obsidian and some of Bethesda they could easily do this and still give good quest. I don't have any good ideas ATM for quest because i can't decide how after the ending slides the Mojave would change again.

Well, to be fair I don't believe any of us know how they plan these things. It sounds like they handle planning and (dialogue) scripts in-house, however if you look at quest lines like the Great Khans, I think the Contreras stuff, etc they overlap - that's gotta take a bit of planning. And again, I think the expensive part is the VAs.

A common question that comes up here is why Caesar doesn't make any reference to you encountering Graham in HH, and the answer is that DLCs can't interact, except for the case with Veronica and DM where it was planned from the start. I think if we read between the lines, the answer is that Felicia Day recorded those lines during the initial development, and they hadn't done the same with John Doman. The implication is that it's financially infeasible to get Doman back to record a few more lines for a DLC.

Now, granted, even if you cure Caesar in Et Tumor, Brute he's still looking in his late middle-age, so in 15yrs he'll probably have died of age (no medicine in the Legion)/been assassinated/whatever. But there are plenty of others who should still be around, especially the companions, where you've got several film actors who can't be cheap to get back. I mean, if it wasn't financial viable to license a single Elvis song for the main game, what chance have they of rehiring a couple dozen VAs?

What would be really cool tho, is that if lonesome road open ended it. It could make since too. The couriers last courier assignment is to deliver a package along a lonesome road that leads across the vast big empty. At the end of this trek he meets courier 6... Ulysses. They call it the battle of the Divide, where it took place under the banner of the old republic.

Plus when ever at the end of Dead Money, it hints that the last they heard of them was the battle at the great divide. Nothing about the battle at Hover dam which is a key moment in fallout lore... it really is if you think about it. It decides ultimately who controls the Mojave and the one city untouched by the atomic bombs.

Yeah, I was a bit confused by that too, since the end-game is supposed to be such a big deal. You could explain it by saying that the battle of the Divide has to happen before Hoover Dam, because you can't play it the other way around ;) I mean, clearly it's just foreshadowing for LR, but I guess that's the reasonable in-game explanation
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Mandy Muir
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:33 pm

This topic has been discussed quite a bit already.

The mod you refer to has the luxury of being a mod.

If we wanted to extend post-endgame sequence, we have to deal with the fact that one of the three major factions in the game is gone. Not just depreciated, but actually *gone* from the game world. That means that every single quest and NPC that references that faction has to be modified in some way. This isn't like Fallout 3, where we can just excise the Enclave from the world and everything's fine. The entirety of Fallout: New Vegas is affected by post-endgame content.

But again, that doesn't matter for a mod. That's why mods are great. They don't have to round up every single actor and record new dialog to explain why you can't complete a quest anymore. People won't complain about that. They won't complain when you go to a specific area and there are NPCs from a faction that shouldn't exist any more. But if you buy an add-on, you expect those things to be there. And think about just how much that entails in a world the size of FNV, and just how tricky that would be to do.

Alternatively, we could do DLC that takes place long after Hoover Dam, in a mojave that is vastly different. But people wouldn't like that either, since they couldn't continue their existing quests they started before the endgame sequence.

In other words, the only way we could do post-endgame content is to do it really poorly. So we decided not to, and instead focus on the DLC we're releasing.

You may not like this decision, but surely you can understand why we did it.

I still think that a DLC where the Courier returns would be good... people always say, ahh thats stupid. When its not official, but when it becomes official, people suddenly think its a great idea. If i remember correctly, alot of people freaked out about open ending fallout 3. People bickered back and fourth, but when Broken Steel came out, most were happy with it.

The same could be said here... so what if they can't do the quest they did before... i say just reload for that. The thing i don't like is having the quest cluttering waiting to be complete in my quest list. That and i always hate feeling like there was so much more i could have done... and thinking i rushed the game, even tho i completed 80% or more of the quest.

Mainly the major thing i want to see, it dosn't have to open end the game, but in fact what i really liked about BS is the fact that the wasteland changed, not just one area, but every area, well almost every area. I want these DLC's to have more effect on the Mojave itself, yea a few new weapons in the market is great and all... but i want changes you can see.

But as i type away, it may sound like i don't appreciate these DLC's... Far from, i love them, and New Vegas is my favorite Fallout game, i think it was done very well. And i know you pulled alot of resources into the game, which is the reason for all the lag. (Which on the PS3 i always get in Free Side)

The DLC's are also very entertaining, but i feel like the best is yet to come. OWB looks amazingly fun, and i just hope you payed attention to some mods, as i heard you guys do. Hopefully that Project Nevada was brought up, because i love the implants, and am wondering what implants you might add to OWB. (Yea i watch videos of mods... getting jealous at not having a good computer)

But as i said, if you can make the DLC's do a little more to the Mojave, rather it be getting a new companion you can bring with you out of the DLC areas. Would have loved bringing that girl from Dead Money, found her pretty cool. Maybe add in dialogue that mentions some of your accomplishments in DLCs (If there is non for Lonesome Road i am gonna kill someone, obviously its a widespread story as the ending for Dead Money they all mentioned the battle at the divide.) So i hope people will talk about that, even if its just the... "Aren't you the one from that story" or something like that.

