... keep an eye on the Bethesda store maybe Monday or so. I just canceled my order with them after mounting frustrations. They NEVER respond to tickets. I had sent them a ticket asking if my order would be delivered ON release day or later. Nothing. I paid through my teeth in shipping ($28) hoping for the package to get here on the 10th. I'm checking the status of my order and it says this:
Something minor is holding up your order (probably your shipping address). Please double check your shipping information and contact Customer Service so we can get your order out without further delay.
My address is fine, it matches my Paypal confirmed address that I used to pay for this. So I ended up just telling them to cancel the order. So at least one of those pip-boy editions will pop up for you guys later. I'll never buy from the Bethesda store again... that is for sure. They might make some solid games... but they sure as hell can't sell them right.