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The danger with any levelling system is that eventually you will become overpowered,GCD should ensure that you wont become 'uber' too quickly and you will be more appreciative when you do level.

Actually, what's funny is that I sort of dread seeing the level go up in my charsheet, as I think, oh no, the powerlevel is getting ratcheted up... more nix hound mastiffs charging at me at 115 MPH and chopping my health down in three bites, and more UBER rats ("UBER" being actually part of their object ID -- it's MWA's nasties) placidly waiting to suddenly attack as I pass by, showing me that sometimes nix hound mastiffs hide in rat's clothing.

It's pretty sad when you have to rely on console-killing a rat at level 28 to avoid death-reload.
Long story short, combine it with another effective player-nerf mod (TAD Balancing) and difficulty-upping mods like Creatures and MWA, and there's no such thing as a safe stroll through the countryside...
Personally, I have been growing fond of Balor's Leveling System myself. I like the idea of having skill deterioration over time. I still haven't gotten to the point of having a long running game with it, but what I have seen so far I like it a lot. Also, it reduces the multiplier chase for me significantly, which I feel is good.
The elimination of the multiplier chase is a big relief in any of the chardev mods for sure. But you know, I didn't think I'd be able to say this, but Balor's skill atrophy is a bit too hardcoe even for me! And I usually like the stuff as hardcoe as it gets. But I shrink from that.
