I want my unlock spell :(

Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:41 pm

Someone with more dedication than me should start a thread compiling the list of spells that have been removed with no real reason. Enchants, too, suffer from this. I want my damn Ring of Light back!
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Brandon Wilson
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:42 pm

This has to be a joke because you can open master locks without spending a single point in Lockpicking.

You say that like the LP tree already isn't.

If the skill is already obsolete then why the need for a spell that just makes it a joke?

The point is that taking out waterwalk is undefendable.The one and only reason I can imagine is that there isnt a lot of water.But that is irrelevant.Im still forced to swim, when I should be able to waterwalk.Flavour.Roleplaying.Not cutting out everything but the bare skeleton.That is the point.

Why would they make a spell that has zero use other than for thematic (what many would call roleplay, but this is a single player game, so...) reasons?

There are no main water features that serve as a constant hindrance or a barrier of travel. Morrowind frequently had these, so waterwalking made sense then. But In Oblivion and Skyrim, there was so few water bodies that served as a barrier that the spell may as well as have never existed.

Any point of traversing water in this game is as quick as a swim across the pond or the river. Due to that they probably wouldn't spend time on making a spell that made that whole 2 seconds "more thematic" when they could have been doing other things.
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Steven Hardman
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:07 pm

Well if we're on the topic of superfluous additions to the game, then we might as well remove the graphics and sound.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:53 am

Yes, I too would like a spell that renders an entire perk tree useless.

The entire perk tree is useless anyways...
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:01 pm

If the skill is already obsolete then why the need for a spell that just makes it a joke?

Why would they make a spell that has zero use other than for thematic (what many would call roleplay, but this is a single player game, so...) reasons?

There are no main water features that serve as a constant hindrance or a barrier of travel. Morrowind frequently had these, so waterwalking made sense then. But In Oblivion and Skyrim, there was so few water bodies that served as a barrier that the spell may as well as have never existed.

Any point of traversing water in this game is as quick as a swim across the pond or the river. Due to that they probably wouldn't spend time on making a spell that made that whole 2 seconds "more thematic" when they could have been doing other things.

Why are there soul gem fragments?
Why are there many different kind of shoes?
Do we need a transmute spell?

An RPG stands or falls with how well fleshed out and colourful a world is.
Not having a lot of water is no reason to remove waterwalk.

Im not even going to begin on the open spell, which also should never have been removed.
For roleplaying reasons.

Sancutuary, open, lock, levitate, slowfall, jump, detect key.
All the others and the way in which nothing is customisable anymore.
I miss them all.

Dragon Age 1 has a more varied and utalitarian magic system.
Than a TES game.
Now you can sit here till the goat of the allmaker's bells have rung and say everything is just fine.
But that is wrong.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:38 pm

Why would they make a spell that has zero use other than for thematic (what many would call roleplay, but this is a single player game, so...) reasons?

Because, you know, it's fun, and this is an Elder Scrolls game?

Why are there baskets in the game? Carts? Light spell (which is useless because most places are pretty well-lit)? Etc.
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Nikki Morse
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:51 pm

If the skill is already obsolete then why the need for a spell that just makes it a joke?

Why would they make a spell that has zero use other than for thematic (what many would call roleplay, but this is a single player game, so...) reasons?

There are no main water features that serve as a constant hindrance or a barrier of travel. Morrowind frequently had these, so waterwalking made sense then. But In Oblivion and Skyrim, there was so few water bodies that served as a barrier that the spell may as well as have never existed.

Any point of traversing water in this game is as quick as a swim across the pond or the river. Due to that they probably wouldn't spend time on making a spell that made that whole 2 seconds "more thematic" when they could have been doing other things.

You seem to be clueless in the fact that this is a Single Player RPG game, and people will Role-Play their character. Its all about flavor, why would a mage lower him/her self to the level of a base sub-human that is a thief when he should be using his arcane wit to disable a lock?

Why should we have two handed, and single handed weapons? They both deal damage, one is obviously useless right?

See the flaw in your logic yet?
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Setal Vara
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:38 pm

Well if we're on the topic of superfluous additions to the game, then we might as well remove the graphics and sound.


You know, other than rendering the entire world and setting ambiance? Yeah, totally Superfluous...

Why are there soul gem fragments?Why are there many different kind of shoes?Do we need a transmute spell?An RPG stands or falls with how well fleshed out and colourful a world is.Not having a lot of water is no reason to remove waterwalk.Im not even going to begin on the open spell, which also should never have been removed.For roleplaying reasons.Sancutuary, open, lock, levitate, slowfall, jump, detect key. All the others and the way in which nothing is customisable anymore.I miss them all.Dragon Age 1 has a more varied and utalitarian magic system.Than a TES game.Now you can sit here till the goat of the allmaker's bells have rung and say everything is just fine.But that is wrong.

Props exist to set part of the scenes in the storytelling direction Bethesda chose to go with in this game. That was part of their design goal, and they pulled it of well. Not to mention some of those props are needed for some gathering or crafting skills.

