As an involuntarily childless woman myself, I find this point rather irrelevant to anyone's gaming experience. As such, it is also way off-topic. Though it is nice to see more than one or two word posts now and again.
I'm still hoping a happy medium can be found between waking up one day with a child, a nanny, and a boarding school application and going through every excruciating detail of human gestation. I have always considered having a home and family in my characters' backstory made his/her willingness to go to the ends of the earth to save Nirn much more realistic. Especially in games like Morrowind where the native population isn't exactly welcoming of their savior from afar.
As far as excruciating details go, inasmuch as the PC might be hit by a cold spell, yet not have to watch as his/her fingers, toes, and nose turn black and fall off, I think it's possible to introduce a family element without morning sickness, childbirth, and the terrible twos.
This. It's about finding a medium ground between playability and emotional attachment.
If you make the damn thing too simple, then nobody gives a damn about the kid or the mother (or the father, if your character is the mother)... and the whole family just becomes another undeveloped sink-hole of time and effort. But if you go too far the other way, then people feel more bogged down by the family and home than they do connected to it, and you wind up with players becoming resentful towards the spouse and child(ren).
I admit that i didn't give a very good reason for not wanting it, infact i didn't gave a reason at all. The fact is that i wouldn't use it. Therefore it would be a complete waste of time in my opinion. There are so many things i would much rather see implemented. It would be illogical to wish for something i am never ever gonna use anyway. Like Epona222, i also have a very hard time seeing how it could be implemented in a way which would actually make sense. The reason people mention Fable is probably because Fable is a great example on why it wouldn't work, especialy in a game like TES.
This is a fair argument... one which at least makes sense, albeit that sense is one of selfishness.
No children please it just ruins to whole feeling of this game i mean how could you be an explorer and all with a kid. You'd have to be sitting there taking care of the kid and finding him food and reading him bed time stories, no thank you. And how were you planning on making the babies a selection screen or the legit way....... anyways i just overall think NO! I'm all for more content but most defiantly not this, you want kids go get some in real life.
You -do- know that there are plenty of very gallant and heroic explorers all throughout human history who have had wives and families and lives beyond just being 'That guy who went there and saw this thing'. Many of the greatest warriors of all time were inspired to fight in order to defend the ones they loved. (Yes, love... I know... how un-warriorly, right?)
As for your comments on how the children would come about... there are plenty of ways to work it out. Assuming that you were actually planning to consider it. What you have done, instead, is create a non-point... by simply disregarding all possibilities as bad.
And then you have the gall to insult us by telling us to get a life? Dismissed.
Dear sir... I'm truly sorry.
What all of you "Children wanting" people want is a combination between Sims and Skyrim. Do you actually believe that this topic is in any way relevant? If you want, sure, you can mod it in. But seriously, don't you think it's exaggerated? Do you expect to take care of your child as well? Read him a bed time story? See him grows? Feeding him? Tell him that he should do his homework?
The answer is:
Dear sir/madame: I'm truly deeply sorry... but you've not made any point.
Your comment provides no insight or meaningful contribution to the discussion at hand. You arbitrarily reference another, very popular game franchise in an attempt (albeit a failed and long-since-original way) to discredit the idea. If I have a book, then I ought to be able to read it. A system that adequately can age the player over the course of years? Why not? They already have a system that can age the face... all it would take is making it so that the actual BODY could grow in size (and age in texture). If you feel this is 'too much' and 'exaggerated'... then I regret to inform you but, you're incorrect.
It happens to the best of us.
PS: Whenever you begin an argument with "What all you (insert stereotype here) want..." as your first words, you've already lost.
The Colonel.
Unsure - I think having children takes up a huge amount of programming time- there are decisions to be made about romance, what sort of dialogue is engaged in, then if you are playing a female character do you become pregnant - if so that would be difficult to carry on doing quests - if male having a partner who doesn't complain about you putting your life on the line every day but is just a blank NPC is not very immersive - once the child is born do your quests change - find some cloth diapers, bathe the baby?
I think it is just too hard for anyone to do properly - its hard enough in real life
I agree with you.
I think it would almost exclusively need to be done in mods. But then again, this is the General Discussion forum... so if we want to work out what would need to be included in such a mod, this would be precisely the place to do it. Discussion among intelligent individuals is precisely the way that big, new, and exciting things get done. If you have ideas about how you think it could be done, or what it would take to make it work... this is the place to share them. Without this kind of input, nobody really has a leg to stand on when it comes to making something like this happen.
It really stopped being about Bethesda doing this on the first page or two. We all know it wouldn't really happen.
Now it's just the difficult process of running off the folks who make it impossible to discuss the idea rationally, so that an actual conversation can be had.
Thanks for contributing!
Sorry for being so direct, but this idea is kinda stupid... Though you all can mod it freely, it 100% won't be in-game.
Sorry for being so direct... but your reply is kinda stupid. Though you can feel free to mod it out, it 100% won't contribute anything to the discussion or the topic.
I work alone.
Awesome story, mate!
I work with a few guys I knew back in my young adventurer days. One of them is this vampire... but he's pretty cool. He's got a fairly good grip on his habit... and so long as we keep him fed, he doesn't draw much attention from the local hunters.
I think ill be a bit busy saving the world to pretend im playing some garbage like fable.
I think I'll be a bit too busy correcting spelling and pointing out poorly-formulated arguments (or lack thereof, since this isn't really an argument, but a statement about a completely separate game with absolutely no relevance to The Elder Scrolls what-so-ever). Capitalize "I"... add an apostrophe. I'm. I'm playing. Also, Fable is capitalized.
TES and having children don't really mix in my book :-/ though fable 2 did really ruin it for me when my son just stood in the same place for a couple years.
Your experience with Fable 2 doesn't really apply, here... as this is not Fable. It's Bethesda's baby, The Elder Scrolls.
While you can rest assured that it won't actually happen, the fact of the matter is that if it ever -does-... it will no doubt be done in a way which actively makes the game entertaining. Otherwise, it'll get cut out. (Like spears, apparently, the bastards...)
Anyhow, I've addressed everything up to this point, I think? Yes... good!
I'll pop back in a bit later, hopefully with some more thoughts on ways to make the whole thing work without sacrificing playability.