I get it. I really do. It would take alot of work to open up the game the way it should be considering all the variables with the final quest. In some cases you would have to spread out Legion troops, others NCR. etc. etc. etc. You know what though? Its all an excuse.
That is the work of one person. ONE PERSON is able to do what the entire team refuses to do at Obsidian.
Nobody wants to hold on to a save right before the final battle just to wait on dlc before finishing their game. It completely destroys immersion to do so. So why then is this still a viable option for an ending to an open world 'sand box' type game? How many games have made this mistake before and how many companies continue to do it? Argue with me all you want because you dont like change, I dont care. I know for a fact that the majority of the people that play Fallout would appreciate a dlc that opened the game back up to them alot more than some stupid trip to yet another casino or filler content such as ARMORED SCORPIONS (YAY?).