I want to play after the final mission

Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:43 pm

I know that it has already been stated that there will not be an official dlc that lets the player continue the story after the final mission. The only question I have is why? Did Bethesda not learn its lesson from Fallout 3? Im just curious, after the fuss caused after Fallout 3, would it not have been something that would have had to come up in a conversation at some point during the development of New Vegas? Something like... "Hey they were kind of mad that we didnt let them continue playing last time, maybe we should this time" ...nothing like this came up? Does Bethesda not understand that people would pay double the price of their current dlc if they would just put in the time to finish the game the way it should have been finished?

I get it. I really do. It would take alot of work to open up the game the way it should be considering all the variables with the final quest. In some cases you would have to spread out Legion troops, others NCR. etc. etc. etc. You know what though? Its all an excuse.


That is the work of one person. ONE PERSON is able to do what the entire team refuses to do at Obsidian.

Nobody wants to hold on to a save right before the final battle just to wait on dlc before finishing their game. It completely destroys immersion to do so. So why then is this still a viable option for an ending to an open world 'sand box' type game? How many games have made this mistake before and how many companies continue to do it? Argue with me all you want because you dont like change, I dont care. I know for a fact that the majority of the people that play Fallout would appreciate a dlc that opened the game back up to them alot more than some stupid trip to yet another casino or filler content such as ARMORED SCORPIONS (YAY?).
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:09 pm

calm down have a turtle :turtle:
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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:31 pm

calm down have a turtle :turtle:


oh is chocolate!
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Kellymarie Heppell
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:23 pm

I know that it has already been stated that there will not be an official dlc that lets the player continue the story after the final mission. The only question I have is why? Did Bethesda not learn its lesson from Fallout 3? Im just curious, after the fuss caused after Fallout 3, would it not have been something that would have had to come up in a conversation at some point during the development of New Vegas? Something like... "Hey they were kind of mad that we didnt let them continue playing last time, maybe we should this time" ...nothing like this came up? Does Bethesda not understand that people would pay double the price of their current dlc if they would just put in the time to finish the game the way it should have been finished?

I get it. I really do. It would take alot of work to open up the game the way it should be considering all the variables with the final quest. In some cases you would have to spread out Legion troops, others NCR. etc. etc. etc. You know what though? Its all an excuse.


That is the work of one person. ONE PERSON is able to do what the entire team refuses to do at Obsidian.

Nobody wants to hold on to a save right before the final battle just to wait on dlc before finishing their game. It completely destroys immersion to do so. So why then is this still a viable option for an ending to an open world 'sand box' type game? How many games have made this mistake before and how many companies continue to do it? Argue with me all you want because you dont like change, I dont care. I know for a fact that the majority of the people that play Fallout would appreciate a dlc that opened the game back up to them alot more than some stupid trip to yet another casino or filler content such as ARMORED SCORPIONS (YAY?).

because for 1 thing it would take about another game to fully do everything said in the ending slides....
and if u do beat the game and u dont do the side quest u arnt playing the game to its fullest ability also MY GOD r u really upset by this if so that is just sad...

dont get me wrong i would like a continuation of the game but it would have to have a good story
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Deon Knight
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:05 am

I don't think that mod is complete...

... is it?
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:20 pm

because for 1 thing it would take about another game to fully do everything said in the ending slides....
and if u do beat the game and u dont do the side quest u arnt playing the game to its fullest ability also MY GOD r u really upset by this if so that is just sad...

An entire game you say? I doubt that. Not every small detail needs to be rehashed. Regardless, throw it together and charge $20 for it. Since when is giving customers what they want considered bad business? The impression I get from Obsidian is "were simply too good to finish our own game". Yes Im upset by something that breaks immersion. Why wouldnt I be? Its like you think Im the only person ever to be upset by this issue.

