WANTED: Character Page !

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:24 pm

A character page, where you can physically see how your character looks like would be awesome!
I find its kinda fulfilling to check how your character is doing and what he looks like it with all the time spent on him.
Most rpgs have complex character menus for that exact same reason.
A menu having some of the information that we can find in the game statistics, yet a little bit more intuitive, even Oblivion's was better in that way.
I am thinking here: A main chosen title, a list of emblem-like illustrations showing off achievements, guild positions, dragon shouts mastering, etc.
Another interesting add would be an alchemy book, where we could sort/see the ingredients(organised in different categories) from Skyirm as we collect them. Maybe even saying in what areas that ingrediant is available, etc.
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:04 pm

I would like that very much too. A rotatable graphic of your character; perhaps a list of his armor rating; weapon and damage; maybe even a list of his skill rankings. Right now, they are, quite literally, all over the place.

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Betsy Humpledink
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:29 pm

Know what would be nice is a character selection screen. With the saves for that character only. Kind of like a MMO preview screen. The Current format svcks. Works just svcks.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:02 pm

Agreed, there was someth9ing to be said abut being able to see the rewards you had earned from all the various factions.
Such as being known as the Grand CHampion, or a Guild Grandmaster, Champion of Cyrodil. I miss being able to designate myself as a class. I am not saying bring back the Major/Minor skills, the skill system is fine but a summary page would make it easier to review a character in progress. Currently you need to bring up 3-4 menus (probably more) to figure out your character skill sets and stats.
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Colton Idonthavealastna
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:07 pm

For PC gamers I see it coming with the modders. But we need one for consoles too!!!!
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oliver klosoff
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:45 am

Yeah, I miss the character view in the menus.

Going into third person and rotating the camera around only works if you're weapons are unequipped, but I want to see my character with their magic in one hand and a sword/mace/axe, etc. in the other.
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Imy Davies
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:52 pm

Totally agree with you Dyosis. Anything towards making our character progress look more intuitive. World of Warcraft is so popular because its interface is extremely user-friendly and intuitive (achievements, character page, etc.)
Kinda gets you more into the whole rpg element.
Maybe have a book with you with all this information inside lol.
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Monika Fiolek
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:47 am

I always play in third person so its not as big a deal but it would be cool. Also would be cool to have characters tied to a web page like dragon age.
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GEo LIme
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:23 am

Know what would be nice is a character selection screen. With the saves for that character only. Kind of like a MMO preview screen. The Current format svcks. Works just svcks.

Having something like Dragon Age where you can select/switch a character to view their saves only would be nice.
As it is... I save through the console with name first and then whatever is going on. i.e. /save Name_1stDragon or something so I know who and what I'm loading if I go back to an older game or switch characters without having to click through them all.

But a single stats page would be nice. I'd like to see more random stats too in the general section. Ya know, how many 'mob a's killed and the like. Seems to be Oblivion's had more random stuff listed than Skyrim. Luckily I play on the pc :)
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