oh, here is something i want to see that is AI based.
bring back quests that you can only get by eavesdropping on a conversation.
bars are the best place to listen to strangers conversations.
"-that son of a lich stole my whole stash of drakes, i was saving up for the holiday, me wife and i love sujama but its rare here in skyrim. i was going to surprise her"
you could investigate further by listening to the responses of the other npc, you find out who he suspects and you do a little diging around town or in the tavern.
option for completing the quest:
- steal the gold and keep it.
reward yourself and no hit to reputation
- steal back the gold and give it back-
good reputation with the town plus a reward
- kill the guy who stole it and keep the gold and his gear, depending on how stealthy you were reputation stays the same but your personality takes a hit-karma system maybe?. plus you got the gold.
you get caught and you lose the gold get bad reputation and go to jail-no exeptions for murder but you can pay of your theft fine.
there are other ways of doing this.
find the guy and report him to the guards
sorry if i come off a little dark, thats how i solve my problems in game XD