The point is, If one person can rush together a simple fix to the solution (as ive linked to above), then why cant an entire team do the same especially when they know they could charge atleast $20?
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Josee Leach
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:08 pm

It really breaks immersion to hold onto a save from before the final battle? So the fact that you have to turn on your tv, boot up a ps3/xbox/pc, load the game, pick a save, etc...in order to even play the game at all, your going to say loading a different save after you beat the game "breaks immersion"?? You just need a stronger imagination...they can't program that into the game.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:46 pm

I don't think that mod is complete...

... is it?

No it isnt
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:39 pm

You know this is really starting to become a problem in this industry. Its not even the fact that the player cant continue the story. Its the fact that we should have been able to continue the story. Game developers (not just Bethesda or Obsidian) are more concerned with rushing their game out the door full of bugs and problems while leaving the customers as the QA team to find the issues. There was absolutely no excuse for the way this game was released. All this while they work on DLC (which should have been included in the damn game to begin with) to increase their profit.

Ill end my rant there. Its been discussed many times over. Its just a shame that whenever sales start to slip because of this, its blamed on piracy instead of poor business.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:55 pm

It really breaks immersion to hold onto a save from before the final battle? So the fact that you have to turn on your tv, boot up a ps3/xbox/pc, load the game, pick a save, etc...in order to even play the game at all, your going to say loading a different save after you beat the game "breaks immersion"?? You just need a stronger imagination...they can't program that into the game.

Yes it breaks immersion having to go back to an old save that you've already completed the game with and doing it all over again simply to play dlc.

I cant believe people are actually sitting here defending this after the outcry that came after Fallout 3. Can I not get one single person on this board that isnt a really devoted fan to agree with me? Seriously.

LOL @ really devoted fan.
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Nicole Mark
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:50 pm

sales arent about to slip there fine and the buisness is great if they would have put it in the normal game it would be less quallity and would probly be out in november
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:18 am

An entire game you say? I doubt that. Not every small detail needs to be rehashed. Regardless, throw it together and charge $20 for it. Since when is giving customers what they want considered bad business? The impression I get from Obsidian is "were simply too good to finish our own game". Yes Im upset by something that breaks immersion. Why wouldnt I be? Its like you think Im the only person ever to be upset by this issue.

The point is, If one person can rush together a simple fix to the solution (as ive linked to above), then why cant an entire team especially when they know could charge atleast $20?

ok for 1 thing is the mod complete?
2nd it would take a **** long time to complete it u have the NCR patrolling that 1 road (i dont reamber the name of the road)
then there would be no Caesar's Legion in the mojave in that of its self would take atleast a month mabe... and if u compleated all of the side quests that is another 2 months
then u have all of the super mutants that would be gone for the mojave to with the Powder Gangers and Fiends they all would be gone also the BOS would be outside... there is alot more but i cant think of it...
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:12 pm

sales arent about to slip there fine and the buisness is great if they would have put it in the normal game it would be less quallity and would probly be out in november

Less quality as compared to what? Did you play the game on release? Im not really sure it could have gone much worse.

There was a time once when you didnt have to wait 6 months to play the game you purchased. Games would load into your console of choice and you could play them almost instantly. The term "patch" didnt exist! Funny times they were. Could you imagine it?
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:02 am

ok for 1 thing is the mod complete?
2nd it would take a **** long time to complete it u have the NCR patrolling that 1 road (i dont reamber the name of the road)
then there would be no Caesar's Legion in the mojave in that of its self would take atleast a month mabe... and if u compleated all of the side quests that is another 2 months
then u have all of the super mutants that would be gone for the mojave to with the Powder Gangers and Fiends they all would be gone also the BOS would be outside... there is alot more but i cant think of it...

I still dont see the problem here. New Vegas DLC costs $9.99. Take double the time working on this dlc and charge $19.99. How about you call it an expansion and release it for $29.99? $39.99? People paid for the garbage that was Awakenings, Im sure this would sell just as well. This is all about the concept of doing "work". Its a magical thing really. First you do your job... THEN YOU GET PAID! Oh my what kind of twilight zone have we entered?!