Either way, great job... and keep up the good work, thanks!
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Gracie Dugdale
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:00 am


1. The problem is broken Steel DIDN'T actually change anything all it did was edit the water effect and add some more npcs to walk between towns. The Enclave still spawned even though they shouldn't. There was no real change.

2. You cannot bring companions form the base game into DLC or Vise Versa, and events that happen in DLC will NOT be mentioned in the base game because that would mean they would have to rehire all the voice actors for every NPC to record more lines. The sole exception for this being telling Veronica about Father Elijah and that only happened because they knew they wanted the DLC to do that from the beginning of New Vegas's development.

Besides adding more guns to shops we will not be seeing any DLC to Main game interaction. We will see Main-game to DLC interaction with stuff like telling Graham that Caesar is dead and whatnot but it doesn't work the other way around.
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Lucky Girl
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:40 pm

Well, to be fair I don't believe any of us know how they plan these things. It sounds like they handle planning and (dialogue) scripts in-house, however if you look at quest lines like the Great Khans, I think the Contreras stuff, etc they overlap - that's gotta take a bit of planning. And again, I think the expensive part is the VAs.

A common question that comes up here is why Caesar doesn't make any reference to you encountering Graham in HH, and the answer is that DLCs can't interact, except for the case with Veronica and DM where it was planned from the start. I think if we read between the lines, the answer is that Felicia Day recorded those lines during the initial development, and they hadn't done the same with John Doman. The implication is that it's financially infeasible to get Doman back to record a few more lines for a DLC.

Now, granted, even if you cure Caesar in Et Tumor, Brute he's still looking in his late middle-age, so in 15yrs he'll probably have died of age (no medicine in the Legion)/been assassinated/whatever. But there are plenty of others who should still be around, especially the companions, where you've got several film actors who can't be cheap to get back. I mean, if it wasn't financial viable to license a single Elvis song for the main game, what chance have they of rehiring a couple dozen VAs?

You make valid points, and i can't say i disagree. I just would have liked to see that, i like seeing what my actions have done to change something. Thats the reason i liked Broken Steel, because you could see what your actions did.

I was really hoping we would get more then ending slides to see what our actions did, i like to walk amongst it. Not saying anything bad about that dude who narrated.

Now i am gonna go off topic for a second. The new Trophies are out and one peaked my interest, well 2 but i don't think i read one right.

The first one that peaked my interest was

Recovered X-8 Vertebrae-pulse-de-sensilizer frequency

Wonder what that means? Possibly a new implant?

The second one that peaked my interest was
Make Up Your Mind
Make up your mind... about your brain.

My thoughts on what this means
Knowing that at the begging of the DLC your brain is stolen, i thought up the idea that when you get your brain stolen, the scientist are experimenting, and studying it. They have given you some AI which takes the place of your brain and acts as a "Tide you over while we study your brain" thing. What happens, as i predict, they lose your brain and it gets captured by the skeleton space suit dudes. They need you to go get it. Once you get it, they offer you your brain back, but i believe you will be able to keep your AI instead, witch would probably act as a trait, just as your brain might. The AI brain would give you some sort of bonus, while also hindering something too. That being said, it might just give you a perk, so you will be able to decide if you want the brain perk, or the AI perk.

Those are only my assumptions and not an official this is what it means.
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:14 pm

1. The problem is broken Steel DIDN'T actually change anything all it did was edit the water effect and add some more npcs to walk between towns. The Enclave still spawned even though they shouldn't. There was no real change.

2. You cannot bring companions form the base game into DLC or Vise Versa, and events that happen in DLC will NOT be mentioned in the base game because that would mean they would have to rehire all the voice actors for every NPC to record more lines. The sole exception for this being telling Veronica about Father Elijah and that only happened because they knew they wanted the DLC to do that from the beginning of New Vegas's development.

Besides adding more guns to shops we will not be seeing any DLC to Main game interaction. We will see Main-game to DLC interaction with stuff like telling Graham that Caesar is dead and whatnot but it doesn't work the other way around.

A bit late, we have established this already, and that conversation has been dropped, thanks.
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Alada Vaginah
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:34 pm

A bit late, we have established this already, and that conversation has been dropped, thanks.

if it had been established then why did you bother mentioning it in your last post?

you use it as evidence to why a Courier returning DLC would be good when as you yourself have claimed it has already been established that it doesn't work and wouldn't be good.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:21 pm

if it had been established then why did you bother mentioning it in your last post?

you use it as evidence to why a Courier returning DLC would be good when as you yourself have claimed it has already been established that it doesn't work and wouldn't be good.

I said it would be good, not that it would happen. If they were to ever open end it, that would be the best way tho. Plus i was typing that when the post above me mentioned the one thing i forgot about, VA's thats what you where late on.
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