Am I the only one who thinks TES and realistic gore just don't mix?
I agree. For Doom 3 or a similar FPS game I actually expect gore to a certain point, but even then there's a line that I draw. I hated Postal 2, because I played a character that set people on fire and whatnot. Really evil game.
For Oblivion and other fantasy RPGs, whether 1st person, 3rd shoulderpeek, isometric 3/4 top down or whatever, it kinda gets in the way if it's too bloody. Plus, it's rarely being realistic AT ALL. I like a little spatter just to get the point across, like what we saw in Oblivion (blood on sword etc and a few bloodied decals here and there to make it gritty-looking, kinda like Braveheart - although Skyrim will likely be FAR closer to Braveheart I think). But if it's get too much over the top, it distracts me and I get less enjoyment.
Tbh, I prefer motional reactions (such as heads being pushed to one side or similar, or knockdowns, -backs and -outs being prevalent) over just a massacre of blood and gore. The latter is also disgusting to many people, which affects game sales quite heavily if it's too much over the top. Fallout 3 is an exception to that rule, because it's premise is different. Everyone knows what to expect - but for a more esoteric and magical concept, you're addressing a very different audience, for the most part.