Yeah I know that. I like the little level up menu and everything though. And how do you add your multipliers if its natural???
It increases your attributes as you go -- no multipliers are necessary. Just a totally different system. But it sounds like it's not what you want, as it does take that element out of the game.
It sounds like you may want to check out some other options. Check the Character Development Mods guide in the link in my signature -- I wrote a guide sort of canvassing them all, so you should be able to find something that sounds good to you there. Let me know if anything in it is unclear.
I don't like that I can't level up Luck.
In GCD? It does improve, if I recall correctly at the average rate of all other skills or something like that. But it does go up.
Erm, you've confused me there.

ISM stand alone will increase your school skills, but these skills will not count towards when the player levels up. (so if ISM gives you 5 skill increases, you won't get the level up screen in vanilla)
ISM with the GCD patch will cause it to level your character up.
ISM without the patch, erm, I think causes GCD to keep resetting ISM's skill increases.
EDITED: :confused:
Okay. I understand that.
For clarity:
1) ISM without GCD makes it so many magic skill gains do not count for leveling purposes.
2) Mage-type characters depend on magic skill gains for leveling.
3) This means mage-type characters will lose out on some leveling.
4) If I have this correct, then an ISM character with X in magic skills (that have been chosen as major/minor) will be of lower level than an equivalent non-ISM character with the same skills.
5) Overall, the character will have a lower under ISM, than a non-ISM character. Possibly a considerably lower one.
6) If ISM's magic skill gains don't count for attribute multipliers at level-up, the player will lose out on attribute gain as well. I am not sure if this is the case.
7) If [6] is true, he will also have a lower max. Int/Wil/Per than a character under vanilla, and may possibly have difficulty reaching 100
This is what I'm trying to figure out, so I can properly reflect it in the guide. Personally, it would never be a concern for me, because I use GCD. But it might be worthwhile for a player using the vanilla leveling system (or one close enough to it) to have a better idea of the impact before starting a game, and I *think* I have an idea of it but wanted to check with you.
If what I have written is not true, or if they only have a small effect, no problem, and it is worthwhile to make sure. But, since I'm a bit short on time to run a vanilla test game to check for myself, I was hoping you could answer from your experience in writing the mod.