» Tue May 17, 2011 7:41 am
Don't be daunted by the game's leveling system. Guides nowadays tend to exaggerate, telling you that you have to do THIS in order to accomplish THIS and avoid THAT other thing. Well, just like most everyone else who fired up the game up on the day it was released, I picked a race, sign, specialty and set of skills out of my backside. I ended up with a sneaky Nord. I played that character for 250+ hours; she wasn't "optimal", but she succeeded, for the most part.
Efficient leveling may be for the birds, as Mpls Big Daddy states. That's really up to the individual, but I'll say that it certainly isn't for the newcomer to the game. It's a meta-gaming method, and requires some familiarity with how the system works before you can implement it really well. For now, just pick stuff you think you'll like, and play. You don't have to get it "right" the first time. You probably won't, anyway. You'll probably need to mess around with all of the skills before you really get a feel for what type of hero you enjoy playing ther most, which probably means restarting a few times with different races, skills, etc.
Just jump into the pool. The water's fine. We can't really tell you what's "best" before you have any familiarity with anything, and you wouldn't want us to tell you afterwards, because you may have your own ideas about what works best by that time.
However, I *would* avoid Alchemy and Conjuration as Major skills to start out. They do fly up way too quickly, and may deprive you of increases to other important stats.
I'll just leave it at that.
Jump in, and have fun.