Oh... I may be onto something here. An expansion? It would be a first for the Fallout series wouldnt it? There would be no DLC... but an expansion? Let the rumors begin!
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Kathryn Medows
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:30 am

Ya what ever points you try to make there not going to change there mind they already said they were not going to make it this thread is a waste of time
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Rob Smith
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:34 pm

Ya what ever points you try to make there not going to change there mind they already said they were not going to make it this thread is a waste of time

To be technical though the quote states there would be no dlc. An expansion however was never out of the question. So there is hope even if it is only a small amount of hope. Hope exists.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:29 pm

They are not going to realease anything that lets you play after the game
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Catherine Harte
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:05 pm

They are not going to realease anything that lets you play after the game

Pics or it can still happen.
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Chloe Lou
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:32 pm

I still dont see the problem here. New Vegas DLC costs $9.99. Take double the time working on this dlc and charge $19.99. How about you call it an expansion and release it for $29.99? $39.99? People paid for the garbage that was Awakenings, Im sure this would sell just as well. This is all about the concept of doing "work". Its a magical thing really. First you do your job... THEN YOU GET PAID! Oh my what kind of twilight zone have we entered?!

Oh... I may be onto something here. An expansion? It would be a first for the Fallout series wouldnt it? There would be no DLC... but an expansion? Let the rumors begin!

yes i have to agree here but the thing here is that 29.99 or 39.99 is just a game.... but yes they could do a very BIG expansion but then if i were to guess the price it would be around $20-$35
and at that price u could just buy a game....but u have to consider all of the things that the makers have to go through... like if they are going to have a reason after u beat the game or if its going to be just free roam.... then they have to mod stuff and artwork.... its alot of stuff they would have to do.
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JR Cash
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:13 am

http://www.evilavatar.com/forums/showthread.php?t=121494 There you go B)
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:24 am

You made a great point there OP. I too believe the continuation of the game after the last mission is a great addition.
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rolanda h
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:22 am

We tell the full story of every one of your companions through the end of their lives, and it's weird to do all that and then jump back and say, "Okay! Now you can keep going again." So we end the game, and if you want to do other quests, then you go back to that save game before the end sequence.

So the reason we cant play the game after the final mission is because of our companions? Come on, really? Seriously, who actually believes this? Even if this were the case, who says the companions even have to be seen? If they all just go on their merely little way... well off they go then? This is a weird explanation. Its like Obsidian couldnt just come out and say "its too much work and we cant be bothered". Whatever though.

Im curious though. We are not even a year into this game. Its obviously still making money. Why abandon it? It makes no sense. We have one more dlc coming out and then thats it? I could see if Obsidian was working on some blockbuster title or something... but all they really do is make sequels.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:21 am

They might pull i fallout 3 and make a 5th dlc
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Darren Chandler
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 10:52 am

[quote name='Iwasdrunkbro' timestamp='1310611389' post='18099094']
Yes it breaks immersion having to go back to an old save that you've already completed the game with and doing it all over again simply to play dlc.

I cant believe people are actually sitting here defending this after the outcry that came after Fallout 3. Can I not get one single person on this board that isnt a really devoted fan to agree with me? Seriously.

LOL @ really devoted fan.

I'm just saying that your asking them to give you another game after the ending of this one. Personally I think that things like the DLCs shouldn't be DLC, I want all that implemented before the game even ships. I'm willing to pay more and wait longer for a game to release for that to happen. But, it's not going to happen. I don't sit and cry about it.

They would have had to create an entire new game world to play in for the game to continue, if they wanted to of course they could. But could they have produced a comprehensive, interesting, game world for every possible outcome? Probably not.

i'm not a crazy devoted fan, I'm just looking at it the way I see the situation. Don't play the game until all the DLCs are out, then run through everything before you engage in the final battle. There, no more immersion being broken. Can't wait that long? Again, they can't program patients.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 9:27 pm

Wouldn't it kinda svck if you saw that great ending with all those slides talking about how everything changes, then go back into the world to see nothings changed?
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