Transmuting serves as gaming convenience, since Gold Ore doesn't grow on trees.

And while RPGs do stand on how well fleshed out the world setting is, waterwalking doesn't contribute to that. It's always been a utilitarian spell, and in a game where that utility is rendered severely lacking, it can be very well why it didn't make the cut.

Sanctuary was removed once again for reasons of functional gameplay, for the same reasons Unarmoured was removed-they both modified the chance of you getting hit, which went away with the combat system in Oblivion and Skyrim.

Slowfall and Jump I have no real answer for, though. Levitation was removed due to it pretty much being a iwin button against anything that couldn't hit you from ranged in Morrowind.

Lock...was entirely and utterly useless. Detect key and detect Enchantment are another mystery to me.

All in all, this may be an RPG, but there is still a G that comes into play-something that many seem to forget.

You seem to be clueless in the fact that this is a Single Player RPG game, and people will Role-Play their character. Its all about flavor, why would a mage lower him/her self to the level of a base sub-human that is a thief when he should be using his arcane wit to disable a lock?Why should we have two handed, and single handed weapons? They both deal damage, one is obviously useless right? See the flaw in your logic yet?

Because Two handed and single handed weapon sets change your offensive and defensive toolset drastically?
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Batricia Alele
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:40 pm


Because Two handed and single handed weapon sets change your offensive and defensive toolset drastically?

Long blade, short blade, spears, axes, blunt, unarmed..
Also did that.
Also removed for reasons I do not agree with.

Redundant and superfluous just should have no place in the vocabulary of people who design games like these.
Why are Daggerfall and Morrowind still playable after a decade?
Because the 'redundant and superfluous' features allow a wholly different playstyle each time around, and because it is fun to toy with things in the game other than just go: Into cave, out of cave, next, and dont forget generic chest#45.

I have played Skyrim for 3 weeks now and already know it wont have the shelflife of Morrowind, or Daggerfall.
Its a good dungeon crawler, but it lacks flesh around those bones.

Oh, and for detect key: In Morrowind I have played many a mystic without a high alteration skill.
Finding keys in dungeons if you dont have alteration and cant pick locks is a good thing.
In Skyrim you can play only one type of magic user, instead of the dozens of builds of Morrowind and Daggerfall.

That is loss.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 6:10 am

Waterwalking needs to come back....NAO
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Emily Rose
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:50 pm

Why would they make a spell that has zero use other than for thematic (what many would call roleplay, but this is a single player game, so...) reasons?

Why is there a magelight spell? Turn up your brightness. Why is there followers when there are conjuration spells? Why are there resurrection spells when you could use frenzy or healing hands? Why is there telekinesis when you could drag the object or use the good ol bucket? It doesn't need to serve a useful purpose, just be cool. Kind of like the Fire Breath Shout. Pointless for a mage, but rather amusing using the power of a dragon because it makes you feel badass.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:29 pm

Could just make it cost 600 mana without 1/2 perk. Completely unsusable for anyone but pure mages.

And they didn't "make" anything. Lockpick was always there, as far as I remember. And "open lock", strangely, never made me learn a magic school when I wasn't playing a pure mage.

The perk is yet another loop-hole to exploit. Mages. Need. Limits.

Oh, so how did that skill get there? I was "made," correct?

It's all for balance.
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lillian luna
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 3:59 pm

Because Two handed and single handed weapon sets change your offensive and defensive toolset drastically?

No they don't.

Adding a shield might, but the differences between the 2 weapons do not change defensive capabilities at all, only adding a shield does.

But I digress, the point flew so far above your head I'm not going to bother replying to you anymore.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:01 pm

They made an entire skill for this. I'm glad magic has been reduced, cause otherwise, all the magic characters are unstoppable. Now they have some darned limits.

Merari, they ain't Jesus.

It just results in all Mage characters becoming professional lockpickers. It's not like you really need perks to do that well anyway. :shrug:

As a Mage you could limit yourself for RP reasons and just leave all locked chests alone (knowing very well you could easily unlock them) but that's just silly.
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:12 pm

The perk is yet another loop-hole to exploit. Mages. Need. Limits.

Oh, so how did that skill get there? I was "made," correct?

It's all for balance.

Why? I don't believe they do. Im from the old school D&D point of view. A warrior starts out strong, but caps out very quickly. A mage starts out as a wimpy pushover and will end up rivaling gods.

What other ending can happen when you pit one guy who can fly, fire lightening bolts from his fingers, against a dude in armor with a sword? I dont care how good of a swordsman you are, Mages are the fantasy equivalent of a machine-gun, and the warriors brought a sword to a gunfight.
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louise tagg
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 7:04 am

Really? I just have my companion unlock chests for me, who woulda thunk it.
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Lakyn Ellery
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:54 pm

Please put this back in the game. I play a pure mage and i HATE the fact that i have to lower myself to manual labor to open a box.

Thank you.

