Well if we're on the topic of superfluous additions to the game, then we might as well remove the graphics and sound.
You know, other than rendering the entire world and setting ambiance? Yeah, totally Superfluous...
Why are there soul gem fragments?Why are there many different kind of shoes?Do we need a transmute spell?An RPG stands or falls with how well fleshed out and colourful a world is.Not having a lot of water is no reason to remove waterwalk.Im not even going to begin on the open spell, which also should never have been removed.For roleplaying reasons.Sancutuary, open, lock, levitate, slowfall, jump, detect key. All the others and the way in which nothing is customisable anymore.I miss them all.Dragon Age 1 has a more varied and utalitarian magic system.Than a TES game.Now you can sit here till the goat of the allmaker's bells have rung and say everything is just fine.But that is wrong.
Props exist to set part of the scenes in the storytelling direction Bethesda chose to go with in this game. That was part of their design goal, and they pulled it of well. Not to mention some of those props are needed for some gathering or crafting skills.
Transmuting serves as gaming convenience, since Gold Ore doesn't grow on trees.
And while RPGs do stand on how well fleshed out the world setting is, waterwalking doesn't contribute to that. It's always been a utilitarian spell, and in a game where that utility is rendered severely lacking, it can be very well why it didn't make the cut.
Sanctuary was removed once again for reasons of functional gameplay, for the same reasons Unarmoured was removed-they both modified the chance of you getting hit, which went away with the combat system in Oblivion and Skyrim.
Slowfall and Jump I have no real answer for, though. Levitation was removed due to it pretty much being a iwin button against anything that couldn't hit you from ranged in Morrowind.
Lock...was entirely and utterly useless. Detect key and detect Enchantment are another mystery to me.
All in all, this may be an RPG, but there is still a G that comes into play-something that many seem to forget.
You seem to be clueless in the fact that this is a Single Player RPG game, and people will Role-Play their character. Its all about flavor, why would a mage lower him/her self to the level of a base sub-human that is a thief when he should be using his arcane wit to disable a lock?Why should we have two handed, and single handed weapons? They both deal damage, one is obviously useless right? See the flaw in your logic yet?
Because Two handed and single handed weapon sets change your offensive and defensive toolset drastically?