Do thieves quest until you get skeleton key. Don't finish that quest. Just run around with the unbreakable lockpick. Laugh at the plebs like a good Mage should.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:30 pm

Waaaahhhh this thread forces me to answer...-.-

I'm mainly a player who likes characters that can do nearly everything...it takes alot of time and I'm rethinking my choices anyway...I also like alot of saves actually :o

so....playing around with the game...doing stuff, that fills no real purpose other than: HAVING FUN
is what I do, and honestly, we all know that games are made for this one thing: FUN

and so those "useless" spells aren't useless, because people had fun with it.
I miss water walking, because when I play a mage I don't want my robes to get wet (it's also not immersive if you use an electric spell afterwards and won't get cooked XD)
I miss levitate and slow fall....why? just because I love those epic moments when I jump of a cliff just to settle down on the ground like a feather...yeah I know...I could use that free camera cheat, but then? my character hasn't done it then o.o and tbh this is about YOU playing your character not YOU playing with the game (even if some are playing with the game for fun but thats another point)
I loved the unlock spells, because it just felt better than using lockpicks....(and I didn't need to bring lockpicks with me)
I want stupid stuff to do as mage, because mages are magic and if I can do magic stuff I want to do more than rely on it for fighting.....because specially in the beginning...mages are bad at that.
Those little spells, which follows no sense are simply for entertainment, maybe for making epic screenshots.....maybe also for the time when you aren't an imba mage...

btw....who started with that damn balance? wtf are all those people thinking about, what balance is? everyone doing the same damage, have the same chances etc.?

pff....I tell you something: if you "balance" a game correctly, it won't be fair to anyone, because it steals the freedom to be better than others :P
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Jerry Jr. Ortiz
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:59 pm

The perk is yet another loop-hole to exploit. Mages. Need. Limits.

It's all for balance.

Sure thing. Make armor affect the efficiency of spells, and make mages fragile (<Do not dumb magic into oblivion. The feeling of being "a mage" has severely degraded from Morrowind to Skyrim.

...well, for xbox users. I still have my hopes that there will be a way to add new effects when CK comes out and/or when people get used to creating new scripts.
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Chad Holloway
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:42 am

Wow people want mages to be Gods , walk in the water and instantly open master locks , why not enslave Daedric Gods and go thru walls too?...
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 5:44 pm

you can have your lockpick spell back when I get my sneak ability to destroy something with a huge fireball. Ooooooooooooh wait see how that doesn't really make sense
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 9:33 pm

Wow people want mages to be Gods , walk in the water and instantly open master locks , why not enslave Daedric Gods and go thru walls too?...

or they simply don't want them only to be a firethrower....and those spells most people are talking about, were there before skyrim :o so why have they just "deleted" them?

honestly...it's similar to the acrobatics skill thats missing now, people liked to learn running faster, jump higher or be able to fall down from heights without taking damage, that wasn't useful the whole time, but people liked it and used it, even if it was just used for climbing mountains.
so "mages spells" wouldn't be only for mages too btw. if you can water walk, you can sneak upon water. You can't do that while swimming.
or slow fall, is a skill useful if you dont want to walk down the complete mountain, but just jump from it O.o

and everyone could use that spells :o so where is the problem?

are people complaining about that they don't want to "roleplay" their warrior with magic abilities?:P

I don't understand the problem^^"
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Calum Campbell
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:26 am

Wow people want mages to be Gods , walk in the water and instantly open master locks , why not enslave Daedric Gods and go thru walls too?...

Honestly, I don't remember my mage being a "God" in Oblivion or, especially, Morrowind. And Open Lock spell never made me levelup alteration with a thief or warrior.
Seriously, people, you never played previous games in the series???
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TIhIsmc L Griot
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 10:05 pm

Yes, I too would like a spell that renders an entire perk tree useless.

Don't like it, don't pick it. Skyrim is not a multiplayer game, so who cares?

Why do people try and justify the removal of content that adds variety to the game? Its infuriating.

you can have your lockpick spell back when I get my sneak ability to destroy something with a huge fireball. Ooooooooooooh wait see how that doesn't really make sense

And this isn't even worth a reply, so: :facepalm:
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Hussnein Amin
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 8:17 am

I agree that unlock spell should be in the game.

It makes absolute zero sense for the Arch-Mage of Winterhold who can conjure up atronachs, melt a dragon's face YET
have to use MUNDANE lockpicks to open a locked chest. The tower stone is no excuse at all for not having this spell.
Leave the lockpicks to the thiefs and shadier characters. I AM A MAGE!! Doors open at a swish of my hands, countries burn at a snap of my fingers!! lol

Anyway, im convinced this is a [censored] BUG and not a feature at all.
If it really is a feature, then Bethesda really is dumbing down magic in Skyrim.

I DETEST the lockpicking skill so much (as a mage), that i swear that once this BUG is fixed, or if a unlock spell mod is released,
i will remove all lockpicking skills i have via the console, and reduce 3 levels to compensate the amount of "exp" earned thru lockpicking.
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